Make an appointment again next year! Guangzhou Auto Show closed today, attracting 690,000 visitors in ten days.

Reporter Zhang Aili reports: Today (25th), the 16th Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Auto Show") closed, and the ten-day exhibition attracted 690,000 visitors. The auto show focuses on the integrated development of electrification, intelligence and networking, looks forward to a new era of continuous changes in travel modes caused by new technologies such as electric drive, artificial intelligence and mobile internet, and shows the beautiful vision of human beings for future car life in the new era of technological change.

The Guangzhou Auto Show closed today, attracting 690,000 people to watch the exhibition in ten days.

Seven-seat cars have attracted much attention.

On the day of the closing ceremony, the auto show was still popular, and at around 12 noon, the crowds still lined up. The reporter saw that it coincided with the weekend, and many families went into battle together. Especially with the liberalization of the two-child policy, seven SUV and MPV models were more favored by consumers, and some parents took their children to the auto show to have a real car experience.

As a large-scale comprehensive international automobile exhibition, Guangzhou Auto Show attracted the attention of global automobile enterprises. The total scale of this year’s Guangzhou Auto Show reached 240,000 square meters, and the total number of cars exhibited reached 1,085, including 48 first cars in the world, 6 first cars from multinational companies and 28 concept cars. On the day of Media Day, 84 press conferences were held, and 9,971 journalists from 2,473 domestic and foreign media participated in the coverage of the exhibition.

As the release stage of car companies’ strategic planning for the next year, the intelligent network connection is very popular at the just-concluded Guangzhou Auto Show in 2018. Almost all independent brands take car interaction and intelligent network connection as their main features, and this trend has even extended to models below 100,000 yuan.

The Guangzhou Auto Show closed today, attracting 690,000 people to watch the exhibition in ten days.

New energy vehicles become a new kinetic energy for the growth of the automobile market.

It is worth noting that the new energy vehicle technology represented by electric vehicles has been widely recognized by the automobile industry. The data shows that in October 2018, the domestic new energy vehicle market sold 138,000 vehicles, an increase of 51%; From January to October, it sold 860,000 vehicles, with an increase of 75.6%; It is expected to exceed 1 million vehicles in the whole year, and the sales volume will reach more than 50% in the world. New energy smart cars have gone through the initial stage of development. With the continuous support of national policies, continuous technological breakthroughs and gradual improvement of the industrial chain, they are welcoming a new round of explosive growth, and will become the new kinetic energy for the transformation and upgrading of China’s automobile industry.

The above trend is reflected in the booth layout of this Guangzhou Auto Show and the number of new energy vehicles on display. According to the organizing committee, at this auto show, 150 new energy vehicles were exhibited by participating auto companies at home and abroad, including 44 from foreign companies. The exhibition attracted mainstream electric vehicle companies at home and abroad, such as Tesla, BMW, GAC, FAW and BYD.

The reporter also learned from the organizing committee that the 17th Guangzhou International Automobile Exhibition will be held in the exhibition hall of China Import and Export Fair from November 22nd to December 1st, 2019 (November 22nd is media day).

G.E.M.’s new album "Gloria" MV goes online to open the road of love enlightenment with music.

Today, G.E.M. G.E.M.’s new album "Apocalypse", a music series based on the concept of meta-universe, released its first MV "Gloria". The pious heart under the illusion and disillusionment of the wilderness … Just 4 minutes, let the audience immerse themselves in the grand meta-universe world, marvel at the fantastic visual wonders, and be curious about the complex feelings of G.E.M. G.E.M.. After a lapse of three years, G.E.M. G.E.M. officially returned with his new album, and delivered the answer sheet to the fans personally, not only as a singer, but also as a producer, screenwriter and producer.

At present, G.E.M. G.E.M.’s new music album "Revelation" will release the song MV at 12 noon every Tuesday and Friday. As an unprecedented music series album in Chinese music, 14 story MVs written and performed by G.E.M. G.E.M. will lead fans to immerse themselves in this fantastic dream, which is definitely worth looking forward to.

The first song "Gloria" is full of suspense. G.E.M. G.E.M. sings love and courage.

As the first major song of 14 music series, accompanied by G.E.M’s shallow singing and crooning, the huge world view and super audio-visual effect of "Gloria" MV enabled the audience to indulge in infinite reverie about this fantastic feast. In a dark and desolate wasteland, Gloria(G.E.M G.E.M.) wears a dark gray cloak, surrounded by broken walls, and it is silent. She looked at the familiar billboard "Welcome to AFTERLAND" and knew that she would never go back. Gloria walked through the wasteland, crossed the black sand and came to the seaside, praying in despair. Just as she fell to her knees on the sea, the sea actually parted to both sides, and the waves rose from the ground and towering into a wall. The door of revelation was officially opened from this moment … The grand and shocking scene was in stark contrast to Gloria’s lonely and small figure, which directly hit the sensitive and fragile hearts of the public. And what is the reason behind this scene? The mystery of the story is full of expectations.

In terms of music, this time G.E.M. G.E.M. created the background color of a different world wasteland with flowing electronic timbre; The combination of 808 and harmony in the chorus seems to be a simple but deafening call; Coupled with the progression of electric guitar and strings, G.E.M. G.E.M.’s ethereal singing is very penetrating, as if she could see Gloria’s redemption light falling from the sky when she was desperate, which brought her endless relief and guidance. "Don’t be afraid of Gloria, there is no fear in Gloria’s love" is a lyric that runs through the whole song. It is not only G.E.M. G.E.M.’s inner monologue to encourage herself, but also her brave strength to the struggling world. No matter how the world changes, only self-love can not be defeated. As long as you believe in the guidance of love, you will eventually dispel the haze and usher in the dawn.

G.E.M. G.E.M.’s "detail control" strives for perfection and overcomes many difficulties only for the perfect presentation of the album.

"Really make the visual effect to the extreme, and you can make wallpaper with screenshots!" "The aesthetics presented in" Gloria "is like a fantasy movie, and it has been immersed in the sacred mythological atmosphere." The first MV of Revelation conveys an unprecedented sacred atmosphere and texture, which not only has a magnificent imagination detached from reality, but also connects dreams with reality. In order to achieve the dreamy effect like a movie, G.E.M. G.E.M. and his production team spent three years in preparation and polishing, and spared no effort and material resources. The cost of album production and music series production was as high as 25 million RMB, and the cost of the first song "Gloria" alone was more than 5 million RMB. Every link was striving for perfection, and its spirit of Excellence was self-evident.

Because all the pictures in the MV of "Gloria" took place in the wasteland constructed by multiple elements, and were detached from the realistic concrete scenes, G.E.M. G.E.M. resolutely decided to go to Qinghai to take photos and make up shots in order to perfectly present the vast future vision and give fans a real sense of reality. If you can’t get there directly, you will change planes many times, if you are in a remote place, you will use the walkie-talkie without a signal, and if you are pressed for time, you will only sleep for 2-4 hours … All the hardships and efforts have become the enthusiasm of G.E.M. G.E.M. under the goal of "perfection" of the album. On the 4th of August, the celebration in Qinghai coincided with the birthday of G.E.M. G.E.M., and the unexpected coincidence also gave the album special wishes and expectations.

During the three years of preparing the album, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, with viruses, wars and economic depression ….. Everyone is walking in the desert, longing for the redemption of love. G.E.M. G.E.M. perceives the world in a musician’s way, and takes "love" as the core proposition of his album to explore the value of "self-love" and "being loved" in life. Just as the question put forward in the final preview before, "If perfection only exists in the virtual world, will you love the real me?" When the contradiction between perfection and truth is constantly expanding, the virtual world becomes the last utopia, and the promised land is like a mirror, reflecting all kinds of real world. Accepting the true self and bravely accepting being loved has become a valuable courage. With the release of the first song "Gloria", G.E.M. G.E.M.’s new album has officially entered a period of close release, and several versions of the physical album are about to meet with you.

G.E.M. G.E.M.’s brand-new immersive music series album "Apocalypse" was officially serialized on August 9, and the MV was released at 12 noon every Tuesday and Friday, and 14 brand-new singles will be released within 7 weeks. Starting from the wasteland in despair, but being reborn in the boundless sea ….. This journey of revelation about love begins.

