A spring outing on the tip of her tongue

The peach blossoms and magnolias downstairs seem to have all opened overnight, with pink smiling faces. I opened the window, and the spring breeze brought their faint fragrance.

For China people, each season has its own unique flavor, which reminds us of the appearance of time and the smell of home. Of course, spring also has flavor, such as peach blossom, pear blossom, magnolia flower, grass, earth and wild vegetables. Changing seasons and eating at the right time are the aesthetics of life formed by China people in getting along with nature. Everything grows, and now is the best season to eat wild vegetables in a year.

Chun feng Hua Cao Xiang

I remember when I was young, every season, the temperature was getting higher and higher, the sun was shining on my body, and my cotton-padded clothes could not be worn. My father would lead me to the riverbank of the Grand Canal near my hometown, half for an outing and half for finding wild vegetables. Under the river bank, the water surface is much wider, and the wind blowing from the canal water surface smells of reeds. On the riverbank, the grass has already passed the ankle, and the fragrance of plants and the moist mud smell are floating in the air and drilling into the nostrils. Our bodies seem to be light at once, throwing off our hands and feet and running into the grass. Gouqitou, shepherd’s purse, purslane, Artemisia selengensis, dandelion, and some wild vegetables that I can’t name are getting higher and higher day by day. These wild vegetables that have survived the winter seem to contain the aura of heaven and earth in their bodies, and their roots are full of vigor.

Artemisia selengensis grows by the water, which is a kind of wild vegetable with a "very fragrant" taste. Wang Zengqi praised it as "sitting by the river and smelling the newly rising spring water when eating". My hometown is not far from Gaoyou, Wang Zengqi’s hometown, and the types of wild vegetables are also very similar. He said, "Lycium barbarum is everywhere … The local Lycium barbarum is not used as medicine, which is probably not as good as that produced in Ningxia. Lycium barbarum is a perennial plant. In spring, young leaves appear, that is, gouqi head. "

My father’s favorite is the cold gouqi head. After washing it, blanch it with boiling water, chop it up, sprinkle some salt, and sprinkle it with balsamic vinegar and sesame oil before serving. The first taste is slightly bitter, but when swallowed, the throat is somewhat sweet, and that unique fragrance is hard to forget. We will miss this taste every few days. As the temperature keeps rising, the gouqi head becomes darker in color, and its taste is no longer as fresh as it was at the beginning. We will try to pick as many as possible, put them in bamboo plaques when we get home, dry them in the sun, and make stuffing with meat in autumn and winter, making buns and jiaozi, which is another kind of delicious food.

Human fireworks

It is said that spring is three points, and one point is in the wild. Another spring has come, and the breeze reminds people of the aroma of wild vegetables.

Spring is the best time to taste the fireworks. "The peaches and plums in the city are worried about the wind and rain, and the shepherd’s purse flowers in the stream head in spring." "I don’t know how Malan enters the morning cup, but it’s like oats shaking the spring breeze." "The bamboo shoots of Artemisia Polygonum Thunb try the spring dish, and the taste in the world is pure joy." Poets are probably the first to discover the "beauty of wild vegetables" and record them.

After the fright, the variety of wild vegetables suddenly increased, such as shepherd’s purse, spring bamboo shoots, purslane, Toona sinensis, mother-in-law and Malantou. In Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, with the continuous improvement of epidemic prevention and control situation, citizens’ lives gradually returned to daily life. In Kexiang vegetable market, Nanjing citizens who love wild vegetables are choosing seasonal wild vegetables that have just been listed to enrich their dining tables. This year, more merchants choose "cloud selling" to move wild vegetables originally placed in farmers’ markets to the Internet. People can bring home the spring flavor in the fields with their fingers at home and taste the spring without leaving home.

At the beginning of March, farmers in Linyi, Shandong Province began to sell various seasonal wild vegetables through WeChat and Taobao stores. In the photos he took, the roots of wild vegetables were still covered with wet soil, and the aroma seemed to come out through the screen. "A lot of people who come to buy are old customers and want to taste fresh." "Yue Yue Xian" told reporters that some of these wild vegetables were dug in the wild by themselves, and some were bought from nearby villagers. "In the past, these wild vegetables were scattered in the fields, but now they have become people’s’ good hearts’, and the price of a catty is in 6 yuan-8 yuan."

"In the past, we ate wild vegetables for food, but now it is for health." Xu Congjun, a Beijing resident, feels that the status of wild vegetables on the dining table of China people has changed dramatically in the past few decades. Now people eat wild vegetables, which is not only delicious, but also pleasant.

The best taste is in my hometown.

In the past few years, I always took my children to the wild to see flowers and grass every spring. This spring, in the days of staying at home, taking children to know wild vegetables and feel the taste of spring in the kitchen has become the most relaxing time of our day. After simple cooking, two or three kinds of wild vegetables were put on the table in a green way, which was refreshing and refreshing. We completed the spring outing on the tip of our tongue again and again.

Zhang Ye chose to make a pickle to remember this spring. Spring bamboo shoots that have just been listed, with fresh meat and ham, can be simmered slowly and bubbled, which can make people "fresh off their tongues". "Every spring, I will cook pickled vegetables several times." This is Zhang Ye’s favorite hometown dish, who has lived in Beijing for many years. "People’s tastes are hard to change, and the taste of hometown is deeply rooted. Even after years, just a trace is enough to soothe the heart. The moment I tasted the soup, I really felt that spring was coming. "

In everyone’s mind, "hometown" is probably the most resonant word. The longer you leave home, the stronger your feelings for your hometown will be.

"Shepherd’s shepherd’s purse is a wild vegetable that people in eastern Zhejiang often eat in spring. Needless to say, people in the countryside can eat it at any time as long as there is a backyard in the city. Women and children each take a pair of scissors and a’ seedling basket’ and squat on the ground to search. It is an interesting game job. At that time, the children sang:’ shepherd’s purse Malantou, my sister married at the back door.’ Later, some villagers in Malantou brought it to the city for sale, but shepherd’s purse is still a kind of wild vegetable, which needs to be picked by themselves. "Zhou Zuoren in the hometown of wild vegetables, a genre painting in eastern Zhejiang as slowly unfolded in front of our eyes, dotted with the most ordinary wild vegetables. Hometown food has also appeared in Wang Zengqi’s works many times. He once wrote about hometown Artemisia selengensis, Lycium barbarum, shepherd’s purse, purslane and so on. These wild vegetables not only have the spring scenery of hometown, but also have the taste of hometown.

Homework, off-campus training and games should make way for students’ sleep.

  Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on Further Strengthening the Sleep Management of Primary and Secondary School Students (hereinafter referred to as the Notice), further emphasizing the need to ensure adequate sleep time for students and refining relevant management measures. The "Notice" requires that students’ sleep monitoring and supervision should be strengthened, students’ sleep status should be included in the physical health monitoring and education quality evaluation and monitoring system, included in the scope of daily supervision and the supervision and evaluation of the government’s performance of educational duties, and a supervision and reporting telephone or network platform should be set up to ensure that the requirements are in place and effectively ensure students’ good sleep.

  We should fully improve our understanding of the importance of sleep health.

