After Yang Ying’s account was banned for a week, new work trends broke out! Be careful to test the water and hint that you will never retreat!

As a top actress in the entertainment industry, Yang Ying’s every move has attracted much attention. However, as her popularity continues to rise, so does her responsibility. As a public figure, her words and deeds are magnified, as if she is enjoying the benefits of starlight, but also forgetting the self-discipline and norms that a top star should have.

The recent Crazy Horse episode has put Yang Ying’s image at an unprecedented risk. What was originally a niche entertainment experience has entered the public eye because of Yang Ying’s visit. The incident has raised questions not only about Yang Ying’s personal character, but also about her sense of responsibility as a public figure. Unfortunately, this time she does not seem to have delivered satisfactory answers.

In the turmoil caused by the Crazy Horse show incident, Yang Ying’s social account was banned for up to three months. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for Yang Ying. In the digital world, this is almost equivalent to disappearing from the public eye. Fans are thrown into confusion and unease for a while. After all, in this era of face-seeing, no exposure means being forgotten. However, this may be an opportunity to reflect and replan their own star path.

Despite the ban, Yang Ying has not completely faded from the public eye. Within a week, it was revealed that she was involved in the shooting of a magazine. Although this time her photo did not appear on the cover, it became the inside page, a low-key approach that was both cautious and revealed her determination not to give up. After the halo faded, Yang Ying chose a more restrained and low-key way to show the world that she is still trying to move forward.

Once upon a time, Yang Ying’s acting skills were widely criticized, but her performance in variety shows undoubtedly gave her a lot of credit. Now, although the Crazy Horse show incident has caused her reputation to drop to the bottom, she has not given up. Amid the public ridicule, Yang Ying seems to be answering the question of "soft ban" with action. She is no longer the actress who only shines under the spotlight, but quietly works behind the scenes to prepare for her next appearance.

During this time, she learned how to grow in the trough and how to find a way out in the controversy. Her transformation has shown us a more mature and confident Yang Ying. Although the road ahead is not smooth, she is ready to face new challenges.

Today’s Yang Ying has stepped down from the position of a top star, but she is not far away from the entertainment industry. She began to try more roles and constantly push her comfort zone. Her performances also began to become more realistic and natural, no longer just superficial forms. Her efforts and persistence have allowed us to see a more comprehensive and in-depth Yang Ying.

Looking back at Yang Ying’s ups and downs in life, we see a growing and improving her. Although she has encountered setbacks, she did not give up but honed herself in the face of difficulties and continuously improved herself. Her story tells us not to give up easily even when facing difficulties. Only by persevering in hard work can we achieve success.

Let’s look forward to Yang Ying’s next role together as she continues to create her own brilliance in the entertainment industry!

Responsible editor:

Two months to sell 30,000 units! Reveal the secret and ask the world M9 sales password, why sell so well?

There were the best SUVs within 5 million, and now there are the best SUVs within 10 million. Today’s protagonist is this "best SUV within 10 million" – ask the world M9.

As a large SUV priced at the 500,000 level, when it was just launched at the end of the year, the sales volume was not ideal. But in April, the sales volume skyrocketed to 15,139 units. The main reasons include space, smart driving, smart cockpit and comfort. Of course, it is inseparable from Huawei’s blessing.

Ask the world about the body size of the M9. The length of the car is 5.23 meters, the width is 1.99 meters, the height is 1.8 meters, and the wheelbase is 3.11 meters. It is definitely a proper big car. With up to 10 screens in the car and comfort configuration, it is difficult to match the luxury at the same price. For the specific model experience, you can click the video to learn more.

The trial of a Beijing truck that flattened a taxi began, and the driver admitted to overloading

  The taxi that was squashed at the time of the incident, photo provided by the Internet

  The driver of the truck, Wang Chenglong, was tried in Tongzhou District Court yesterday on suspicion of causing a traffic accident in a car accident in Tongzhou District last October, in which a large truck overturned and crushed onto a taxi waiting for a red light, killing the taxi driver. Wang Chenglong said that the truck was seriously overloaded at the time, and during the driving process, he made a sharp turn to the right to prevent hitting another car that was connected to the line, causing the vehicle to overturn and suppress the taxi. The public prosecution agency recommended a sentence of one to one and a half years, but the case was not handed down in court.