The soul of the army is immortal, and the glory will stay forever. In 2020, the "most beautiful retired soldiers" was released!

Once in the army, the soul of the army is deep into the bone. Generations of revolutionary soldiers have made important contributions to national independence, national liberation and socialist modernization with blood, life, wisdom and sweat.

  A word "to" means a lifetime. Whether dressed in military uniforms to defend the country or taking off military uniforms, retired soldiers have written wonderful chapters on all fronts: on the road to winning a well-off society in an all-round way and fighting poverty, in the battle against the COVID-19 epidemic, in the forefront of flood control and disaster relief … … At the emergency moment that every country needs, they all charge ahead and practice the clank oath of "retiring and not fading, and building a new era" with actions.

  What we see in the retired soldiers is the simple brand of hard work, the heroic blood that came forward in times of crisis, the upright posture that keeps its true colors forever, and the infinite power for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!




  They dare to charge, be brave in dedication, have a sense of responsibility and mission, overcome layers of difficulties and obstacles, and forge ahead in times of national crisis. They are the silhouette of a group, reflecting the spirit of the times when the vast number of veterans are based on all walks of life and devoted to social construction; They are a bright banner, showing the excellent qualities of Do not forget your initiative mind, a retired soldier, and keeping his mission in mind.

  Let’s walk into these shining names together and feel their sincere and unchanging Chinese military soul — —

Zhao Xiaoying

Head nurse of thoracic surgery department of army characteristic medical center

  She is a "desperate three mothers", Wenchuan earthquake relief has her firm figure, and helping Liberia fight Ebola has her solid footprint. After taking off her military uniform, she became a rehired employee. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, she took the initiative to apply for "aid to fight the epidemic in Hubei". As the first batch of medical team members, she went deep into the high-risk pollution wards of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital and Huoshenshan Hospital to participate in the rescue work. The ward where she served as the head nurse "has the highest cure rate, the lowest mortality rate, zero infection among medical staff and zero complaints from patients".

Wang Guohui

Secretary of the Party Branch of Tianying Village, Baiji Town, shenqiu county City, Henan Province

  After the outbreak of COVID-19 in Wuhan, on New Year’s Eve in 2020, veteran Wang Guohui chose to "go upstream" and drove 500 kilometers alone to deliver 5 tons of vegetables picked from his vegetable planting base to the construction site of Huoshenshan Hospital under construction. Having served in Wuhan for 17 years, he has long regarded it as his second hometown. His hometown is in trouble, and he is duty-bound to go through fire and water! After that, he sent "love vegetables" to Wuhan twice regardless of his personal safety. He built a "love bridge" between Shenqiu and Wuhan, showing the feelings of the retired soldiers about their home country.

Kuang Yuanping

Chairman of Hubei Yanhuang Group

  At the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, Kuang Yuanping, who was visiting relatives in Australia, was held up in Sydney due to flight interruption. Affectionate for the motherland, he actively called for the establishment of an overseas Chinese anti-epidemic coordination group in Australia, and sent an initiative to overseas Chinese businessmen and overseas Chinese communities in 78 countries to raise a large number of urgently needed medical materials, and spent 10 million yuan to send the materials to Wuhan twice by charter flights. He also mobilized the affiliated enterprises and employees of the Group to donate money and materials to support nearly 500 hospitals, isolation points and communities in Hubei Province, showing the true feelings of a retired veteran and the responsibility of outstanding entrepreneurs.

Ding guonian

Chairman of Zhejiang Guohua Group Co., Ltd.

  After retiring, Ding Guonian developed a small enterprise into a group enterprise with total assets of 7.5 billion yuan. Since the establishment of the company, he has always adhered to the development concept of "retired soldiers are valuable human resources" and adhered to the principle of "giving priority to the recruitment of retired soldiers", creating a cultural atmosphere of respecting, worshiping and invalidating the army in the enterprise. Up to now, he has recruited more than 2,000 retired soldiers. He took the initiative to assume social responsibility, and when he became rich, he did not forget to give back to Mulberry, help the needy and donate money to study, with a total donation of more than 260 million yuan. During the epidemic spread in COVID-19, he also actively rushed to organize donations and materials, which contributed to the fight against the epidemic.

Yu Wenxian

Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Dean of Shanghai Beidou Navigation Innovation Research Institute

  Yu Wenxian, known as the founder of "China Precision" and the "pilot" of Beidou navigation, has led a research team to achieve a series of achievements in radar target recognition, remote sensing information processing, integrated navigation and positioning technology, and made outstanding contributions to key technologies of defense, equipment development and industrialization in China. After retiring, he promoted the establishment of the Institute of Perception and Navigation in Shanghai Jiaotong University, undertook major projects such as the application demonstration project of Beidou satellite navigation in the Yangtze River Delta, led the establishment of the key laboratory of Beidou navigation and location service and intelligent detection and identification, and devoted himself to solving the core technical problems in Beidou navigation and location service, with remarkable scientific research results.

Joe Sun

Xinjiang entry-exit frontier inspection station Hong Qi La Fu entry-exit

Border checkpoint police

  Sun Chao, who joined the army at the age of 17 and became a frontier soldier in Hongqilafu, Xinjiang, gave up the high demobilization fee because of the army reform, and chose to be a grassroots policeman at the entry-exit frontier inspection station in Hongqilafu. He stayed on the Pamirs at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters for 24 consecutive years. Although "being a soldier is at the edge of the horizon", in order to let his comrades stationed in the "forbidden area of life" eat fresh vegetables, he taught himself agricultural knowledge, overcame the key technical problems of vegetable planting in the alpine region, successfully planted more than 36 kinds of vegetables, built 8 vegetable greenhouses, and created the "Wan Ren Ice Peak, Ten acres of Jiangnan" green mile!

Chen bingjin

Chief Engineer of Sichuan Chuanjiao Seed Industry Technology Co., Ltd.

  Chen Bingjin, an agricultural science popularization person who walks in the field, is a "farmer scientist who came out of the pepper field". After retiring from the army and returning to the countryside, determined to change poverty with science and technology, he studied hard, asked for advice with an open mind, worked hard in school and worked hard in middle school, overcame difficulties such as lack of funds and technical resources, and with his strong perseverance and firm belief brought by his five-year military career, he independently overcame scientific research problems in the pepper field, bred more than 70 new pepper varieties, obtained 11 invention patents in the pepper field, boosted the scientific and technological progress in China’s pepper field, and wrote his own legend from farmer to scientist!

Dong bojun

Secretary of the Party Branch of Qinghai Lizhan Law Firm

  After retiring, Dong Bojun’s fine style, which has always been tempered by the green military camp, affects his practice process. He loves his job and pays attention to social responsibility, puts forward the service concept of "working in the law firm and dedicating to the grassroots", and goes deep into military camps, communities, rural areas and schools to carry out legal preaching and legal consultation on a voluntary basis all the year round. He never forgets the kindness of military education and training, and provides free consultation and training for all legal affairs involving active servicemen and retired servicemen. He has made important contributions to the economic development and social stability of Qinghai Province, and is called "a full-fledged iron-mouthed lawyer" by judicial personnel.

Wang changqun

Retired cadres of Yunnan Grain and Oil Transportation Company

  Wang Changqun, who joined the army at the age of 15, has participated in tasks such as liberating the southwest, eliminating bandits and defending the frontier. Later, she obeyed the organization’s arrangement to participate in local economic construction, took root in the border area with her husband, and made contributions to the construction and development of the border area. In the 1970s and 1980s, the war on the southwest border ignited, and she volunteered to be the leader of the condolences before the support. A family of six people went to the battlefield, and two sons fought bravely and died heroically. After retirement, she inherited the red family style, was enthusiastic about social undertakings, offered love for public welfare, helped fight the epidemic, and always adhered to the original nature of Communist party member and performed boundless love.