  The Notice puts forward three "important times". The first is the necessary sleep time. Primary school students should sleep for 10 hours a day, junior high school students should sleep for 9 hours and senior high school students should sleep for 8 hours. The second is the school schedule. Class starts at 8: 20 in the morning in primary schools and 8: 00 in middle schools. At the same time, it is emphasized that schools should not require students to arrive at school in advance, and necessary lunch breaks should be guaranteed if conditions permit. The third is bedtime at night. Pupils are generally not later than 21: 20, junior high school students are generally not later than 22: 00, and senior high school students are generally not later than 23: 00. At the same time, guide parents and students, make schedules for students’ work and rest, promote autonomous management, work and rest regularly, and go to bed on time. Only by controlling the school schedule and students’ bedtime at night can students’ necessary sleep time be effectively guaranteed.

  Lv Yugang, director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, pointed out that schools can manage the morning classes. The more important time is bedtime at night. Some bad living habits, such as watching mobile phones, playing computers and indulging in the Internet, affect students’ bedtime. Whether you can sleep at night depends on the students’ self-management ability and the guidance, cooperation and consultation between parents and students. In this process, we should strengthen the education of students, strengthen the guidance of parents, and strive to ensure that the bedtime at night can be achieved.

  Zhu Dongbin, deputy director of the Department of Basic Education of the Ministry of Education, said that places and schools with conditions should guarantee students the necessary lunch break. We also encourage all localities and schools to explore all kinds of good experiences and practices that help students sleep according to the actual situation and school facilities. Sleep is a big event, and we should be able to reach a consensus that we should not lose big because of small things, let alone give up the basics.

  Jiang Fan, secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, director of the Center for Diagnosis and Treatment of Children’s Sleep Disorders, and head of the Children’s Sleep Study Group of the Sleep Medicine Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, said: The majority of primary and secondary schools, teachers, parents and students should fully raise their awareness of the importance of sleep health, and enhance their understanding of the requirements of sleep time required by different age groups and healthy sleep habits. According to the Notice, the length of sleep students should get every day is consistent with the internationally recognized recommended length of sleep. This requirement is implemented on individuals, and parents also need to master individual differences. Primary school students need 9-12 hours of sleep every day, and middle school students need 8-10 hours. Teachers and parents can strengthen communication with their children, work out schedules suitable for individual students together, and at the same time, they can know whether they sleep well or not from the aspects of children’s mental state and self-feeling, and make adjustments to the schedules according to the actual situation.

  Sacrificing sleep time for study can’t be exchanged for improving academic performance.

  In view of the external factors affecting students’ sleep, the Notice puts forward three "interruption mechanisms", requiring homework, off-campus training and games to make way for students’ sleep.

  The first is the "interruption" of homework, which requires primary school students to basically complete their written homework in school, and middle school students to complete most of their written homework in school. If individual students have not finished their homework by bedtime after efforts, parents should urge them to go to bed on time and not stay up late to ensure adequate sleep. Of course, teachers should conduct targeted analysis, strengthen counseling, and adjust the content and amount of homework if necessary. The second is the "interruption" of off-campus training time, which requires that the off-campus offline training end time should not be later than 20: 30, and the online live training end time should not be later than 21: 00. Homework should not be arranged in any form such as pre-class preparation, after-class consolidation, homework practice, and WeChat group punching. The third is the "interruption" of the game, which requires local education departments to strengthen supervision with relevant departments in accordance with their management authority to ensure that no game services are provided to minors from 22: 00 to 8: 00 the next day.

  Lv Yugang said that schools should have a sound homework management mechanism, and all subject groups should co-ordinate homework, so as to grasp a reasonable amount of homework and improve the quality of homework. Students should not be allowed to finish their homework during recess when they should go out for activities and jump around the playground, or during the lunch break. Schools and teachers should strengthen the guidance for students to complete their homework, especially to help students with learning difficulties, and increase the intensity of counseling and answering questions so that students can complete their homework within the specified time.

  Lu Haifeng, director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Qidong City, Jiangsu Province, reminded schools to avoid the thinking mode of split thinking and binary opposition, and make efforts to properly handle several groups of relationships. The first is the relationship between "sleeping less" and "sleeping late" and "getting up early". According to the requirements of the Notice, schools should reasonably determine the schedule of work and rest, enhance the soft power in the publicity of work and rest, and enhance the hard power in the implementation of work and rest, and do not artificially require students to arrive at school in advance, and do not artificially occupy students’ school time. At the same time, they should be flexible and flexible in strictly implementing work and rest, for example, properly resettle individual students who arrive at school in advance due to special family circumstances; The second is the relationship between "less sleep" and "more homework" and "difficult homework". Schools should make great efforts in classroom research and win the light burden of schoolwork with the high efficiency of classroom; Pay attention to homework management and win the light load of homework with the high quality of design; The third is the relationship between "sleeping well" and "sleeping well" and "growing well". Schools should face students face to face, educate students to understand the importance of adequate sleep and develop good sleep habits. Heart-to-heart with parents to guide parents to be the guarantors of their children’s adequate sleep; Join hands with the society and participate in the governance of off-campus training institutions as much as possible to reduce the academic burden of students.

  At the same time, Jiang Fan said that parents should take appropriate restrictions on children’s use of electronic products, and at the same time, they should set an example and consciously maintain a good work and rest, so that children can clearly understand the importance of sleep and develop a good habit of maintaining regular work and rest independently. Their team research shows that sacrificing sleep time for study can not bring about improvement in academic performance, but will cause extensive damage to executive function and affect the academic performance of children and adolescents. (Guangming Daily reporter Yan Xiaoyan)

Visiting the National Guard of the Silk Road: Hiking on the plateau is equivalent to carrying 30 kilograms on the flat land.

  Officers and men are on duty at Hongqila Fudaban at an altitude of 4,733 meters. Photo by Ji Wenzhi

  At the end of May this year, our reporter (second from left) followed the officers and men of the frontier defense company of Hongqilafu on duty for an interview. The picture shows the reporter communicating with the officers and men during the duty break. Photo by Yue Xiaoping

  The officers and men of Hongqilafu Frontier Defense Company rode yaks across the glacier on duty. Photo by Ni Guanghui

  West! West! West!

  Driving all the way to the west from Kashgar airport in Xinjiang for more than 400 kilometers, running over the frozen soil of snow-capped mountains and crossing the ice peak to Daban, Hongqilafu is just around the corner.

  This is a dangerous, mysterious and desirable place. There are thousands of miles of ice peaks, thousands of years of snow, and the towering Pamirs; There are ancient silk roads, bloody canyons and desolate western borders. There are cloud gates, snow mountain checkpoints, and lovely border guards.

  Founded in 1949, Hongqi Lafu Frontier Company has been responsible for the defense of the China-Pakistan border for nearly 100 kilometers all the year round, with the highest patrol point exceeding 5,800 meters above sea level. They also guard the highest national gate in the world — — Hongqilafu Port.

  Ice Peak, Snow Valley, National Gate, Boundary Monument, Youth … … The officers and men of the frontier defense company of Hongqilafu, a frontier defense regiment of Xinjiang Military Region stationed here, sprinkled their blood on the patrol road filled with snow and snow, made youth a solemn boundary marker on the border of the motherland, and continued to write a song of youth for contemporary soldiers on the Pamirs.