  Prosecutors allege

  Investigate the criminal responsibility of large truck drivers

  Yesterday morning, the case was heard in the Tongzhou District Court. Prosecutors alleged that at around 22:9 on October 17, 2016, Wang Chenglong drove a heavy dump truck to the east entrance of Yaoxinzhuang Village, Jingtang Road, Tongzhou District. In order to avoid the car merging from the right lane, the truck rolled over in the right direction, causing the truck and the rocks on the truck to be buried in the taxi waiting for the traffic light. The 39-year-old taxi driver Li died on the spot.

  The Tongzhou Detachment of the Public Security Traffic Administration of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau determined that Wang Chenglong was primarily responsible for the accident, and that Ding, the driver of the car, was primarily responsible for the accident, while Li, the deceased, was not responsible.

  After the accident, Wang Chenglong surrendered to the police at the scene. The public prosecution organ believes that Wang Chenglong violated traffic regulations, resulting in a major accident that caused one death, and should be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crime of traffic accident. The public prosecution organ recommended that the sentence be fixed-term imprisonment for one to one and a half years, but the court did not pronounce the sentence in court.

  Big cargo driver

  Plead guilty in court to overloading

  During the trial, Wang Chenglong pleaded guilty. Wang Chenglong recalled that on the night of the crime, he drove the truck from Shunyi to Shijiao County. He had never traveled the road between the two places, so he followed another truck. The truck in front of him ran past the intersection when the signal light turned red. At this moment, a car suddenly forced the line to the motor vehicle lane where the truck was located, and stopped directly in front of the truck. Wang Chenglong hurriedly stepped on the brakes. Due to inertia, the vehicle still moved forward. In order to avoid hitting the car, Wang Chenglong turned the steering wheel to the right. As a result, the truck rolled over and pressed the taxi next to it.

  Wang Chenglong said that the truck he was driving had an approved cargo capacity of 12 tons, but 46 tons of stones were loaded on the truck that day, and overloading was also one of the reasons why the truck rolled over.

  parallel driver

  I didn’t know the accident was related to me until I read the news

  Ding, the driver of the car who was indirectly responsible for the accident, said that a truck in the left lane ran a red light at that time, so he parallel to the left lane, but did not observe whether there were other vehicles in the left rear at that time. After the line was merged, the signal light ahead turned red, and he stopped the car. At this time, a truck behind the car rolled over, and the stones on the car were scattered on the ground, burying the taxi next to it. After the signal light turned green, Ding drove away from the scene. Ding admitted that his parallel behavior violated traffic rules. Ding said that the next day, he saw online reports and videos, and found that the accident was related to his lane change.

  According to the provisions of the law on traffic accident, in such accidents, only the party responsible for the accident will be suspected of criminal offenses. Although the party responsible for the secondary accident should bear the corresponding civil liability, it does not involve criminal offenses.


  "The family mainly depends on him to support themselves."

  On the night of the incident, the taxi driver, Master Li, was driving on National Highway 103. When he passed the Yaoxinzhuang intersection, Master Li stopped in the parking line in accordance with traffic rules and waited for the red light to turn green. At this time, a large truck filled with stones suddenly turned sharply to the right in order to avoid another car that suddenly pressed the solid line and the line, resulting in a rollover. The truck, together with tons of stones, happened to be pressed against Master Li’s car.

  At 22:15 that night, Tongzhou Fire Yuqiao Squadron arrived at the scene and found that Master Li’s taxi was almost completely squashed by the truck. It was not until 0:01 a.m. on the 18th that firefighters rescued Master Li who was trapped in the car. After 999 on-site confirmation, Master Li had no vital signs.

  After the accident, a reporter from Beijing Youth Daily visited the home of taxi driver Master Li and interviewed the family members and neighbors of the deceased.

  As usual, the family members who cooked dinner at home did not expect that, just a 10-minute drive from home, Master Li would leave this world forever.

  After Master Li left, Mr. Dong, who lived next door, saw that Master Li’s wife no longer went out, "her face was bad and she rarely spoke." While Master Li’s mother sat on the bed, "wrapped in a quilt, tears streaming down her face."