Jin yuguo

Chairman of Longyuanhong Fruit Distribution Co., Ltd., Jingning County, Gansu Province

  In line with the idea of "let everyone change their living methods", Jin Yuguo, after retiring, was under great pressure. During his tenure as village party secretary, he raised funds to set up wood distribution stations, carpet factories and brick and tile factories, which enabled more than 300 people in the village to find jobs at home and made his village one of the "10 Red Flag Villages" in the city. He also based on the advantages of local apple planting, seized the opportunity, took the lead in establishing an organic apple demonstration base, set up a professional cooperative, extended the industrial chain, created the "Longyuanhong" apple brand, promoted Jingning apples to be exported to more than 30 cities and 16 countries and regions in China, and led more and more villagers to start businesses and become rich.

He Jianzhong

Director of Jiangping Road Post Sub-office, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province

  After retiring, He Jianzhong became a grass-roots postman. Faced with the "boring" work of repeating sorting and delivery every day, he set himself the "three noes" work goal of "no mistakes, no omissions and no complaints", and worked diligently for 15 years, which was recognized by the masses; After serving as the director of Jiangping Road Sub-bureau, he once again established the "three noes" rule of "no complaining, no shrinking, no admitting defeat" and led the overall situation from the countdown of the city’s performance to the first place for 12 consecutive years. After being elected as the representative of the 11th to 13th National People’s Congress, he dutifully made suggestions and served the people’s livelihood, and made steady progress on the road of performing his duties.

Guoqiang Zhang

China FAW Group Co., Ltd. Vehicle Road Tester

  He used to be an automobile soldier. After retiring, he went to China’s largest commercial vehicle enterprise to become a vehicle inspector. He has been attached to the automobile for 37 years, and has grown from a layman who can only operate the steering wheel to a technical "vanguard" in the quality assurance post, and has also become an out-and-out "automobile veteran". In his work, he created his own learning method of "one look, two notes, three exercises and four summaries", and formulated a set of testing standards. The National Professional Skills Standard for Automobile Assemblers and Adjusters, which participated in the editing and presiding, became an industry textbook, contributing to the revitalization of national automobile brands.

chen weihua

State Taxation Administration of The People’s Republic of China Xicheng District Taxation Bureau

Deputy director of the first taxation office

  Chen Weihua, who was the 31st monitor of Zhang Side Class, brought the good idea, good style and good tradition of "green military camp" into "blue tax post" after retiring. He insisted on "serving the people", started as a grass-roots tax collector, actively studied and humbly asked for advice, and quickly grew into a business backbone; He performed his duties and was willing to contribute, strictly audited every deed tax business, established a standardized defense line, and saw through many illegal cases; He expanded "online and offline double assistance" to achieve zero complaints about tax service in ten years. During the COVID-19 epidemic, he actively explored the classified service mode and became a good "non-contact" tax practitioner. He is a lubricant between taxpayers and tax workers, a "service yardstick" in the eyes of colleagues, and a "Zhang Side wearing a tax badge".

Zhang Tianshui

Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province

Deputy stationmaster of sanfang qixiang fire rescue station

  In 2012, Zhang Tianshui, a sophomore, abandoned his pen and became a fire fighter. With the reform of the fire brigade, he took off his "olive green" and replaced it with "flame blue". He described his youth in the arduous task of defending the fire safety of the ancient buildings in Sanfang and Qixiang, and devoted himself to the glorious mission that the only fire rescue team in the country was responsible for raising and lowering the national flag in the provincial capital city. He set an example in training and practiced his skills hard; Fight bravely in fire fighting and rescue, and charge ahead. Zhang Tianshui, the hero of the post-90 s fire, vowed to be a firefighter with zero mistakes under the national flag!

Retired soldiers in Lujiang County, Anhui Province

Flood fighting and emergency assault team 1

  In the summer of 2020, Lujiang County, Anhui Province suffered a once-in-a-century flood. On July 22nd, the Shidaweilian section of Datong Town in this county suddenly burst its dike. At a critical moment, a retired military cadre (Wang Song) and four firefighters (Chen Lu, Chang Qing, Li Junjie and Li Shun) transferred from the former Armed Police Fire Brigade formed a flood fighting and emergency assault team to rescue the trapped people. In the emergency rescue, regardless of personal safety, they fight where the most dangerous is and where the most difficult is, and truly regard the front line of flood fighting and emergency rescue as a "whetstone" to show their mission responsibility. Chen Lu and Wang Song have been chased as martyrs.


Deputy Mayor of Chuanfangyu Town, Jizhou District, Tianjin

Concurrently secretary of the Party branch and village director of Maojiayu village.

  Twenty years ago, Maojiayu Village was a "bachelor village". After Li Suo retired, he voluntarily gave up the "iron rice bowl", led the villagers to start businesses, improve the living environment of the village, engage in tourism, run farmhouses to open homestays, build healthy leisure, cultural tourism and health care bases, and build an unknown backward village into a well-known "national agricultural tourism demonstration village", which not only made the "myth" from poor villages to tourism professional villages.

Potting Song

Party Secretary of Houbaligou Village, Zoucheng City, Shandong Province

  After leaving the army, Song Wei worked hard and became a local entrepreneur with small achievements. In 2005, facing the expectations of the villagers, he resolutely returned to the village as the branch secretary and took over the poor and backward mess in Houbaligou Village. After fifteen years of hard work, Song Wei, in accordance with the development idea of "leading by Party building, educating people by filial piety and benefiting the people by industry", United and led the villagers to vigorously develop the collective economy, forming the industrial pattern of commerce, science and technology, education, old-age care and eco-tourism in internet plus, resettling more than 20,000 people for employment and entrepreneurship, and making the village develop from initial debt to assets of more than 4 billion yuan, becoming a well-known civilized village.

Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" Poverty Alleviation Team

  Guizhou Anshun "Bing Zhi Shu" poverty alleviation team consists of seven retired military cadres, including Xiao Zhengqiang, Yang Shouliang, Lin Xiancai, Chu Daiyang, Lei Xingfa, Hu Kegui and Yang Bing. They kept their true colors as soldiers, continued to write about their feelings, played the vanguard and exemplary role of party member, a retired soldier, took off their uniforms and went to the "new battlefield" to fight poverty and overcome difficulties, leading the people in party member to become the "vanguard" in the decisive battle to fight poverty and build a well-off society in an all-round way. They promoted the rural industrial revolution, promoted grassroots social governance, and gradually grew into leaders of grassroots party building, maintainers of harmony and stability, and caring people of the people, which played an important role in demonstrating and leading Anshun’s economic and social development.


Bing Lianchang, a villager from Houtou, Qiaoshang Township, Huguan County, Shanxi Province

  After 22 years of training and education by the party and the army, although he took off his military uniform, he always maintained his true colors of sharing worries for the party, contributing to the country and serving the people. In 2018, he resigned as a journalist and volunteered to return to his hometown to serve as the company commander of Houtou Village. He devoted himself to the cause of poverty alleviation in his hometown and led Houtou Village to build roads to get rid of poverty. More than 3,500 meters long, with thousands of stone steps and more than 100,000 stones, Niu Hesong took three years to lead the villagers to "move the mountain from the foolish old man" and cut two tourist trails in the depths of Taihang Mountain, which opened the door to the development of tourism in Houtou Village and made the poor and backward mountain village uproot its roots and embark on the road to prosperity!

Shi bingqi

Dazhuang Village, Xingcun Town, hejian city City, Hebei Province

Party branch secretary and village director

  In February 2018, Shi Bingqi, who had retired from the post of deputy teacher, gave up the comfortable retirement life in Beijing and resolutely returned to his hometown to lead the villagers to a well-off society. He laid a solid foundation for party building and formed a unique "educational model of farmers’ ideological and political work"; In view of the stubborn diseases such as garbage, road water and illegal buildings in the village, he established 20 village rules and regulations to rectify the appearance of the village; In order to stop the unhealthy marriage customs, such as comparing people’s feelings and doing big things, he explored a new way of villagers’ self-management and constantly promoted the change of customs … … In just over two years, he led a "post-village" with a scattered team and frequent contradictions into an advanced, stable and civilized "benchmark village" and was affectionately called "senior university village official" by the people.

  They always keep their true colors and overcome difficulties, showing the style of veterans struggling for the first place; They dare to charge and dedicate themselves in times of crisis, demonstrating the mission of "if there is a war, they will return when they are called"; Their deeds are touching and inspiring, which will inspire the veterans to build a new era and gather strong positive energy to learn advanced and strive to be advanced.