  Plateau hypoxia

  But never lack of spirit

  Hongqilafu, Tajik means "blood-stained channel". The average altitude here is more than 4,700 meters, with snow all year round, the oxygen content in the air is only 46% of that in the plain, the wind force is above 7 or 8 all year round, the annual average temperature is 3.3 degrees Celsius, the lowest temperature is MINUS 43 degrees Celsius, and the cold season lasts for 8 months.

  Walking in the land of Hongqilafu, every breath will remind you of the importance of life. Living and working here requires not only survival ability, but also strong belief and willpower to support it.

  Hongqilafu is a daunting place for the weak and a fertile ground for the spiritual growth of the strong — —

  In the 1950s, the company’s older generation of frontier guards took root in the Pamirs with the heroic spirit of "three-humped camel with a pot and three wooden sticks to build a nest and store ice and snow as water to drink". For decades, generations of people guarding the border have listened to and followed the party, and their faith in loyalty to the country and guarding the border has always been rock-solid.

  In the cold winter of that year, platoon leader He Yu led three soldiers to the border to perform a task, and when they returned, they were besieged by a snowstorm. When the rescuers arrived, they only saw four silent "ice sculptures", holding steel guns and keeping forward in the direction of the company.

  In the early autumn of that year, Yang Bo, then the company commander, accidentally fell off the cliff while exploring the road on the cliff. Fortunately, he was blocked by a prominent boulder and fell into a coma on the spot. The comrade-in-arms carried him down the hill, and the first sentence Yang Bo asked when he woke up in the bumps was: "Have you reached the point yet?" Knowing that he was being sent down the mountain, he struggled to get down from his comrades’ backs and led everyone to climb to the top of the mountain.

  Before marking the boundary pillar, Yang Bo painted the boundary pillar with a brush and paint. At that time, comrades-in-arms took off their hats and saluted and sang a chorus: "Hongqilafu is very high, and Hongqilafu is far away. Our place is called the border pass, and the boundary pillar trees are in the clouds … …” The majestic duet echoed in the ice peak and snow valley for a long time and became the eternal memory of officers and men.

  "This is the power of faith." With a splitting headache due to altitude sickness, the reporter stuck an oxygen straw in his nose and listened to the story of the officers and men of the border defense company telling the story of guarding the border. Young officers and men have simple words and are not good at expressing emotions, but they have repeatedly moved reporters to wipe their tears.

  Be at the border

  Tight string of combat readiness

  "Lack of oxygen is not lacking in spirit, and the altitude is higher and the standard is higher." Being in the company, the reporter really understood the meaning of this sentence. When boarding the Hongqilafu post, the reporter was panting at every step. Some people have calculated that walking on foot is equivalent to carrying 30 kilograms on the flat ground, and the difficulty of training intensity can be imagined.





  Liang Chao, the instructor at that time, led three soldiers to come quickly. Suddenly, a man got into the car, started the car and turned around and ran. Instructor Liang immediately informed the company to start the military, police and civilian defense plan. In less than 7 minutes, company officers and soldiers, resident militia, and armed police officers and soldiers set up checkpoints at several roads at the same time. Twenty minutes later, the escaped man was captured. Later, it was learned that the man was a suspect and attempted to cross the border as a soldier.

  In the past three years, the company has been the first in the group for more than ten times in the emergency readiness assessment. When Yang Jun, the head of the regiment, inspected the company’s combat readiness, he praised: "The soldiers of the Hongqilafu border defense company are like loaded bullets, always ready to attack!"

  Mountain high road insurance

  Stick to every inch of land

  "I would rather let my life overdraw than let my mission owe." This sentence is not only a loud slogan in the border defense company of Hongqilafu, but also a true portrayal of officers and men performing their missions with their lives.

  In September last year, the company commander Yang Yingwei led the soldiers to ride yaks and embarked on the annual routine patrol of Wufu Langgou.

  The duty station of Wufu Langgou is known as the "Valley of Death". Every time the patrol officers and soldiers have to climb over 8 ice and snow Daban with an altitude of more than 5,000 meters, they have waded into glaciers for more than 30 times, and it takes at least 4 days to go back and forth for hundreds of kilometers. This is the only patrol line in the whole army that can only ride yaks with good endurance and walk on a cliff because of the high mountains and dangerous roads.

  Glaciers and wading beaches. Every time I walk in Wufu Langgou, it is a test of life and death — —

  Once, the patrol team arrived at the Koehler Qinghe River in Mizoguchi. When the military doctor Yang Haibo rode a yak to the middle of the river, a big wave swept him into the middle of the river, and even people and cattle were washed out of more than 300 meters, and finally he was rescued by his comrades in the downstream;

  Once, the squad leader Ji Wenzhi slipped off the yak and almost fell off the cliff; Warrior Wang Fulong almost fell into a deep valley to avoid flying stones; Camping at night, then instructor Wang Lie lit his coat to fight the wolves; Wading into a glacier, the border guard Garedin fell into the river and was washed out more than 200 meters away … …

  Another time in the early morning, when the patrol was camping, it was surrounded by wolves. A dozen pairs of green eyes stared at the camp, and the low hissing roar made the sentry creepy. The officers and men gathered together, lit the bonfire, kept pulling the bolt and confronted the wolves all night. It was not until dawn that the wolves dispersed, and the officers and men rushed to the next point without taking a rest.

  In the past ten years, officers and men have been threatened by mudslides, blizzards, hail, avalanches and wild animals for nearly a hundred times on patrol. More than 30 officers and men have fallen into glaciers, valleys and snow pits, and 15 yaks have fallen off cliffs and died on patrol.

  One thrilling story made the reporter jumpy. However, patrolling in Wufu Langgou is the common wish of the officers and men of the company. They said that only after experiencing the "warrior’s sign" can they be considered as excellent soldiers in the border defense company of Hongqilafu.

  Cherish one’s home country

  Youth always stays at the border.

  Purple skin, chapped lips, sunken nails … … Here, the harsh natural environment gives the border officers and soldiers a common and unique makeup. Officers and men take off their caps, and there is a high hairline on each young face — — Hair is sparse. When they reach out their hands, sunken and deformed nails make people feel distressed … … Due to lack of oxygen and vitamins, most officers and men suffer from altitude diseases such as hypertension and ventricular hypertrophy in different degrees.

  Only when you are stationed at the border can you understand your country better. Overcoming all kinds of discomfort caused by cold and lack of oxygen, officers and men carved poems of caring for their home country and selfless dedication on the glacier snow mountain.

  In 2010, Master Sergeant Zhang Hongshun received the news that his mother was critically ill. At that time, the company was carrying out a major task. Zhang Hongshun, who had been defending for many years, silently walked out of the company gate. On the empty plateau, facing the direction of his hometown, he kowtowed three times to his mother.

  The silent dedication of the officers and men of the company has also been cared for at all levels. Since the 18th National Congress, the working and living environment of the company has been greatly improved. Nowadays, officers and men live in new barracks, get oxygen from their beds, eat fresh vegetables and use long-term electricity.







"The smallest backpacker in China" walked on Lop Nur for 6 days and cried and returned with his companions.

"The smallest backpacker" treks in the desert.

"The smallest backpacker" treks in the desert.