  "He is a pillar of the family," Mr. Li’s relatives told the Beijing Youth Daily on the afternoon of the 20th. "If the pillar collapses, the sky will collapse."

  Before the accident, Mr. Li had a 93-year-old grandmother and a 70-year-old mother to support, and a 15-year-old daughter who was still in junior high school, according to his uncle. In addition, Master Li also has a sister who moved out after getting married.

  He has been driving taxis for more than a decade and earns about Rmb4,000 a month, according to his uncle, who said he had been rated an excellent driver by his taxi company. "The family mainly depends on him to support themselves, so he works every morning and every night."

  Mr. Dong is a tenant of the Li family. He told the Beiqing Daily reporter that he has rented the house in Master Li’s house for seven or eight years. In Mr. Dong’s mouth, Master Li is a particularly diligent and energetic person. "He goes out to work at 6 o’clock every morning and comes back at 10 o’clock in the evening. I haven’t seen him rest for a few days all year round."

  A reporter from Beiqing Daily saw the barber shop opened by Master Li and his wife near his home. Mr. Dong said that the barber shop was usually mainly run by Master Li’s wife, but Master Li often came to the store to help after returning from renting at night.

  In Mr. Dong’s impression, Mr. Li’s family has a good relationship. "He comes back to the taxi every day after 10 o’clock in the evening, and the family will make porridge and hot dishes to wait for him, and the family will have dinner together." This harmonious atmosphere is also transmitted to the neighborhood. Mr. Dong, who came to Beijing from Gansu to work as a migrant, said that he rented here seven or eight years ago and "has been unwilling to leave" since then. Mr. Dong feels that the estrangement between locals and outsiders has disappeared between Master Li’s family and himself. "Their family is warm to people and never cares about small things. During the New Year and holidays, they will call me to the house for dinner, and everyone will sit together to drink and chat." Mr. Dong said.

  On the evening of 3 days after the incident, a reporter from Beiqing Daily saw that Master Li’s sister and mother had sent relatives who had come to visit to the alley entrance. The street lamps were dim and the rain was slightly inclined. The sister helped the mother go home, and then the lights in the house came on, and the sound of cooking in the kitchen spread faintly outside.

  At the place where Master Li died that day, large trucks hurriedly drove through the intersection.

  By our reporters, Zhang Fan and Yang Lin

The popularity of "mix and match" drinks has risen, and the Hefei beverage market has reappeared as a "melee".

As the temperature rises and the peak season for beverage consumption is approaching, major merchants are in full swing to start the "preparation" mode. New products are coming, sugar-free tea is in the limelight, "coffee + new tea drink" cross-border competition continues to "roll in", electrolyte water sales are growing rapidly, and niche drinks such as papaya coconut milk are popular. Recently, Anhui Business Daily Financial Media reporters visited the Hefei beverage market and found that low-sugar and sugar-free drinks are sought after by consumers, and the popularity of "mixed and matched" drinks continues to rise. Domestic soda, which has triggered a nostalgic trend, has once again returned to the public eye.

Sugar-free tea is in the limelight

Tea, the daily beverage of the Chinese people for thousands of years, is still the protagonist of the beverage industry today. Looking at the entire beverage market, sugar-free tea has attracted the attention of many young consumers. On April 10, the reporter visited the offline supermarket store and saw that in addition to the common cola, orange juice, etc., all kinds of new tea drinks have also become best-selling models on the beverage shelves. The outer packaging of these tea drinks has changed the colorful color scheme, with fresh tones as the main one, health as the main selling point, highlighting the concepts of "sugar-free" and "zero fat".

Xiao Yao opened a community convenience store in the administrative district. Before the reporter’s visit, several bottles of sugar-free jasmine tea newly put on the shelves in the refrigerated freezer were bought by customers. According to the boss of Yao, customers who buy sugar-free tea drinks can be of any age group. Summer is approaching, and jasmine tea, oolong tea and Pu’er tea are going fast. Products like this kind of easy-to-sell single product must be replenished at any time. Consumer Yan Ning always keeps sugar-free drinks in the refrigerator at home. She attributed the reason for choosing sugar-free drinks to "fear of being fat but want to drink some water with taste".