  The release ceremony is divided into four chapters: Retrograde Expedition, Vow Silent, Ordinary Persistence, and Strength of Attacking. Through video display, interactive interviews and other links, we strive to present the advanced deeds and feelings of work and life of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" from all angles, and show the veteran spirit they always remember in their hearts.

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Host Crowd East, Wang Ning

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Wang Lida sang "Hold on"

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

Tashi Dhondup sang "There is a Love Constant".

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

A bugle performance

Children's voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Children’s voice recites "Who is the cutest person" (excerpt)

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

Ju Hongchuan sang "The Storm of Youth"

  This year coincides with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Chinese people’s Volunteer Army’s overseas operations to resist US aggression and aid Korea. The release ceremony also specially set up a tribute link, inviting three old heroes to the release ceremony, namely Huang Zhifu, Lin Bingyuan and Chang Zhiguo, to tell the heroic story of the volunteers who are not afraid of strong enemies and sacrifices, to accept the lofty respect of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and the audience, and to encourage the vast number of retired soldiers to follow the example of the old heroes, remember this magnificent history, inherit this spirit of promoting dedication, and pay tribute to the heroes and pay tribute.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

In 2020, "The Most Beautiful Retired Soldiers" paid tribute to three old heroes.

  Jiang Jianguo, Vice Minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Zhu Tianshu, Vice Minister of Veterans Affairs, and Bi Bin, Deputy Director of the Propaganda Bureau of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission, attended the ceremony and presented awards for the "Most Beautiful Veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the first group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

The awarding guests presented awards to the second group of "the most beautiful veterans" in 2020.

  They come from all walks of life, but they have the same name — — The most beautiful retired soldier. What they took off was the military uniform, and what they could not get rid of was the muscle memory of "charging forward" and the true colors of brave and determined soldiers. They showed their talents in times of crisis, without fear of fighting the tide of the times, and their advanced deeds spread all over the country, sketching out the most beautiful scenery of "serving the people".

  Join the army and defend the country; Retire and build a beautiful home. The transfer of the battlefield and the change of identity have not changed the true colors of the "most beautiful retired soldiers" revolutionary soldiers, the true colors of serving the people and the true colors of unremitting struggle. They have taken off their military uniforms and bid farewell to the army, and they are still shining in various fields, writing a new chapter in their lives and careers with their own words and deeds!

  Retirement does not fade, loyalty and courage, tonight, let us pay tribute to the "most beautiful retired soldiers" and witness the glory of "veterans"!

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

The awarding guests took a group photo with the 2020 "Most Beautiful Veterans".

Central radio and television main station

Society and Law Channel (CCTV-12)

It premiered at 20:15 on December 18th.

Science and education channel (CCTV-10)

Replay at 15:38 on December 19th.

National defense military channel (CCTV-7)

Replay at 22:30 on December 19th.

"Shiny name — — The release ceremony of the most beautiful veterans in 2020 "

Pay tribute to every retired soldier!

The 5th Electric Vehicle Challenge Around Qinghai Lake: The driving skills of the world champion shooting drivers were amazing.

  CCTV News:On June 24th, the 5th International Electric Vehicle Challenge around Qinghai Lake, jointly sponsored by Qinghai Provincial People’s Government, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and China Electric Vehicle committee of 100, kicked off in Xining. The event specially arranged for drivers, sports stars to pray and stunt performances.

  In this stunt show, professional drivers and his club drivers gave a uniform team stunt show at the beginning, performing fighter formation, word formation, wild goose wing formation, T formation and diamond formation. Since then, the drivers have carried out synchronous winding in the same direction, cross winding in the same direction, opposite winding and reversing winding respectively; Turn around 180 degrees in turn, turn around 180 degrees in turn, turn around 180 degrees in turn, turn around 180 degrees synchronously, turn around 180 degrees for a single car, turn around 180 degrees for a double car, turn around 180 degrees for a double car at high speed, turn around 180 degrees for a double car, and turn around 180 degrees for a double car. Speed face to face, multi-vehicle cross drift, 360-degree U-turn, 540-degree U-turn and other performances. Finally, the stunt drivers pushed the stunt show to a climax with the super difficulty of two-wheel driving around the pile and two-wheel driving jumping.

  It is worth mentioning that this year’s electric vehicle challenge around Qinghai Lake coincided with the hot progress of the World Cup in Russia, and the organizing committee specially arranged the car shooting project in the stunt performance. Kui Yuanyuan, the world champion of gymnastics, Xue Ming, the world champion of women’s volleyball and Shi Jingnan, the world champion of short track speed skating, formed a star team, and personally drove the vehicle and had a wonderful and exciting shooting competition with professional drivers.

  As the leader of the whole stunt performance, the captain of the "Challenger Car Stunt Club" has participated in the electric car challenge around Qinghai Lake for the third time. He talked about the stunt projects he did today, including drifting tail and two-wheeled driving, which are classic projects and also test the stability of the vehicle. When I participated in the electric vehicle challenge around Qinghai Lake for the first time, I was worried that the whole electric vehicle was not easy to operate, but it was very easy to get started in actual driving and the performance effect was also very good. Challenger Auto Stunt Club was established in 2012, and each team member has thousands of performances.

  Looking at the whole stunt competition, it can be said that in the limited space performance venue, the strong acceleration performance of electric vehicles is fully displayed, which may not be achieved by the same-level oil-powered motor vehicles. Relatively heavy electric vehicles can make flexible and changeable drifting movements, which fully demonstrates the reliability of the electric vehicle chassis.

  In addition, in the stunt performance of two-wheeled driving, the electric car with battery is heavier than the oil-powered car, but all the weight of the car is concentrated on two wheels, and it is not from the design stress angle of the original car, and the car is still intact when it falls down, which fully shows the reliability of the quality of the electric car.

  In today’s performance, stunt drivers kept changing cars, so that almost all the participating cars appeared in the performance. Different brands of cars also have their own advantages. I believe that the real test will be ushered in the evaluation competition around the lake.

  As ambassadors for public welfare promotion, the appearances of diving Olympic champion Sang Xue, gymnastics world champion Mo Huilan, gymnastics world champion Bi Wenjing, gymnastics world champion Kui Yuanyuan, women’s volleyball world champion Xue Ming, women’s volleyball world champion Ma Yunwen, taekwondo world champion Shi Jingnan, short track speed skating world champion Huang Jinxuan ignited the atmosphere at the event site.

  When talking about new energy vehicles, Mo Huilan said that there is not much difference between electric vehicles and traditional vehicles in terms of driving experience, and electric vehicles have performed very well in mute, and more and more friends around them have begun to contact electric vehicles. The events around the lake have new highlights and growing influence every year.

  As Shi Jingnan, who participated in the electric vehicle challenge around Qinghai Lake for the first time, this event made him pay more attention to environmental protection and convinced him that new energy is an inevitable trend of future development. With so many people working together, the future will definitely be better.

  Sports stars said that they like electric vehicles very much, which is environmentally friendly and quiet. Holding such new energy events is not only of great significance to the evaluation and innovation of electric vehicle technology, but also helps to popularize the good social value of "green travel" and improve people’s awareness of green environmental protection. It is hoped that this event will promote the development of China’s new energy automobile industry and call on people to protect the natural environment.

  The stars spoke highly of the electric vehicle challenge around Qinghai Lake (International) and were full of expectations for the next events.

"Hot Search" exposed the positive footage. Zhou Dongyu listened to the victim’s self-report and was very distressed

1905 movie network news The films directed by, starring, and starring are currently being shown. Yesterday, the national roadshow "Hot Search" and "Sound All the Way" came to Suzhou. Director Xin Yukun and actor Song Yang attended the roadshow and had a live post-screening exchange with the audience. After watching the movie, the audience was ignited by the bloody emotion of speaking out for justice in the movie, praising the movie "hitting the reality directly", saying that "the details in the movie deserve two brushes and three brushes". Song Yang, the actor of He Yan in the movie, was also sharply criticized by the audience. "After seeing He Yan attached to Peng Yue, I felt my face changed!"!