On December 7th, Wenwen and her party were in a hostel on Xiaotianzhu Scenic Resort Street. Liu Chenping

On December 7th, Wenwen and her party were in a hostel on Xiaotianzhu Scenic Resort Street. Liu Chenping

  Don’t go to kindergarten, walk with parents since childhood, and spend more than half of the year on the road … … In 2016, a photo of a little girl begging for a ride on the roadside caught fire in Weibo. The little girl in the photo was only 4 years old at that time, but she had been in prison for nearly 3 years, so netizens called her "the smallest backpacker in China".

  In the past year, Wenwen has not stopped hiking. Together with her parents, she challenged the Sichuan-Tibet Line, experienced paragliding in Nepal and crossed the virgin forest … … Just last month, 5-year-old Wen Wen, her father, mother, brother and new partner Lin Lin challenged the "sea of death" Lop Nur. On December 7th, the family who had returned to Chengdu was interviewed by a reporter. "Tiger Dad" Pan Tufeng told the reporter that the trip to the desert was only six days, which was "a failed challenge", but it also gained a lot.

  Along the way, the debate about Wenwen’s parents’ "tiger education" has never stopped. Although questioned, my father Pan Tufeng’s decision not to let her (Wenwen) go to kindergarten has not wavered. In September next year, Wenwen will reach the age of going to school. Pan Tufeng admits that he will try to choose the holiday time for hiking in the future.

  New members join

  Take a leave of absence for two months, and the peers will retreat halfway.

  On December 3rd, Wenwen and his party arrived in Chengdu, which was the last stop of their trip. "I will return to Shangrao in a few days, and my child’s leave will expire soon." On the 7th, in a youth hostel near Huaxi Dam, Chengdu, I watched three children playing around, Pan Tufeng said.

  Among the three children, in addition to the daughter Wenwen and the eldest son Bai Ru, a new member — — Bai Ru’s friend, 11-year-old Lin Lin.

  During the summer vacation this year, Bai Ru, who was on holiday at home, became a "king of the children", camping and having a picnic with children older than herself, and Lin Lin was one of them. "He (Lin Lin) may be infected and wants to join our hike. His parents are also very supportive, so they are together." Speaking of new members, Pan Tufeng’s tone is hard to hide his confidence.

  I went to the plateau and went to the seaside. This time, Pan Tufeng set a new challenge for the children — — "Sea of Death" Lop Nur. I asked the school for two months’ leave. In October, a group of five people started a challenge trip on the Yunnan-Tibet line.

  Get up at 6: 30 every day and walk more than 20 kilometers … … When she came to a place called Foshan Town, Lin Lin backed out. On that day, few vehicles passed by on the road. Until 11 pm, the group still didn’t get on the bus. Walking on the road in the middle of nowhere, Lin Lin cried to go home. "What I didn’t expect was that Wen Wen and Bai Ru took the initiative to comfort and encourage their brother." Pan Tufeng said.

  After an episode, five people continued on the road, and Lin Lin gradually integrated into it. "At first, I called his parents every day. Later, I only called once a week, which made me more independent."

  No man’s land on foot

  After walking for three days, I returned, and the children came out of the desert crying.

  At the end of October, a group of people arrived in Ruoqiang County, Xinjiang. From here, journey to the south is Lop Nur. Pan Tufeng originally planned to cross by off-road vehicle. However, under the persuasion of relatives and friends, and considering that the child is too young, Pan Tufeng and his wife Yuan Duan decided to "have a taste": "Just find a local as a guide and feel it on foot."

  Before leaving, Pan Tufeng made a goal: to stay in the desert for ten days. According to this plan, enough water and food are prepared. "If you follow the plan every day, it should be enough."

  Compared with adults, children are much simpler: how happy they are to have countless sands to play in the desert. Arriving at Washixia Town, Wenwen couldn’t wait to drill into the desert.

  Pan Tufeng doesn’t think this is for children to play — — Every child has to carry his own clothes and food. Lin Lin and Bai Ru are older and boys, each of them has to carry two barrels of 1.5 liters of water, and Wen Wen, who is only five years old, has to carry two bottles of 500 ml of water.

  On November 2 nd, the trip to the desert no man’s land was set off. Just seeing the sand, the three children were very excited, building bases and building castles and having fun. However, from the third day, the novelty was wiped out by the same scenery in front of her eyes, and with the fatigue caused by walking for more than ten kilometers every day, Lin Lin took the lead in getting emotional. See elder brother don’t go, wenwen, Bai Ru also began to cry.

  Do what you can. Pan Tufeng and Yuan Duan are not going to force the children to go on, but even if they want to go home, they have to walk back by themselves. It is their consistent attitude not to help. Tired of walking, sit down and rest, rest well, pack your back and continue walking. On the sixth day, the children walked out of the desert by themselves.

  A child’s harvest

  Unsuccessful challenges make children know how to cherish water.

  There is another important reason why I chose to end my trip early: there is not enough water.

  "The first time I went to the desert, I was inexperienced. At first, I thought the bag was delicious, so I ate more and drank more water." Pan Tufeng said that children also don’t know how to drink water in a planned way. "By the next day, they had already finished drinking the water on their backs."

  Originally planned to drink enough water for 10 days, only half of it was left after 4 days, so I had to turn back ahead of time. "This is an unsuccessful challenge, but the gains are still great." Pan Tufeng said.

  Lin Lin’s parents felt the change of their children. "Because he was favored at home since he was a child, he (Lin Lin) is lazy and doesn’t know how to suffer. After coming out of the desert, he suddenly became more sensible and told us to save water and food. " Lin Lin’s mother, Zheng Xiaohong, said.

  Six days in the desert, hardships are everywhere. There is a big temperature difference between morning and evening in desert areas, and the temperature is only about 2℃ at night. In tents, children wrap their clothes and shrink into sleeping bags to keep warm. In Pan Tufeng’s view, this is to exercise children’s will, but also to teach them to learn to cherish.

  Walking in the unchanging desert, even if there are local people as guides, it is inevitable that they will feel desperate because they can’t see the edge. "This is also a rare experience for them. After personal experience, they can feel the meaning of persistence."

  New plan

  Challenge the Qinghai-Tibet line before entering primary school next year.

  In mid-December, Bai Ru and Lin Lin’s holiday is over, and they will return to class. After missing two months of courses, can you still keep up? Pan Tufeng is very optimistic: "On the way out, we all brought textbooks. If there is something we don’t understand, Bai Ru also asked the teacher through WeChat."

  In September this year, Bai Ru was promoted to the third grade. In the first month’s assessment, he ranked more than 50 in the class of more than 60 people. Pan Tufeng didn’t care much about this. He said: "What they learned at school is only a part. I believe that they have learned more during their travels, which is also helpful for their future study."

  Next September, Wenwen should also go to primary school. Is it to let the children go on like this, or to return to campus? Pan Tufeng said frankly: "After Wenwen goes to school, she may take advantage of her two children to have a holiday and then go out on foot."

  However, in the remaining months, Pan Tufeng has drawn up a new plan for Wenwen: to challenge the Qinghai-Tibet Line. "We have all challenged the Sichuan-Tibet line, the Yunnan-Tibet line and the New Tibet line. Only the Qinghai-Tibet line is left in the four national roads into Tibet, and I hope it can be completed before she enters school."

  Huaxi Dushi Bao-cover journalist Wu Bingqing

  Trainee reporter Tian Zhilu Photography Liu Chenping

An 11-year-old girl learns to swim for one year and wins 2 gold medals in the national competition.