Reporters visited offline retail channels and found that in order to keep up with consumer demand, major brands have entered the sugar-free tea market, including Yuan Qi Sen Lin, Master Kong, and Unified and other brands have launched new sugar-free tea series one after another. In addition to "old acquaintances", there are also many new players. Let tea, Chun Tea House, Tea Xiaokai, Xiaoye Jiuli, and Fruit Ripe and other new brands enter the market, and successively launch a variety of new tea drinks. The sugar-free tea products themselves are in line with the tea drinking habits of most consumers, plus zero sugar, zero fat and other characteristics, making it easier to be accepted and loved by consumers.

"Coffee + New Tea Drinks" Cross-border competition continues to "roll in"

Longjing, Jin Junmei, Biluochun, Tieguanyin and other tea varieties are the base, superimposed with fresh milk and fruit creativity, and unknowingly become the "star model" on the menu of new tea shops, and it is also the best "single item" in the hands of young people shopping. Wu Hao, a young entrepreneur in Hefei, saw that the new tea market was expanding, and he decided to be eager to try it. To join a brand that has recently become very popular, he spent a month exploring the market. In the process of looking for a shop, he found that there are more and more new tea shops now, and it is normal to have four or five commercial streets a few hundred meters away.

The reporter visited and found that a number of new tea brands such as HEYTEA, Bawang Chaji, Tea Baidao, Jasmine Milk White, Lele Tea, and Mawuwang Beverage Factory occupy prime locations in major business districts, and cutting-edge niche new tea stores such as Yiye Mishan and Wukong Tea have also begun to step into the "inner roll". The "sugar control" trend set off by the industry has given consumers more options. The reporter noticed that some existing tea shops have begun to use healthier organic milk in the selection of raw materials. In addition to competing with new product lines, new tea drinks are also "inner roll" prices. The reporter found that the price bands of a number of newly listed drinks are concentrated around 15-17 yuan, followed by 17-21 yuan. Consumers are becoming increasingly price-sensitive, and cost-effective products will gradually become the mainstream of the new tea market.

Coffee with green tea, lychee with latte, avocado with latte… Coffee and new tea drinks, the two most mainstream drinks in the current market, are becoming "you have me, I have you". This wonderful combination has become a new choice for consumers, and it is also a new trend for merchants to expand customers and increase revenue. "The current trend is’coffee + everything ‘." Ms. Bai, who runs a coffee shop near Wangjiang Road, said that the store launched a variety of teas in April, including oolong tea with oat latte, mulberry, jasmine tea with coffee, etc. The fierce competition in the industry forced her to rack her brains on new products every week. When consumers are tired of drinking classic models, they will naturally place orders with an "early adopter" mentality when they see the new flavors launched.

Domestic soda "Qianlang" turned red and became the "darling" of the table

As one of the summer "heatstroke tools", soda has always been favored by consumers. The reporter visited offline stores and saw that in addition to well-known carbonated beverages such as Coca-Cola and Sprite, domestic soda is gradually "breaking the circle". Huayang, Second Factory soda, Arctic Ocean, Laoshan soda, Tianfu Cola and other soda brands are placed in a prominent position on the shelves, and many consumers are choosing. "Although new flavors are emerging one after another, I still think Arctic Ocean orange juice soda is the best to drink. It is the taste in my childhood memory." Consumer Xiao Deng said that not only can you see domestic soda in community stores and supermarkets at home, but more and more domestic drinks in catering stores are also playing a "retro brand".

Whether it is to eat hot pot or order barbecue, a bottle of domestic soda has become the first choice for more and more consumers. Mr. Dong, the owner of a copper pot shabu meat shop on Jiuhua Mountain Road, told reporters that many customers like glass bottles of soda in big kilns. The boss believes that the main reason why large bottles of soda sell well is that they are affordable and delicious.

"The more you drink other beverages, the more thirsty you get, especially when you eat Roujiamo, a bottle of Bingfeng soda will be much more comfortable." The reporter visited and saw that Bingfeng soda, Liangpi, and Roujiamo formed the "Sanqin Package", which became the "standard" in the menu of Shaanxi noodle restaurants. Although domestic soda focuses on "nostalgia" in packaging, it has taken a new route in taste. In addition to classic orange and orange flavors, it also innovates pineapple flavors, lychee flavors, and white peach flavors to attract young consumers.