The film released a feature clip "Voice for her". Five years ago, the girl was sponsored by a wealthy businessman group, but was pushed into the abyss of "choosing a concubine interest chain" by a convinced teacher. In the face of evil deeds, she chose to remain silent and remain anonymous. Five years later, the same thing happened again, and the girl realized that "if she didn’t tell the truth, it would never pass", so she decided to stand up and bravely expose the truth … … The girls’ constant circulation also touched the hearts of the audience. "In the movie, I really felt the horror of the darkness of people’s hearts. I hope all Wang Shimin people will be punished as soon as possible!"!

The realistic theme touches people’s hearts. "Movies are also a kind of voice."

"Grandpa" audience: Looking forward to a new sequel to the movie.

At the scene of the road show, the audience was deeply touched by director Xin Yukun’s pungent description of the real issues, and said, "Director Xin Yukun has always been committed to presenting the social reality, so the social significance brought by the existence of the film is more than the film itself. Just as the film said, every time you make a sound, it is vital. I hope everyone can pay more attention to the film Hot Search and bring more practical significance." Director Xin Yukun said frankly, "There are many women in different identities, roles and situations in the film. They work together to defend justice through their own strength, which is what our film wants to express.".

There was also a "grandfather" audience who came to the road show site, saying, "Can the film" Hot Search "shoot the second and third films?" He believes that "the current network is too complicated, and the social problems are far more than those presented in movies, and movies are just the tip of the iceberg". Director Xin Yukun responded, "It is difficult to reveal the tip of the iceberg, but it is still necessary to present it. We also hope that filmmakers in the industry can shoulder more social responsibilities and make more meaningful films".

The film reflects the terrible reality that "the victims are always pushed to the stage".

Director Xin Yukun: Blue notice is the best way to expose the injurer.

In the movie, Zhang Xiaosui, a girl who was violated, was not only blocked from speaking, but even pushed to the front of the stage to divert her attention, just to cover up the truth. The hearts of the audience were also touched by Zhang Xiaosui’s experience. A female growth blogger said, "The movie reflects a terrible reality. After a woman is violated, it must be the victim who is pushed in front of the audience, and the perpetrator is often invisible." Director Xin Yukun admits that this phenomenon is also the reason that makes him angry, so he will present the injurer in the form of a blue notice at the end. He said, "In fact, this is also the ultimate long-cherished wish of Chen Miao and Zhang Xiaosui".

Another mother at the scene said after watching the movie, "People who have daughters can’t watch this. When they were young, they were asked to protect themselves. When they grew up, they were even more worried about entering the society, so I wouldn’t let the little girl in the store work night shifts. This film is very meaningful and I will continue to release my goodwill. " Director Xin Yukun agreed with her mother’s words, "Although the world is not perfect, we still need someone to stand up and change it. I hope our films can convey such a force.".

How serious would it be if an asteroid didn’t hit the earth?

  Beijing, July 18 (Reporter Shangguan Yun) What if one day an asteroid hits the earth? This may be a scene imagined by many science fiction lovers. Earlier, it was reported that an asteroid might hit the earth on September 9 this year, but this possibility was finally ruled out.

  On the 17th, "Asteroids will not hit the Earth in September" boarded a hot search in Weibo, which once again triggered a heated discussion: What is the "asteroid" we often talk about? What will happen if it collides with the earth?

  The probability of "one in seven thousand" colliding with the earth

  The hot search for "asteroids will not hit the earth in September" is related to an announcement issued by the European Space Agency on the 16th. According to media reports, the announcement pointed out that a mysterious asteroid discovered more than ten years ago was originally thought to have a small probability of hitting the earth on September 9 this year, but the latest observation data ruled out this possibility.

  It is understood that this asteroid was discovered by astronomers in 2006, so it was code-named 2006 QV89. According to the observation data at that time, it had a probability of colliding with the earth on September 9 this year.

  However, this asteroid was only observed in a short period of 10 days, and then mysteriously "disappeared". Astronomers never observed it again, which made it difficult to accurately calculate its current position.

  Therefore, in order to judge whether the original observation results of QV89 "collision with the Earth" in 2006 are accurate, researchers have pondered a method: first, assume that the asteroid is still in the orbit that may collide with the Earth, and then observe its possible position in the sky on July 4 and 5, but found nothing.

  Based on all kinds of data, this asteroid was finally considered to be no threat to the earth.

  What the hell is an asteroid?

  As the name implies, asteroids are celestial bodies in the solar system that move around the sun like planets, but their volume and mass are much smaller than those of planets.

  "In 2006, scientists defined planets, asteroids and dwarf planets. For example, the earth is a planet, which basically lives alone, revolves around the sun, and has a relatively round shape. A typical dwarf planet is Ceres, and they are ‘ Live in groups ’ Yes, there are a bunch of celestial friends in the orbit. " Sun Zhengfan, a doctor of astrophysics and a popular science writer, said.

  As for asteroids, compared with the first two, they are simply a group of strange little guys. Sun Zhengfan explained that asteroids also revolve around the sun, but they are not round in shape, and they are grotesque in shape, big and small.

  According to public information, as of 2018, about 1.27 million asteroids have been discovered in the solar system, but due to the limitations of observation methods and other factors, this may be only a small part of all asteroids.

  "If you search for near-earth asteroids or near-earth asteroids on the Internet, the number of them mentioned in relevant popular science articles will definitely surprise people." Sun Zhengfan said.

  Asteroids and the mystery of dinosaur extinction

  The powerful destructive power of asteroids hitting the earth can be known from scientists’ discussion on the mystery of dinosaur extinction. There is a well-known saying that an asteroid hit the earth about 66 million years ago was the direct cause of dinosaur extinction.

  Specifically, this view holds that when an asteroid hit the earth, it triggered a huge tsunami, and the ocean on the surface of the earth suddenly rolled, but this was not the only disaster faced by dinosaurs.

  The impact raised a lot of hot rocks and dust, which triggered a forest fire. Countless flying dust covered the sky, and the earth’s surface was not exposed to sunlight for many years. The global climate became cold and creatures became extinct on a large scale. Dinosaurs couldn’t adapt to the drastic climate change, and in addition, they were short of food and eventually went extinct.

  "There are a pair of astronomers and their sons in the United States. In the strata around 66 million years ago, a metal element was found to have a very high content, but normally it has very little content in the rocks of the earth." Sun Zhengfan said, therefore, astronomers and their sons speculated that this metal element in the stratum exceeded the standard because an asteroid with a diameter of about 10 kilometers hit the earth at that time.

  Of course, there are many different opinions about the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs, such as volcanic eruption and so on. Sun Zhengfan introduced that some paleontologists believe that the extinction of dinosaurs is not a sudden event, but a process. Because of the long time, it is difficult to find a complete chain of evidence for many claims about the extinction of dinosaurs. The most popular one is "an asteroid hit the earth".

  The disaster caused by "close contact"

  In fact, people are worried about the "close contact" between asteroids and the earth because of the disaster and destructive power they may bring after hitting the earth.

  For example, according to media reports, on February 15, 2013, an asteroid with a diameter of about 20 meters exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, which indirectly damaged more than 3,000 buildings and injured more than 1,600 people.

  Astronomically, an object whose orbit is within 1.3 astronomical units from the sun (1 astronomical unit is the average distance between the sun and the earth, which is about 150 million kilometers) and whose orbit distance from the earth is less than 0.3 astronomical units is a near-earth object, which is a collection of near-earth asteroids and near-earth comets.

  Among them, the potential impact with a diameter of more than 140 meters and the minimum distance from the earth orbit within 0.05 astronomical unit threatens celestial bodies and poses a direct threat to the earth.

  "An asteroid with a larger diameter can easily cause serious disasters when it hits the earth." Sun Zhengfan explained that "asteroid impact on the earth" is a high-risk event, such as the impact that is thought to have led to the extinction of dinosaurs. There is still a huge crater in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, half on land and half in the sea.

  Asteroids are terrible? There is no need to be overly anxious.

  Based on the possible serious consequences of an asteroid’s visit, the news that an asteroid may hit the earth often causes many people’s worries. But Sun Zhengfan said that there is no need to be too anxious about this.

  "First of all, it can cause extremely serious consequences ‘ Asteroids hit the earth ’ It’s a small probability event, and secondly, our earth has the atmosphere ‘ Protector ’ 。” Sun Zhengfan said.