  On the 4th of this month, Ming Xinyue, a student of Nanzhou Primary School in Qijiang District, won two gold medals in the 100-meter butterfly and 50-meter freestyle in the 2016 National Children’s Swimming Division Competition (Guangdong Division) organized by the Swimming Management Center of the State Sports General Administration.

  The 11-year-old Ming Xinyue only started to learn swimming a year ago. As the youngest athlete in the sports history of Qijiang District, she has now reached the national second-class athlete standard and is also the captain of the school’s Young Pioneers. How did she manage to balance study and physical education?

  In Class 6, Grade 6, Nanzhou Primary School, Qijiang District, Ming Xinyue is sitting in the last row with a pair of 300-degree glasses. When the bell of Chinese class rang, flowers exploded in the classroom immediately, and the students jumped up and ran to the corridor to play.

  Ming Xinyue took out the homework that the Chinese teacher had just assigned and did it. While doing this, she told the Chongqing Evening News reporter: "With 10 minutes and noon time after each class, all the homework today can be completed. When you go home at night, you can review your lessons and read other extracurricular books. "

  "When I was a child, my parents often took me to play in the Weihe River. I always liked the feeling of being free in the water." Ming Xinyue said. Last July, her parents sent her to a sports school to learn swimming.

  After going to the swimming team, Ming Xinyue discovered that it was very different from playing with water when he was a child. "At most, I swam more than 8,000 meters in a training session. According to Fu Yuanhui’s words, I have tried my best and I am so tired. I have thought about giving up several times, and I have thought about giving up when I can’t finish my homework. " Ming Xinyue adjusted her glasses: "I got used to it after a long time."

  At 4: 20 pm, the bell rang, and Ming Xinyue trotted out of the school with her schoolbag on her back. At 4: 40, Ming Xinyue and his mother Qing Yang arrived at the gate of Qijiang District Youth Sports School. At 5 o’clock, 15 players arrived, and Ming Xinyue and other players got on the bus under the guidance of coach Zhou Long.

  Zhou Long said: "With the improvement of children’s swimming intensity, after the National Day this year, the sports school chartered a car to Wansheng for training every day."

  At 5: 56, the bus arrived at Wansheng Cultural and Sports Center. The water temperature in the swimming pool is 29℃ and the indoor temperature is 30℃, but Ming Xinyue is still rubbing his limbs with cold. At 6: 10, at the command of Zhou Long, Ming Xinyue first jumped into the deep water area.

  "Hurry up, Ming Xinyue, your grades have been turned over. If you don’t work hard, there will be no breakthrough." Zhou Long shouted at Mingxinyue in the swimming pool.

  "There is no rest at all. After swimming round and round, every time they come, they are fighting for time." The swimming pool manager told the Chongqing Evening News reporter.

  At 7 o’clock in the evening, after training, Ming Xinyue and other children got on the bus with wet hair. This time, she and her companions fell asleep in the car.

  Chongqing Evening News reporter Hao Yao chief reporter Ran Wen correspondent Wu Rongkai photo report

  Two noes in parental education

  In Ming Xinyue’s home, mother Qing Yang took out a bag of awards, "Long-distance running, dancing, singing … … . Too many. We never spoil our children. When she was young, we didn’t hug her. We encouraged her to stand up by herself. "

  "We won’t ask too much of her, and we will discuss everything with her, as long as she can do her best." Qing Yang said.

  Gold medal girls also have troubles.

  "I will also participate in the national championship in February next year. The next goal I set for myself is to win the national first-class athletes before I graduate from primary school." Ming Xinyue said.

  After winning the prize, Xiao Xinyue’s life at school still changed: "Some students asked me for an autograph, saying that I would become a sports star in the future. I feel uncomfortable when they say this. I don’t feel different from others. The coach and parents control the diet very strictly. I haven’t eaten cake and sweet bread for a long time. " (Hao Yao, Yan Wen)

Four consecutive championships! China women’s table tennis defeated the Japanese team 3-1 to dominate the 2018 World Table Tennis Championships.

  Xinhua News Agency, Helmstad, Sweden, May 5 (Reporter Zhang Zhang) The China women’s table tennis team defeated the Japanese team 3-1 in the final of the 2018 World Table Tennis Team Championship on May 5, achieving four consecutive championships. This is also the 21st time for China women’s table tennis to win the Columbian Cup.

  Against the second-seeded Japanese team, China sent a combination of Ding Ning, Liu Shiwen and Zhu Yuling, while the Japanese team was still Ishikawa Kasumi with young Ito Miki and Hirano Miwoo, but the order of appearances was adjusted.

  Liu Shiwen, the first to appear on the stage, had been playing steadily before, but obviously there was still a lot of pressure to play the No.1 position in the final, and finally she lost to 17-year-old Ito Meicheng in five games.

  After two draws at the beginning of the first game, Liu Shiwen pulled the score to 6: 3, but Ito quickly tied the score and overtook it by 9: 7. After Liu Shiwen tied the score to 9, Ito scored two points and won the first game; In the second game, the two sides still showed a stalemate. After Liu Shiwen established an advantage of 8: 5, Ito quickly drew the score to 7: 8. Seeing that the lead was narrowed, Liu Shiwen promptly requested a time-out. After the time-out, Liu Shiwen, who was in a stable mood, pulled back a game with 11: 8.

  On May 5th, China team member and coach Li Sun (third from left) won the championship trophy at the awarding ceremony — — The Columbian Cup. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ye Pingfan photo

  In the third game, Liu Shiwen, who strengthened backhand defense, started with 4: 0, then further expanded his advantage and won with 11: 5; In the fourth game, after Liu Shiwen started 3-1, Ito requested a timeout. Since then, the two sides have repeatedly drawn. After 8 draws, Ito scored two points in a row to get the point, and Liu Shiwen’s serve was successfully fought by the opponent. The score became 2: 2.

  In the deciding game, Liu Shiwen started with 5: 1, but Ito soon made it 6: 7. Since then, Liu Shiwen opened the score gap to 2 points and got the match point at 10: 8, but Ito, who didn’t stop, withstood the pressure and scored 4 points in a row, winning the game at 12: 10.

  In the second game, Ding Ning defeated Hirano Miwoo, who ranked sixth in the world, in straight sets. proved that losing the day before was an accident.

  Ding Ning started with 2: 0, and did not let his opponent tie the score again, winning the first game at 11: 6; In the second game, after Ding Ning established a 6-3 advantage, Ping Ye requested a timeout. Although Ping Ye tied the score to 9 and saved a game, he finally lost another game at 10: 12. In the third game, Ding Ning once fell behind at 5: 9, but she doggedly tied the score to 9, and took the lead in getting the match point, and finally won the game at 13: 11, helping the China team tie the big score to 1: 1.

  On May 5th, China team member and coach Li Sun (third from left) celebrated at the award ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ye Pingfan photo

  The competition between Zhu Yuling, ranked second in the world, and Ishikawa Kasumi, ranked third in the world, should have been a close match, but the scene was one-sided.

  Zhu Yuling, 23, easily won the first game at 11: 4; In the second game, Zhu Yuling once led at 7: 0. Although she lost three points in a row, she still relied on the advantage she had established before to play the next game at 11: 7. In the third game, Zhu Yuling started 4-2, but Ishikawa asked for a timeout, which still failed to stop Zhu Yuling from moving forward. Although she lost two points after winning the match point at 10: 6, she finally won the match at 11: 8, helping China to overtake at 2: 1.