Breaking category boundaries "mix and match" beverages are on the rise

As one of the fastest new product iterations in the food industry, the beverage market has frequent spring explosions, and new products are coming. Lele Tea combines papaya with coconut milk, Chabaodao combines mango and guava with seven scented jasmine tea soup; 7 points sweet upgrades avocado yogurt, with kale and phycocyanin respectively; moist yogurt combines dragon fruit detoxification properties, and dragon fruit yogurt is on the shelves; Magic Water Master launches garlic coffee, loquat pear autumn dew, etc.; a whole variety of guava red ginseng drinks, etc. In addition, niche beverages such as jasmine Yunnan olive juice, prebiotic prune fiber fruit drink, and lutein ester blueberry fruit drink also occupy the shelves of supermarkets and convenience stores.

With the segmentation of consumer demand, the sub-category of sparkling water has gradually risen. Among hawthorn drinks, hawthorn juice has long occupied the mainstream category with its mellow and sweet taste. The reporter saw in a supermarket on Co-operative Road that a hawthorn sparkling drink under Good Hope Water’s product "Hope Hawthorn" is selling well. In terms of taste, it has made innovations in traditional fruit juice drinks, combining hawthorn with hibiscus, tangerine peel, licorice, etc., and adding gas technology to make a carbonated drink with a unique "sand taste", which is loved by young consumer groups.

In early 2021, Luckin Coffee launched the "raw coconut latte" product, which replaced the milk in the latte coffee with coconut milk, and the unique flavor quickly became popular. Since then, "coconut flavor" has become one of the popular flavors in the beverage market. A supermarket clerk on Wanfo Lake Road told reporters that the sales of coconut milk and coconut water have risen recently, and as the weather heats up, the sales of electrolyte water and soda water of various brands will also increase significantly, and "salt" drinks will have a place.

Make "Nutrition Choice" grading a "consumption guide" for beverages

Have you ever thought that one day, drinking beverages and milk tea will also be divided into "three, six, nine, etc."? A few days ago, Shanghai piloted the country’s first beverage "Nutrition Choice" grading label, which is based on the non-dairy sugar, saturated fat, trans fat and non-sugar sweeteners contained in beverages as the classification standard. The rating is from high to low, and the four grades of ABCD are marked. The level of recommendation is gradually decreasing, and it will be marked in the menu, beverage packaging, ordering procedures, and other prominent places one after another.

From thirst-quenching to delicious, and then to health, the beverage market has developed in line with the ever-changing needs of consumers. According to Nielsen’s survey, nearly 80% of consumers now pay attention to the ingredients of food and beverages. According to the "2023 China Sugar-free Tea Industry White Paper" by Yiou Think Tank, it is expected that the size of the sugar-free tea market will exceed 10 billion by 2025 and will reach 12.40 billion yuan by 2027.

"Nutrition grading can further awaken everyone’s health awareness." Mr. Wen, a person in the food industry, said that trans fats and non-sugar sweeteners all pose certain hidden dangers to human health and can easily lead to problems such as obesity. For most people with excess nutrition, the less the intake of these substances, the better. With this classification, it will be difficult for merchants to focus only on taste and not on ingredients, and the guidance of consumers will be further strengthened, so that they can have an extra "consumption guide" when choosing beverages.

With the increasing health awareness of consumers, the demand for healthy drinks has grown rapidly, and "sugar reduction" has become a consensus. The change in consumer attitudes towards sugar intake is affecting the position of sugar-free beverages in the market from the bottom up, and various products are also being designed to be low-sugar and sugar-free. Although sweetness is avoided due to "sugar-free", the taste is also limited. Taste optimization is the core of impressing consumers, and new flavors and new products will continue to emerge on the beverage track in the future.