  Data Map: The picture shows beijing aerospace control center’s real-time monitoring and control mission of "Chang ‘e II" flying over an asteroid on December 13th. Sun zifa

  He explained that the earth is moving in space, and there are always a huge number of things falling on it, mostly in the form of dust, or just like pebbles, some asteroids burn out in the atmosphere. "There are no people in most parts of the earth, such as the sea and the desert. Therefore, it does not have much impact on human beings. "

  Sun Zhengfan also admitted that with the current scientific and technological means, it is still difficult to accurately calculate the running paths of asteroids that may cause harm to the earth, and "we can only estimate their size and quality by reflecting light, and this data itself has errors".

  "Preventing doomsday asteroids is a very important job." Sun Zhengfan said, "Humans can unite to develop aerospace technology and prevent this major disaster through early warning."

Folding screen mobile phones are accelerating the "folding" of the industry.

Is folding screen a false proposition? Since Samsung launched its first folding screen mobile phone, the controversy surrounding this issue has not stopped. On the one hand, the new experience gained after expanding a larger screen is valuable, and on the other hand, it is the sacrifice in weight, price and reliability for folding the screen.

Today, the folding screen mobile phone has not yet ushered in a decisive breakthrough in these two aspects, but we can’t ignore the progress at the product level. Whether it is a lighter and thinner body, more and more mature technology and technology, or even continuous optimization of the system, the daily use experience of the folding screen mobile phone tends to be perfect.As the price of folding screen products continues to drop, the user threshold is also decreasing.


OPPO Find N2, produced by Lei Technology

In fact, different from the long-term debate between users, if we look at the actions of mobile phone manufacturers for a long time, we will see that mainstream smartphone manufacturers are pouring into this track in the past two years. Each company has launched its own folding screen products, and even more brands are preparing to enter, including Meizu and Yijia.It can be said that there are more folding screen mobile phones available for consumers to choose from in the market, and the range and speed of product update are also improving.

01. The folding screen becomes lighter and the market scale becomes heavier.

On March 23rd, Huawei held this year’s spring conference in Shanghai. At the conference, a package of new products was released, among which Huawei P60 series and Mate X3 folding screen mobile phones occupied the core position. Like most mobile phone manufacturers with folding screens, Huawei Mate X3 also takes thinness as the focus of its products. The plain leather version weighs 239g, and the non-plain leather version we actually measured is 246g.

At the press conference of Huawei’s 2022 annual report, Xu Zhijun, Huawei’s rotating chairman, said at that time: "Huawei’s latest folding screen mobile phone Mate X3 series has achieved the same weight as the ordinary straight board machine. 」


Huawei Mate X3, filmed by Lei Technology

Not only Huawei, but OPPO Find N2 released at the end of last year directly reduced the weight of the fuselage to 233g (non-leather version of 239g) with a relatively small screen size, which is even lighter than the 240g iPhone 14 Pro Max. Manufacturers such as Xiaomi and Glory are also exploring how to make folding screen phones lighter and thinner; Even vivo and Samsung, which have different routes, are trying to make folding screen products thinner and lighter on the basis of giving priority to ensuring top-level configuration.

On the other hand, in addition to horizontally folding mobile phones, after Samsung Galaxy Flip and Huawei Pocket, OPPO also launched N2 Flip vertically folding mobile phones, and vivo X Flip will be officially released soon. They are all lighter and cheaper, so they account for a large part of the current sales of folding screen mobile phones.In last year’s article, we actually pointed out that the focus of folding screen mobile phone manufacturers at this stage will be inclined to the vertical folding direction.

Unlike the "lighter" folding screen mobile phones, the whole folding screen mobile phone market continues to "get heavier". According to the data provided by market research organization IDC, in 2022, China’s smartphone shipments fell by 13% year-on-year, reaching 286 million units, and returned to below 300 million units after ten years. At the same time, in 2022, the annual shipment of folding screen mobile phones in China increased by 118% year-on-year, approaching 3.3 million units, of which more than 1.1 million units were shipped in the fourth quarter.


Figure /IDC

In terms of market structure, Huawei firmly occupies the first position in the domestic folding screen market, with a market share of 47.4%; Samsung ranked second, accounting for 16.5% of the market; With the stable performance of Find N series throughout the year, OPPO gained 13.8% market share, ranking third.

However, according to the data of CINNO Research in January this year, the sales volume of OPPO folding screen mobile phones increased by 483% year-on-year, while Huawei folding screen mobile phones decreased by 33% year-on-year. Therefore, OPPO achieved the overtaking of Huawei in the domestic market with a 30% share.The overall pattern has also changed from "Huawei riding the dust" to "three pillars" of Huawei, OPPO and Samsung.


Figure /CINNO Research

Of course, this is largely because Find N2/N2 Flip was just released last December. However, it is still worth noting that compared with the sales volume and market share after the release of Find N last year, the performance of N2 series has been significantly improved.

02. "Folding" has been used recently, but "unfolding" still needs to be improved.

The development history of consumer electronics proves one thing-most people like big screens, otherwise Samsung Galaxy Note will not be an instant hit, iPhone 6 Plus will not become the best-selling iPhone in history, and TV screens will not enter the 100-inch field. The large screen of smart phones, after the full screen, touched the "ceiling" of human palms.

However, the demand of mobile phone users for larger screens has never changed. We want to browse the news while chatting. Want to play games while watching the raiders; I want to drag the text/picture/document directly to WeChat, and even write Word and PPT. More complex consumer demand and more scenes are forcing software and hardware to create better design and space. Small window function is the effort of pure software, and folding screen can bring more essential changes.


Xiaomi MIX Fold 2, filmed by Lei Technology

However, as a mobile device that can be used at any time, the characteristics of the mobile phone determine that the folding screen mobile phone is basically folded in the mobile scene, which requires the folding screen mobile phone to ensure the use experience under the external screen. As early as the Xiaomi MIX Fold 2 evaluation, we talked about it.The further thinning of the fuselage, the alignment of the external screen with the conventional ratio, and the basic optimization at the system level all make the folding screen mobile phone more suitable for daily use.

In the evaluation of Huawei Mate X3, the positive effect of this strategy on daily use is also pointed out. But at the same time, it is also mentioned that "although users of folding screen mobile phones spend much more time using the external screen than the internal screen, only the internal screen can represent the brand-new experience that the folding screen mobile phone wants to bring." Only by expanding it can we enjoy the pleasure of information acquisition and interaction efficiency improvement. 」

Finally, it is decided whether the folding screen mobile phone is a flash in the pan, or whether it will become the "key" for mobile phone manufacturers to cut into the high-end market, or whether the users of the folding screen mobile phone will buy it. The deeper question behind it is whether the "folded" mobile phone can bring new value to users.


Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, figure/unpash

Did iPhone users regret it after Lei Technology spent 7999 yuan to buy a folding screen phone? Interview with a user who switched from iPhone to folding screen phone, she mentioned:

"The big screen of the folding screen mobile phone brings a more comfortable experience. For example, it can be operated on multiple screens, and an application can be presented on two screens, one for WeChat chat and the other for watching WeChat official account. You can also run different Applications in different screens on the big screen, such as WeChat and video app. Ordinary smart phones also have split screen function, but limited by the display area, it is very cramped to use. 」

Judging from our experience in using various folding screen mobile phones, the latest generation of folding screen mobile phones will not have much obstacles in daily use, and the price of thinness and continuous exploration will also provide more space for the popularization of folding screen mobile phones.

The biggest problem is the application ecology, especially the long-term absence of Android on the tablet. A large number of apps have not been adapted to large screens. Parallel horizon is a clever way. However, as we said in the evaluation of Mate X3, "Huawei Mate X3 has more like" two screens "than a complete internal screen. 」


Screenshot of mobile App

The two are still different after all. However, it is still worth looking forward to. As hardware sales continue to rise, software developers may be more aware of the value of folding screens and the potential for big screens to change the ecology of mobile applications.

03. Folding screen is the best opportunity to break the pattern of smart phones.

The more the market goes down, the more you can see the value of high-end products.According to the report released by industry research institute Counterpoint Research, under the background of the decline of smart phones last year, the sales of high-end mobile phones above $600 increased by 1% against the trend, and the proportion of total revenue in the entire smart phone market exceeded half for the first time, reaching 55%.