  In the fourth game, Liu Shiwen, who played against Hirano Miwoo again, found his form, winning 11-6 in the first two games. In the third game, Ping Ye, who had been in the lead, got two innings at 10: 8, but Liu Shiwen steadied his mind and finally scored four points in a row, winning the game and helping China defend its title successfully.

  Ding Ning, captain of China team, said after the game that the team competition was the result of the joint efforts of everyone in the team. He was very happy to win the championship and thanked all those who paid for it.

Three big data show the benefits of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 25thTitle: Three Big Data Show Benefits of South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Shiping

  On August 25th, the Yellow River crossing project of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project passed the completion acceptance of the design unit project hosted by the Ministry of Water Resources. So far, 155 design unit projects in the east and middle routes of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project have all passed the completion acceptance of the Ministry of Water Resources.

  According to statistics, the South-to-North Water Transfer Project has now transferred more than 56 billion cubic meters of water and benefited more than 150 million people, fully demonstrating the benefits of this project.

  This is the view of Danjiangkou Reservoir in danjiangkou city, Hubei Province (photo taken on May 20, 2021, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang photo

  Major nodes of South-to-North Water Transfer Project: 155 design unit projects have all passed the completion acceptance.

  The acceptance of the Yellow River crossing project in the middle route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project means that all 155 design unit projects in the east and middle routes of South-to-North Water Diversion Project have passed the completion acceptance, which also marks that the whole project has turned into the formal operation stage.

  The east route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project starts from Jiangdu Water Control Project in Yangzhou City, and the Yangtze River water flows northward into Shandong. The middle line draws water from the first sluice of Taocha Canal of Danjiangkou Reservoir into the canal, and the south water flows thousands of miles, moistening Henan, Hebei, Tianjin and Beijing. Among the 155 design unit projects that have passed the completion acceptance of the Ministry of Water Resources, there are 68 in the east line and 87 in the middle line of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project.

  The Yellow River crossing project that passed the acceptance this time is the control project of the middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, and it is also the first time that China has used large-diameter shield construction to cross rivers. After the yellow river crossing project started in 2005, a series of technical problems were overcome. Since the completion of the project, the operation has been safe and stable.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Water Resources said that all 155 design unit projects have passed the completion acceptance, which is a major node since the first phase of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project was completed and put into use, laying a foundation for promoting the completion acceptance of the first phase of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project and the high-quality development of subsequent projects. In the next step, the Ministry of Water Resources will accelerate the preparatory work for the completion and acceptance of the first phase of the East and Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project, and continuously improve the comprehensive benefits of the project.

  Near Yujiazhuang Village, north of Zhengding County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, the main canal of the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is intertwined with high-speed rail and highway (photo taken on May 24, 2021, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Cai Yang photo

  Water transfer exceeds 56 billion cubic meters: it has changed the water supply pattern in some areas in the north.

  The first phase of the East and Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project was completed in November 2013 and December 2014 respectively. According to the statistics of China South-to-North Water Diversion Group Co., Ltd., as of 8: 00 on August 25th, the east and middle routes of South-to-North Water Diversion Project have transferred 56.324 billion cubic meters of water. After deducting losses, the east and middle routes of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project have supplied 54.424 billion cubic meters of water to Henan, Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing and Shandong.

  Experts believe that the South-to-North Water Transfer Project has changed the water supply pattern in some northern areas since it was fully flooded, and at the same time promoted the recovery of the ecological environment of rivers and lakes in the receiving area and the recovery of groundwater level, resulting in huge economic, social and ecological benefits.

  As far as the middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is concerned, the water quality of Danjiangkou Reservoir and the middle route is Class II standard of surface water quality and above. Drinking Yellow River water has been replaced by South Water in many places in Henan Province. More than 5 million people in Cangzhou, Hengshui and Handan in Hebei Province bid farewell to drinking high-fluorine water and bitter salt water for a long time because of South Water.

  Beneficiary population exceeds 150 million: the level of water supply security has been improved.

  The reporter learned from the South-to-North Water Diversion Group that by the end of December 2021, there were 42 cities benefiting from the first phase of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Among them, there are 24 middle-line beneficiary cities and 18 eastern-line beneficiary cities.

  As far as the middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is concerned, South Water has become a new lifeline for water supply in some large and medium-sized cities along the route. Among them, more than 70% of Beijing’s urban water supply is South Water; Almost all the water supply in the main urban area of Tianjin is south water; The level of water supply security in Henan and Hebei has also been improved due to the South Water.

  The relevant person in charge of the South-to-North Water Diversion Group said that the total beneficiary population of the east and middle routes of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is close to 153 million. Compared with 2020, the number of beneficiaries has increased by about 10 million.

  The person in charge said that the main reasons for the increase in the beneficiary population are: in 2021, Hebei Province carried out the rural drinking water source replacement project, which increased the beneficiary population of South Water by 7,815,500; In Beijing, the newly-built water receiving plant using South Water has increased the beneficiary population by 1 million. Tianjin has increased its beneficiary population by 1 million.

Infant packaged drinking water opens the era of certification

  China Consumer News reported (Reporter Sun Yanming) Recently, according to the Food Safety Law, Certification and Accreditation Regulations and other laws and regulations, China Inspection Science and Technology Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. launched the certification of natural packaged drinking water for infants. The Implementation Rules for the Certification of Natural Packaging Drinking Water for Infants formulated by the certification body have been filed with the National Certification and Accreditation Administration, and applications for enterprise certification will be accepted nationwide from now on.

  Le Fenpeng, vice-president of Beijing Packaging Drinking Water Industry Association, secretary-general of Standardization Committee of Beijing Baby Products Industry Association and the first drafter of the group standard of Natural Packaging Drinking Water for Infants, said in an interview with China Consumer News that at present, enterprises that produce packaged drinking water for infants rarely carry out the testing and certification of infant drinking water products, mainly according to the National Standard for Food Safety Packaging Drinking Water, and do not adopt special water standards suitable for infants’ physiological characteristics. Some infant drinking water production enterprises adopt enterprise standards. It is suggested that infant drinking water production enterprises should carry out comprehensive product testing, improve product quality by applying for infant natural packaging drinking water certification and formulating group standards or enterprise standards higher than national standards.

  Implement voluntary certification

  In recent years, with the improvement of living standards of Chinese residents, the healthy growth of infants and young children has received more attention. Some parents specially give their children packaged drinking water for the sake of their children’s health, and all kinds of packaged drinking water for infants have attracted the attention of many consumers once they are listed.

  According to Le Fenpeng, product certification is divided into compulsory certification and voluntary certification. At the end of 1990s, China’s voluntary product certification started. After more than 20 years of development, it has accumulated rich experience and played an active role in improving product quality, guiding industry development and protecting consumers’ rights and interests.

  Certification mark is a bridge to build trust between consumers and enterprises, and it is also a convenient way for consumers to identify food characteristics and make purchase decisions quickly, and it is also a commitment made by enterprises to consumers through third-party certification institutions.