(Anhui Business Daily financial media reporter, Wu Mengjunwen/photo)

The morning newspaper is super promising. WANG Kar-wai’s "Flowers" Hu Ge starred in the male lead "Kikujiro’s Summer" confirmed for introduction

Fresh information morning call is all in the morning newspaper

Tuesday morning~Recently, Beijing has always been shrouded in overcast rain, and heavy rain is expected in the next few days. A girl is here to remind everyone that you must pay attention to safety when traveling. Let’s say hard work to the heroes who still stick to their jobs in the storm and rain!

"Flowers" Hu Ge works hard to lose weight for the role "Turandot" Sophie Marceau joins hands with Jiang Wen Guan Xiaotong


It is reported that the new film "Flowers," which is produced and directed by Wong Kar-wai, will be released in Shanghai at the end of this month. Set in 1990s Shanghai, Hu Ge plays the male protagonist Bao, whose involvement with several confidantes will be the highlight of the story. Among them, he also has an affair with the boss lady played by Ma Yili. Before the launch, Wang Kar-wei also asked Hu Ge to lose weight to meet the needs of the character, so in recent months, Hu Ge has been working hard to exercise and diet to prepare for the new role.

Wong Kar-wai has arrived in Shanghai in early March this year to prepare the drama version and film version of "Flower". He hopes to complete the 30-episode drama version within half a year and meet the audience next year. The movie version will start after February next year. The male lead will still be Hu Ge, but the female lead may not consider acting in the drama version, but Wang Kar-wei’s request for the lead character still needs to be able to speak Shanghai dialect. Previously, it was reported that Hu Ge has connected with Tang Yan, a friend who is also from Shanghai, for "Flower", but the crew has not yet made a clear response. Recently, the "Flower" crew and the "Xinmin Evening News" published a "notice for finding objects", soliciting old objects related to Shanghai in the 1990s from the whole society, which has also attracted the attention and heated discussion of many netizens.

The trailer continues to look! Recently, the war fantasy film "Turandot: The Origin of the Spell", directed by Zheng Xiaolong and written by Wang Xiaoping, starring Guan Xiaotong, Dylan Spurs, Jiang Wen, Hu Jun, Sophie Marceau, etc., first exposed the poster of "The Spell Comes". The mysterious power contained in the "three-color bracelet" on the poster is surging in the dark. The Chinese imperial city and Western-style castle are shrouded in three-color bracelets, which can faintly reveal the monstrous waves hidden behind the calm, indicating an imperial war that is about to erupt.

The main cast of the film is shining with stars, "the daughter of the nation" Guan Xiaotong plays the princess Turandot, and the powerful actors Jiang Wen and Hu Jun star. The film not only has Dylan Spurs as the male lead, but also Sophie Marceau, who is known as the "Rose of France", performs it with love. The creative inspiration of the film is inspired by "Turandot", one of the top ten operas in the world. It fuses fantasy elements with content full of Eastern culture, and pioneers the "mystery of the three-color bracelet" to deconstruct the classic. I hope the film will be released soon, so that we can quickly appreciate the charm of this combination of Chinese and Western!

There are a lot of previews today~ A few days ago, the animated drama "Mirror · The Wind Rises in the Twin Cities" released the "Return" version of the theme poster and the "Entering the Mirror" version of the trailer. The top production and ingenuity restore not only ignited the enthusiasm of fans, but also amazed the original author Cang Yue. "Mirror · Twin Cities" is based on the first adaptation of Cang Yue’s long fantasy novel "Mirror" series, and will be broadcast ** video.

The overall style of the poster of the "Return" version is full of atmosphere, with blizzard gushing above the clouds, and the scene ready to go is a metaphor for the theme of the play "Wind Rises". Su Mo, who is in the center of the poster, returns to the Cloud Desolate with a cold expression, and the silk threads entangled between his fingers are the proof of his identity as a puppet master; behind him, the air-mulberry crown prince Zhenlan, who has been sealed for a hundred years, looks at his right hand thoughtfully, while the girl who has set foot on the Cloud Desolate Fairyland for the first time, Nasheng, nervously clenches the dagger in her hand to resist the unknown danger; below the screen, Bai Ying, the princess of the Bai race, closes her eyes and thinks deeply, and the puppet puppet Su Nuo has a strange expression. The expressions and movements of the five main characters are full of

Overseas Telescope | "Summer of Kikujiro" Confirmed Introduction, First Release of Takeshi Kitano’s Works in Mainland China


Yesterday, the classic film "Summer of Kikujiro" directed by Takeshi Kitano released posters and stills with Chinese characters. The film was confirmed to be introduced to the mainland. The specific release date has not been announced. It is reported that this will be the first time that Kitano’s work has been released in mainland theaters.