Among them, Apple monopolizes 75% of the high-end mobile phone market, and considering the price of iPhone, the proportion of revenue will only be higher.It can be said that Apple almost dominates the market of high-end mobile phones and gets most of the profits of the whole industry. Coupled with the long-term occupation of users’ minds in the high-end market, these have brought great challenges to the high-end of domestic mobile phones.

Of course, the more fundamental problem is that the peak of smart phones has passed, and the next market competition will be more of a zero-sum game. Under the premise that the scale of users will not break through again, the importance of high-end mobile phones will become more and more obvious. However, the software and hardware of conventional smart phones are so mature that it is difficult to form a differentiated competitive advantage, let alone break the existing high-end market structure.

From the history of consumer electronics, the best opportunity for all industries to change is with the emergence of new technologies or product nodes. "Bigger screen" was once one of the most distinctive keys at the beginning of the iPhone, and it was also the core driving force for the miracle of iPhone 6 and Galaxy Note, and it was also the battle of heroes in the era of full screen. It can be predicted that a larger screen will still be the key to the transformation of the mobile phone industry in the next stage.

As far as the eye can see, the folding screen that is mature enough is the best opportunity for smartphone manufacturers.

Tuition fees for Russian music students

Russia, a country full of artistic flavor, has attracted countless music students with its profound music tradition and world-class conservatory. Let’s learn about the tuition fees of Russian music students with China Education Online Xiaobian.

Tuition fees for Russian music students

Preparatory course: about $3,000-4,000 for ordinary colleges and about $4,000-6,000 for art colleges.

Undergraduate course: about 3000-6000 USD/year.

Graduate students: about 3000-6000 dollars/year.

The above tuition fees are for reference only. Please check the official information of the school for specific fees.

1. Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music

Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory of Music is one of the most famous conservatories in the world, which has a long history and excellent tradition of music education. This school is famous for training world-class musicians, and many graduates have won gold medals in international competitions. The school has a strong faculty and an excellent team of teachers to provide students with comprehensive music education.

2. St. Petersburg National Conservatory of Music

St Petersburg State Conservatory of Music is the oldest conservatory in Russia and one of the most famous conservatories in Europe. The school is located on the historic Nevsky Avenue, adjacent to the world-famous Mariinsky Theatre and the Russian Museum. The school’s curriculum is very comprehensive, covering all kinds of music fields, including composition, conductor, vocal music, instrumental music and so on.

3. Nizhny Novgorod National glinka Conservatory of Music.

Nizhny Novgorod National glinka Conservatory of Music is one of the most famous conservatories in Russia and one of the oldest conservatories in Europe. Located on the beautiful Volga River, the school is a music institution with a long history. The school has a strong faculty and an excellent team of teachers to provide students with comprehensive music education. The school’s curriculum is very comprehensive, covering all kinds of music fields, including composition, conductor, vocal music, instrumental music and so on.

The above is about the sharing of tuition fees for Russian music students. I hope it will be helpful to the students. Xiaobian will bring you more related content on China Education Online, so please continue to pay attention.

> > get the white paper on studying abroad for free, and learn about the conditions, fees, starting time and gold content of each university.

It’s time to change the rules of the game. Is this "reconciliation" spring reshaping the Middle East?

  "This is a moment to change the rules of the game." On March 10th, when Saudi Arabia and Iran shook hands in Beijing, CNN described it in an article.

  The US media described this as "not only easing the long-standing tension between Riyadh and Tehran, but also heralding the end of an era of blood flowing in the Middle East".

  The Beijing Dialogue has turned a new page in Saudi-Iranian relations, and China’s mediation has also brought new hope for peace and stability in the Middle East.

  On the 10th of this month, under the mediation of China, two big countries in the Middle East — — Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to end the seven-year estrangement and resume diplomatic relations. A "reconciliation tide" in the Middle East has thus opened.

  Turkey and Egypt agreed to resume diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level as soon as possible, and Syria and Saudi Arabia normalized their relations 12 years after breaking diplomatic relations.

  Previous hostile parties in the Middle East shook hands and made peace. Some analysts believe that the situation in the Middle East has ushered in a long-lost "diplomatic spring".

  Shay shook hands and made peace.

  Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia and Iran

  Bilateral talks will be held during Ramadan.

  In the early morning of 27th local time, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bin Farhan telephoned Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyan, and the two sides agreed to hold bilateral talks during Ramadan this year.

  According to the report of Saudi National News Agency, the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and Iran also "discussed some issues of common concern according to the agreement signed by the two sides in China". Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar and an important month for Muslims all over the world. This year’s Ramadan is from late March to mid-April in the Gregorian calendar.

  As representative countries of Sunni and Shia sects of Islam, Saudi Arabia and Iran have always been opposed to each other on many regional issues. In 2016, the two countries broke off diplomatic relations directly. Affected by this, some other Gulf Arab countries have also broken off diplomatic relations with Iran or downgraded their diplomatic relations.

  From March 6 to 10 this year, with the mediation and support of the China government, representatives of Saudi Arabia and Iran held a dialogue in Beijing.

  On March 10th, the two countries reached the Beijing agreement, and the three parties of China, Saudi Arabia and Iraq signed and issued a joint statement, announcing that Saudi Arabia and Iraq agreed to resume diplomatic relations, stressing that the three parties will make joint efforts to safeguard the basic norms of international relations and promote international peace and security.

  Ali Shamkhani, secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, said: We hope that this new chapter will end the deadlock in relations between the two countries in the past seven years, bring more stability and security to the region and bring greater development and prosperity to the people.

  Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal bluntly said that China was the best "middleman" to facilitate the resumption of diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabia.

  Iran is ready to resume

  Economic ties with Arab countries

  Five days after the Beijing Agreement was reached, Saudi Finance Minister Mohammad Jia Dan said at a financial forum in Riyadh on March 15th that Saudi Arabia would invest in Iran "soon". In his view, Saudi Arabia has many investment opportunities in Iran. As long as both sides abide by the agreement, "there are no obstacles."

  According to the Russian satellite news agency reported on the 21st, Iranian Minister of Economy and Finance ihsan Handuzi said that Iran is ready to resume economic ties with all Arab countries in the Middle East after the signing of the agreement to resume diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia.

  At present, the two countries are facing totally different economic situations. As part of Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has made a lot of international investment and launched large-scale projects worth trillions of dollars to realize diversified economic development. However, Iran’s economic situation is difficult because of Western sanctions. Investment from Saudi Arabia will greatly help Iran’s battered economy.

  Ice-breaking trip in Syria

  Saudi Arabia

  Or accept Syria to reintegrate into the Arab world.

  On March 23rd, Reuters reported that Saudi Arabia and Syria agreed to reopen their embassies through consultation.

  It is reported that after the Muslim festival Eid al-Fitr at the end of April, Saudi Foreign Minister Faisal may visit Damascus, the Syrian capital, and negotiators will strive to reach relevant agreements before then.

  This is the first dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Syria since 2012, and it is also regarded as another "historic moment" after Saudi Arabia and Iran resumed diplomatic relations.

  In 2011, after the civil war broke out in Syria, some Arab countries made bad relations with the Syrian government. At that time, Saudi Arabia supported the Syrian opposition against the Syrian government led by Bashar al-Assad. In 2012, the two countries officially broke off diplomatic relations. In the past 12 years, there has never been formal official contact between the two countries.

  On February 6 this year, two major earthquakes occurred in the border areas of Turkey and Syria. A week after the earthquake, a Saudi plane carrying relief supplies landed at Aleppo International Airport in Syria. This is the first time that a Saudi plane has landed in the Syrian government-controlled area since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in the past 12 years.

  In May this year, Saudi Arabia will host the next Arab League summit. If the two sides can reach a formal agreement before, the vote on accepting Syria’s reintegration into the Arab world is expected to be included in the agenda of the summit.

  United Arab Emirates

  "It is time for Syria to return to the Arab family."

  In fact, a few days before Saudi Arabia took the step of "reconciliation" with Syria, another Middle Eastern country took the lead in extending its hands to Syria.

  On March 19th, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his wife paid a state visit to the United Arab Emirates and received the highest standard of courtesy from the Arab side. UAE President Mohammed personally picked up the plane.