  China Inspection Science and Technology Testing and Certification Co., Ltd. adopts internationally accepted product certification technology, and conducts third-party certification and evaluation activities for products of infant natural packaged drinking water manufacturers according to the Standard for Infant Natural Packaged Drinking Water and related certification rules. Production enterprises can apply for voluntary product certification, and after passing the certification, they can obtain the certification mark and certificate of natural packaged drinking water for infants and young children. The certificate is valid for 3 years, and the products within the validity period can use the certification mark. Le Fenpeng pointed out that products that can pass the certification of natural packaged drinking water for infants and young children not only meet the national requirements in terms of production conditions, quality indicators, safety indicators and management control, but also need to supervise, inspect and test the certified products every year to ensure that the certified products continue to be qualified and the quality is more guaranteed.

  Safety indicators are stricter.

  "Infant drinking water safety not only affects the infant period, but also affects the health of infants throughout their lives. Therefore, the safety indicators of drinking water for infants and young children are stricter than those for adults. " Li Fuxing, director of Beijing Public Health Drinking Water Research Institute, said in an interview with China Consumer News that the infant period is the fastest and most vigorous stage of metabolism. In terms of unit weight, the cell liquid exchange rate of infants is 8 times that of adults, and the metabolic rate is 2 times that of adults. At the same time, the newborn’s kidney is not yet mature, and the ability to excrete solute and secrete antidiuretic hormone by pituitary is limited.

  Le Fenpeng said that in 2003, the "Effects of Nutritional Minerals in Drinking Water on Infant Nutrition" issued by the World Health Organization proposed that drinking water sodium ≤ 20mg/L, sulfate ≤ 200mg/L。

  China’s national standards for packaged drinking water include National Standards for Food Safety: Packaged Drinking Water and National Standards for Food Safety: Drinking Natural Mineral Water. In April, 2020, Beijing Packaging Drinking Water Industry Association issued the group standard "Infant Natural Packaging Drinking Water", which clearly stipulated the technical requirements, mining and processing requirements, inspection rules, labeling, packaging, transportation and storage requirements of infant natural packaging drinking water products, filling the gaps in domestic infant natural packaging drinking water standards.

  Weng Yongsong, director of the Group Standards Committee of Beijing Packaging Drinking Water Industry Association, said in an interview with the reporter of China Consumer News that the standard has revised and adjusted the relevant indicators on the premise of meeting the National Food Safety Standard for Packaging Drinking Water. Among them, three boundary indicators were added, namely, total dissolved solids, pH value and sodium, which met the requirements of the national standard "Hygienic Standard for Drinking Water". Increase two microbial limit indicators, namely Streptococcus faecalis and Clostridium perfringens; Ten limit indicators were adjusted, including carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, oxygen consumption, lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury,
Anionic synthetic detergent, total α Radioactivity, total β Radioactivity index and limit indicators are better than the requirements of National Food Safety Standard for Packaged Drinking Water.

  The market space is huge.

  On March 1st, the reporter of China Consumer News saw on the shelf of wu mart packaged drinking water located in Yuetan South Street, Xicheng District, Beijing that there were three types of packaged drinking water for infants on the shelf, and the retail price of each type was more than twice that of ordinary packaged drinking water. Among them, the price of 1 liter bottled Evergrande Ice Spring Baby Water is 4.8 yuan, 256 ml bottled Evergrande Low Sodium Baby Water is 1.5 yuan, and 1 liter bottled Nongfu Spring Infant Natural Water is 9 yuan.

Packaged drinking water for infants sold on supermarket shelves. Sun Yanming/photo

Packaged drinking water for infants sold on supermarket shelves. Sun Yanming/photo

  According to the survey data, from 2015 to 2019, the demand for maternal and child water in China increased from 8.9 million bottles to 52.2 million bottles, with a compound annual growth rate of about 55.6%; The maternal and child water market has reached 240 million yuan, but it accounts for a very small proportion in the global market. Weng Yongsong said that there are still few consumers of packaged drinking water for infants in China, and only nearly 50 water companies have relevant production qualifications.

  The data of the seventh national census shows that China is 0-mdash; The total number of 3-year-old infants is 70 million, 0-mdash; The number of 6-year-old infants is 180 million, and the number of new births reaches 1750&mdash every year; Between 19.5 million. According to the latest data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in 2021, the birth population in China was 10.62 million. China’s huge infant population base has laid a solid customer base for the infant packaged drinking water market.

  "At present, maternal and child water has been basically popularized in developed countries in Europe and America, but it is still in the primary stage of public cognition in China." Le Fenpeng said that in recent years, China’s maternal and child water market has developed strongly. In the future, with the improvement of public awareness, the market has great development potential.

  Tip: You should look at key indicators when purchasing.

  How do consumers choose packaged drinking water that meets the physiological characteristics of infants? In this regard, Li Fuxing said that consumers should carefully read the product labels, mainly focusing on key indicators, including sodium ions less than 20mg/L and total dissolved solids at 30-mdash; 100mg/L, pH 7-mdash; Between eight. In addition, it depends on the water source, and it is best to make a comprehensive and systematic scientific evaluation of the water source on the basis of general testing.

  At present, there are a few illegal enterprises in the infant drinking water market that produce fake and shoddy products at will. For example, some packaged infant drinking water is made by adding baking soda tablets to pure water, and the sodium ion reaches more than 100 mg/L.

  Le Fenpeng suggested that when consumers choose packaged drinking water for infants and young children, they should preferably obtain brands that meet the standard test report and certification of packaged drinking water for infants and young children, and boil the packaged drinking water for infants and young children before drinking it. It is not recommended to choose pure water because it contains almost no mineral elements.


During the day on the 10th, most parts of Chongqing were cloudy with intermittent light rain in the north, with a temperature of 5 ~ 16℃.  

According to the forecast of Chongqing Meteorological Observatory, from the night of the 10th to the day of the 12th, Chongqing will be mainly cloudy to sunny, and the Pingba Valley will be foggy on the morning of the 11th. From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, it turned to rain, with moderate rain in the south.

Weather forecast for the next three days

From the night of the 10th to the day of the 11th, it is cloudy to sunny, and the Pingba Valley area is foggy in the morning with a temperature of 3 ~ 22℃. The downtown area is cloudy to sunny with a temperature of 11 ~ 21℃.

From the night of the 11th to the day of the 12th, the area west of the west turned cloudy to cloudy with sporadic light rain, while the rest areas were cloudy and sunny, with a temperature of 4 ~ 23℃. The central city is cloudy and sunny, with a temperature of 11 ~ 22℃.

From the night of the 12th to the day of the 13th, there was moderate rain in the south and light rain in other areas, and the temperature was 7 ~ 18℃. There is light rain in the central city, and the temperature is 13 ~ 17℃.

Upstream journalist He Yan

Editor: Xia Hongling Editor: Lin Qi, Zhou Shangdou Audit: Feng Fei

Pork and fruit "rising again" expert: there is no inflation risk.

  Since the beginning of this year, China has continued to promote supply-side structural reforms, increased tax reduction and fee reduction, rationalized the price formation mechanism in important areas, maintained a balance between market supply and demand, lowered inflation expectations, and moderately fluctuated consumer prices. At present, the overall price level has maintained a stable operation trend, which indicates that the economic operation is stable and good, creating a good environment for promoting high-quality economic development.

  Recently, there has been a strong expectation that the prices of pork, fruit and other foods will rise. According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics not long ago, the national consumer price index (CPI) rose by 2.0% in the first four months of this year. Among them, in April, the CPI rose by 2.5% year-on-year, and it was in the "2 era" for two consecutive months.