The movie "Kikujiro’s Summer" tells the story of Masao (Yusuke Sekiguchi), a third-grade boy who has lost his father and lived with his grandmother since childhood In order to find his mother, he spent the summer vacation in a neighbor’s aunt (Kishimoto Kasuko) Decoration) and his idle husband Kikujiro (Kitano Takeshi) With the help of), embarked on a warm summer journey full of adventures. As Kitano Takeshi’s first public release in the Chinese mainland, "Summer of Kikujiro" will be released in a restored version as a time21The first precious appearance to meet the Chinese audience in 2010. Reunion in late summer, so stay tuned~

Movie Calendar | Qin Hailu was born

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The finale of "Qing Yu Nian" is too abusive. Why did Yan Bingyun kill Fan Xian? There is an inside story

  In the midst of extreme inner contradictions, Emperor Qing had a plan. He transferred Fan Jian, Chen Pingping, and left himself, even without Wuzhu. Just when Ye Qingmei was free, he provoked conservative forces, invaded another courtyard, and killed Ye Qingmei. The newborn son was replaced by Fan Jian, who liked Ye Qingmei, and survived.

  When Fan Xian was fifteen years old, his father, Fan Jian, and the director of the Supervision Institute, Chen Pingping, sent a drug expert, Fei Jie, to teach him how to use poison and martial arts. Four years later, Fan Xian’s force was already superior. After cracking a poisoning incident, he went to Kyoto with a sense of crisis and an exploration of the truth. In the process of getting familiar with Kyoto, Fan Xian saw Liu Ruyu and his younger brother Fan Si’s loss of power. He fell in love with his future wife, Lin Waner, at first sight, and also saw Fan Ruoruo, a slim and talented female sister. Zhang Ruoyun plays Fan Xian in a vivid and vivid way. He understands the role more thoroughly, and interprets Fan Xian’s intelligence and aura to the fullest.

  Fan Xianzha found out that the murderer of his mother Ye Qingmei was his real father, Emperor Qing. He joined forces with Wuzhu, Shadow, Haitang, Wang Shilang, and Ruoruo to make enemies of Emperor Qing. He also used the big sniper left by his mother to seriously injure Emperor Qing, who was later killed by the rainbow rays emitted by Wuzhu’s eyes.

  So why did Yan Bingyun kill Fan Xian? Xiao Zhan played Yan Bingyun as a person loyal to the Supervision Institute. Hearing that Fan Xian thought that all this was Chen Pingping’s design, he felt that Fan Xian must be Chen Pingping’s enemy. It was a good time to kill Fan Xian before he rushed back to the capital, so he took the opportunity to kill Fan Xian. Fan Xian already knew that the assassination in Niulan Street, and a series of things after that, were all done by the second prince.

The 3-year-old daughter appeared as Ren Xianqi sang, shy and hiding behind her father.

Feature: Picture Channel

  Ren Xianqi (left) kissed his daughter on the cheek while singing the night before

  Mother Tina and daughter Rati cheered offstage

  When Ren Xianqi started singing, the big screen behind him played pictures of his daughter and son. (Image source: Hong Kong’s Ming Pao)

  Singer Ren Xianqi (Xiao Qi) sang at the Hong Kong Red Pavilion the night before yesterday, and the black explosive head wore a golden western dress and other exaggerated shapes, which made the fans exclaim. His girlfriend Tina also took her daughter Rati to cheer on the stage. After the hard-working flamenco dance, he said proudly: "My line dance teacher said that I am only a little bit short of Guo Fucheng." And his daughter Rati, who celebrated her 3rd birthday that night, came on stage to lay flowers. He sang "Grandma’s Bridge" to send his daughter back and kissed her on the stage to show his gentle father’s side.