  UAE President Mohammed said: "It is time for Syria to return to the Arab family."

  Like Saudi Arabia, the UAE also supported Syrian rebels during the Syrian civil war.

  At the end of December 2018, the UAE reopened its embassy in Syria.

  In October 2021, UAE Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Abdullah led a delegation to visit Syria and met with President Bashar al-Assad, releasing the signal of normalization of relations.

  In the recent earthquake relief in Turkey and Syria, the United Arab Emirates was one of the first countries to provide Syria with a large number of relief materials and send search and rescue teams.

  The United States is deeply disappointed and uneasy about this.

  It is worth noting that both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are important allies of the United States in the Middle East. Seeing that the two countries have extended an olive branch to Syria, the attitude of the United States is "disappointed and uneasy". Patel, the State Council’s chief deputy spokesman, said: Our position against normalization of relations has not changed, and we will not normalize relations with the Assad regime. Our position on this has always been very clear, and we have also made it very clear with our allies.

  Dawn of reconciliation in Yemen

  The two sides in Yemen reached an agreement on prisoner exchange.

  In addition, since Iran and Saudi Arabia supported the opposing sides in the Yemen conflict, the reconciliation between the two countries will also bring hope for peace to Yemen, which is deeply mired in war.

  After several rounds of negotiations, on the 20th, the Yemeni government and Houthi armed forces reached an agreement in Geneva to exchange 887 prisoners of war. On the same day, Hans Grundberg, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, welcomed the prisoner exchange agreement.

  According to this prisoner exchange agreement, the Yemeni government and multinational Coalition forces will release 706 Houthi militants, and Houthi armed forces will release 181 Yemeni government and multinational Coalition forces, including Saudi and Sudanese nationals.

  On the same day, Hans Grundberg, special envoy of the United Nations for Yemen, welcomed the prisoner exchange agreement reached by the two parties to the Yemeni conflict. He said that the parties also agreed to meet again in mid-May to discuss more issues of releasing prisoners of war.

  In September 2014, Houthi armed forces seized Sana ‘a, the capital of Yemen, and then occupied the southern part of Yemen. In March 2015, Saudi Arabia took the lead in setting up a multinational Coalition to launch military operations against Houthi armed forces.

  In December 2018, under the mediation of the United Nations, the Yemeni government and the Houthi armed forces reached an agreement, agreeing to cease fire in the Red Sea port of Hodeida and exchange a total of about 15,000 prisoners. But not long after, the two sides accused each other of breaking the ceasefire agreement, and the exchange of prisoners did not advance as scheduled. In October 2020, the two sides successfully exchanged more than 1,000 prisoners of war. In the past year, the two sides also held a multi-rotation prisoner dialogue in Jordan, but no tangible results were achieved.

  Hellier, a Middle East analyst, said: At least we will take action to stop hostilities in Yemen permanently and reach a peace agreement in Yemen, so as to maintain peace on a more permanent basis.

  Turkey-Egypt relations are warming up.

  Turkey and Egypt will resume diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level as soon as possible.

  In this wave of "reconciliation" in the Middle East, there are also Turkey and Egypt.

  On March 18th, Turkish Foreign Minister cavusoglu visited Cairo, the capital of Egypt, and held talks with Egyptian Foreign Minister Shu Kaili.

  This is the first time that Turkey has sent a ministerial official to visit Egypt in more than ten years.

  The two sides agreed to resume diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level as soon as possible, and urged the two heads of state to hold talks in the second half of this year.

  The last time a Turkish ministerial official visited Egypt was in 2012, when the then Turkish Foreign Minister davutoglu went to Cairo to attend a meeting organized by the Arab League on the Syrian crisis.

  After former Egyptian President Morsi stepped down in 2013, the relationship between Egypt and Turkey gradually deteriorated, and the two countries downgraded the level of diplomatic relations. Since then, the diplomatic relations between Egypt and Turkey have existed in name only for nearly 10 years.

  Egypt and Turkey are both big countries in the Middle East and the Islamic world. The confrontation in the past 10 years has consumed the national strength of the two countries, but failed to fundamentally break the situation on related issues.

  In 2021, the two countries started consultations with high-level diplomatic officials. Recently, under the influence of the resumption of diplomatic relations between Shay, relations between Egypt and Turkey also showed a marked warming.

  According to the analysis of Qatar Al Jazeera, the relationship between Middle East countries has entered a new period of adjustment and relaxation, which can be attributed not only to the increased willingness of countries to seek peace and development, but also to the demonstration effect produced by China’s handshake with Saudi Arabia and Iran.

  This edition of the manuscript combines Xinhua News Agency, CCTV news and reference news.

From folding screen to AI mobile phone, Samsung is marching forward on the road of innovation.

In the highly competitive mobile phone field, there is not much difference in the performance of each flagship product. It can affect the reputation, sales volume and attention of products, and the gap between products depends on the cutting-edge technology carried by flagship products. And this requires manufacturers to constantly invest in research and development in the exploration of cutting-edge technology. As the "leader" in the mobile phone industry, Samsung has been concentrating on polishing technology and deepening innovation and development for many years, and continues to bring surprises to the industry and users, both in the field of direct-screen mobile phones and the hot folding screens.

At the beginning of 2024, Samsung brought a heavy new product — — Galaxy S24 series equipped with Galaxy AI function, relying on the surging AI computing power of the third generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform (for Galaxy), makes Galaxy AI easily realize the new comprehensive ability of integrating local and cloud. The addition of Galaxy AI has given Samsung Galaxy S24 series many cutting-edge interactive experiences of artificial intelligence applications, such as real-time call translation, recording and transcription assistant, intelligent retouching suggestion, instant circle search, note-taking assistant, etc., which has broken the tedious operation experience in the past and provided more convenience for users in their daily lives.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series not only brings rich functional experience upgrades based on Galaxy AI, but also applies titanium material to Galaxy S24 Ultra for the first time in terms of process materials, so that it has a lighter body weight, and at the same time, the firmness and durability of the body have also been greatly improved, effectively prolonging the service life of the equipment.

In addition to bringing innovative technology to bar phones, Samsung is equally outstanding in the field of folding screen products. Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 further upgrades the hinge technology and adopts a new dual-track integrated hinge structure, which completely reduces the weight and thickness of the fuselage, making it easier for users to travel and carry, whether in their pockets or in their hands. There is no obvious sense of weight. The front is covered with UTG ultra-thin flexible glass, and with the upgraded internal screen structure, users can fold the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5 for a long time without worrying about the service life of the screen. In terms of interactive experience, Galaxy Z Fold5 also brings upgraded PC-like taskbar, two-handed drag and drop, pop-up view and slim S Pen, which makes users have more possibilities for mobile office and creation.

Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 still adopts the classic palm folding scheme in design, and its appearance is similar to that of the clamshell machine. When the screen is closed, it is as delicate as a cosmetic mirror, which brings portability to the extreme. At the same time, the fuselage is more compact under the blessing of a new generation of super-closed precision hinge.

The back panel of Samsung Galaxy Z Flip5 is equipped with an eye-catching 3.4-inch large-field intelligent external screen, which brings users a larger visual field and control area, and the interactive experience is fully upgraded. Users don’t need to expand their mobile phones frequently, but they can experience rich functions only by using the external screen, such as checking notifications and messages, sending and receiving information quickly, answering calls, browsing weather schedules, paying for credit cards, etc., all of which can be easily done on the external screen. Not only that, users can also add commonly used apps such as Tik Tok, WeChat and Cool Dog Music to the external screen, which can be started and used more quickly. Of course, the large-field intelligent external screen is also a great medium for users to show their own style and characteristics. You can adjust the clock style, font, wallpaper, etc. in the external screen according to your clothes, weather, mood, etc., and create your favorite display interface.

Samsung can hold the top spot in the mobile phone industry all the year round, and it is inseparable from its painstaking exploration of innovative technologies and strong technical accumulation. I believe that in the future, whether in the folding screen field or the brand-new AI mobile phone field, Samsung will continue to bring more new functions and technologies to the industry and consumers, and constantly empower users in life, office and other aspects, bringing unprecedented efficiency and convenience. Intelligent new experience.