  In an interview with Economic Daily China Economic Net, relevant experts said that, on the whole, since the beginning of this year, China has continued to promote supply-side structural reforms, increased tax reduction and fee reduction, rationalized the price formation mechanism in important areas, maintained a balance between market supply and demand, lowered inflation expectations, and moderately fluctuated consumer prices. At present, the overall price level has maintained a stable operation trend, which indicates that the economic operation is stable and good, creating a good environment for promoting high-quality economic development.

  There has been a structural increase in prices.

  In the first four months of this year, CPI rose by 1.7%, 1.5%, 2.3% and 2.5% respectively, and the monthly year-on-year increase showed a steady upward trend in moderate fluctuations. Among them, in the last two months, the year-on-year increase in prices has increased, entering the "2 era."

  Liu Aihua, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics, believes that the CPI rose by 2.5% year-on-year in April this year, mainly due to the increase of individual varieties. Among them, pork, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits all increased by more than 10% year-on-year.

  "Overall, despite the increase in CPI in the last two months, it is significantly lower than the control target of 3%, and it is mainly affected by factors such as the base of the previous year, the hikes and seasonality, showing structural upward characteristics and not having a comprehensive upward basis." Zhang Qianrong, deputy director of the Finance and Finance Research Office of the National Information Center, said.

  Zhang Qianrong analyzed that in the first four months of this year, food prices rose by 3.2% year-on-year, which boosted CPI by 0.62 percentage points and contributed 29.7% to the CPI increase. Non-food prices rose by 1.7%, which boosted CPI by 1.48 percentage points and contributed 70.3%. The contribution rate of non-food prices to the price increase is obviously higher than that of food. Although the recent increase in pork prices has led to an increase in food prices, non-food prices have remained stable as a whole, and prices do not have the basis for an overall increase.

  "At present, China’s price increase is at a medium level on a global scale. From an international perspective, China’s price increase is slightly higher than that of developed economies such as the United States and the European Union, and significantly lower than that of BRICS countries such as Russia, which is at a medium level in the world. " Zhang Qianrong said.

  The data shows that in the first quarter of this year, the US CPI rose by 1.7% year-on-year, while the EU harmonized CPI rose by 1.6%, slightly lower than that of China. India’s CPI rose by 7.1%, Russia’s by 5.2%, South Africa’s by 4.2% and Brazil’s by 4.2%, which was significantly higher than China’s CPI.

  It is worth noting that in the first four months of this year, the national producer price index (PPI) rose by 0.1%, 0.1%, 0.4% and 0.9% respectively, with a slight year-on-year increase.

  Zhang Qianrong said that the increase in PPI was mainly affected by factors such as the rise in international oil prices and the negative increase in the same period last year. Since the beginning of this year, the increase of PPI is lower than that of CPI, and the upstream and downstream price trends are upside down.

  Pork supply is relatively abundant.

  In April, the price of pork rose by 14.4%, an increase of 9.3 percentage points over the previous month, which affected the year-on-year increase of CPI by about 0.31 percentage points.

  Relevant data show that in the first ten days of March this year, the price of white pigs rose continuously and rapidly. On March 1st, the average wholesale price of striped pigs in Beijing Xinfadi Market was 7.28 yuan/kg, but on March 10th, the price rose to 9.45 yuan/kg, and the price rose by 29.90% in 10 days, which was quite obvious. Since then, the price has fluctuated slightly.

  "Overall, pork prices have changed little in the past 60 days. In other words, after the price of meat reached a higher level in mid-March, it showed a weak trend. " Liu Tong, director of statistics department of Beijing Xinfadi agricultural products wholesale market, said.

  Liu Tong analyzed that in the first ten days of March, the price of pork rose significantly, which was the expected increase in advance. From the market situation, in the first week of March, the average daily market volume of white pigs increased by 10% from the previous week and 15% from the same period of last year, and there was no shortage of supply. In this case, the increase in meat prices mainly comes from the thrust outside the market, especially the data released by some institutions show that the stock of fertile sows has decreased, which provides conditions for the bottom rebound of meat prices.

  "The increase or decrease in the number of fertile sows reflects that there is a certain lag period in the supply capacity and price, and the insiders call this lag period ‘ Cobweb effect ’ . In other words, the supply of pigs in the second half of 2019 may show ‘ Tight equilibrium ’ State, meat prices will rise. Therefore, the rise in early March is an early rise. " Liu Tong analyzed that after the release of relevant data, most forecasts tend to show that the pig price will reach an all-time high. This expectation has played a strong role in fueling the rise in meat prices.

  Liu Tong said that in fact, the number of pig heads with white stripes does not fully represent the supply of ketone bodies in pork. After the price of meat rose, the pig farm was filled with the emotion of waiting for the price to be sold, the time of keeping pigs in the pen was prolonged, and the single weight of pigs generally increased. In April 2019, the single weight of pigs generally increased by 10%. According to this calculation, the supply of pork in April this year exceeded the same period last year. If this phenomenon continues, when the number of pigs drops by 20% and the single weight of pigs increases by 20%, the decline in the number of pigs can be compensated by the increase of single weight, and the supply of pork is still relatively sufficient.

  There is no inflation risk.

  "Overall, whether it is from food or industrial consumer goods and services, there will be no sharp increase in CPI in the future, and prices will be stable and have a solid foundation." In response to the future trend of prices, Liu Aihua said.

  Liu Aihua analyzed that, from the perspective of food prices, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits are short-term impacted by extreme weather factors, which is not sustainable, and pork prices have a certain resilience. With the gradual recovery of prices, farmers’ enthusiasm for replenishing the column will be correspondingly improved, which will play a stabilizing role in prices. From the perspective of non-food prices, the supply capacity of industrial products is sufficient, and there is no basis for a sharp increase. Although the increase in service prices is relatively high, it is generally stable.

  "Overall, the factors that will support and curb price increases in the future are intertwined." Zhang Qianrong said. From the factors supporting the price increase, on the one hand, affected by African swine fever epidemic and other factors, the number of live pigs has declined, and pork prices have continued to rise. However, considering the strong overall supply capacity of pork in China, an early warning mechanism for pig price control has been established, and it is more likely that the pork price will increase in the later period, but it does not have the basis for a substantial increase; On the other hand, with the decline of demographic dividend, labor cost will become a long-term factor to push up prices.

  On the one hand, since 2012, the increase of CPI in China has been less than 3%. Considering that residents’ inflation expectations are generally related to the previous price level, the current low price increase has reduced residents’ inflation expectations; On the other hand, China’s main industrial products are abundant in supply, with bumper harvests for many years, high grain and oil stocks, rapid development of service industry, strong supply capacity in various fields and strong price stability. In addition, with the continuous advancement of supply-side structural reforms, the operating costs of enterprises have been significantly reduced, providing a good policy environment for stabilizing prices.

  Zhang Qianrong said that after preliminary calculation, the CPI hikes factor is about 0.7% and PPI hikes factor is about 0.1% in 2019. Considering the hikes and the above factors, it is expected that consumer prices in China will continue to rise moderately and steadily in 2019, with CPI rising by about 2.3% and PPI rising by about 1.0%. There is no inflation risk, and the pressure on price control is light.