  Taiwan media reported that Xiao Qi appeared in a handsome general’s style the night before yesterday, and also danced with the dance group to make swords, and also wore black explosive heads, matching gold suits and large bell pants, wearing 4? high boots, singing the new song "I Love You", which made the audience scream. After singing and dancing, he smiled at the audience and said: "How is it? It is qualified. Wait a minute, there is a more exciting dance to show you. If you want to go to the toilet, hurry up."

  It turned out that his pressure box treasure was dancing flamenco with female dancers, for which he received 2 months of devil training. After dancing, he boasted that his dancing skills were only a little short of Guo Fucheng’s, and he should have the opportunity to be the dance king in the future, which made fans laugh. The highlight then came on stage, and his daughter Rati came on stage to lay flowers without warning.

  It turned out that the day before yesterday was Rati’s 3rd birthday. She quietly went on stage to present flowers to her hard-working father. Seeing her daughter so caring, he sang to her daughter, and the fans under the stage also sang Happy Birthday songs for her. Rati was shy and nervous, hiding behind her father, making everyone laugh. The screen also cooperated with the growth photos of her daughter, and even the photos of her younger son, who was more than 2 months old, were exposed. That night, the guests included Cao Ge and Wang Yuzhi, and their partners sang to warm applause.

Editor in charge: Zhang Tuoya

Super configuration, Yantai Huawei Ascend P7 summer special sale

     (Zhongguancun Online Yantai Quote) HuaweiAscend P7 (mobile TD-LTE version)It is a mobile phone with excellent camera capabilities. The fast capture function of the machine is a highlight, which allows fleeting moments to be easily retained in our mobile phones. At present, the merchant Yantai "Haozheng Communication" offers 2450 yuan.

Pictured: HuaweiAscend P7(Mobile TD-LTE version)

 Huawei Ascend P7(Mobile TD-LTE version) uses a 5-inch full high definition in-cell screen, and the machine also uses Corning’s third-generation gorilla glass protective screen. The upper left corner of the back of Huawei Ascend P7 is a 1.3 million pixelsThe camera is equipped with an LED flash at the bottom, and the Huawei logo is located in the middle. The speaker is placed at the bottom left of the back in a vertical strip.

Pictured: Huawei Ascend P7 (mobile TD-LTE version)

Pictured: Huawei Ascend P7 (mobile TD-LTE version)

    The front-facing camera of Huawei Ascend P7 (mobile TD-LTE version) supports ten-level beauty functions. It is worth mentioning that the machine also supports video skin beauty and panoramic selfies. These two functions are indeed uncommon and improve the functionality of the front-facing camera. The HiSilicon Kirin 910T processor is used. The processor uses four Cortex-A9 cores and integrates the Mali-450MP graphics processing unit. In terms of memory, the machine uses2GB With a combination of RAM and 16GB ROM, the overall performance is still worth looking forward to.

Pictured: Parameter diagram

Editor’s comment:
    The front-facing camera of Huawei Ascend P7 (mobile TD-LTE version) has 8 million pixels, uses 5 aspherical lenses, the aperture reaches F2.4, and the photosensitive area of a single pixel reaches 1.4 μm, which is indeed very powerful in terms of hardware.

[Reference quotation] 2450 yuan (this price ends 2014-07-16)
[Business Name] Yantai Haozheng Communication
[Merchant Address] No. 17 and 18, Cabinet B2, Zhongcheng Digital Plaza, Yantai
[Contact number] 0535-2110002 15253576666
[Online store]//
[Tips] the purchase process mentioned Yantai IT network netizens can get a lower price

     (Zhongguancun Online Yantai Quote) Huawei Ascend P7 (Mobile TD-LTE Edition) is a mobile phone with excellent camera capabilities. The machine’s rapid capture function is a major highlight, which allows fleeting moments to be easily retained in our mobile phones. Currently, the merchant Yantai "Haozheng Communication" offers 2450 yuan.

Pictured: Huawei Ascend P7 (mobile…

Shanghai netizens bought this drink as "the hottest this summer", and the sales volume was actually higher than that of Coke

What is the most popular drink among Shanghai residents this summer? Which restaurants are the most popular when you go out to eat? Not Internet celebrities, not rookies, but many "old faces" and "time-honored brands". According to the results of online buying and auditions released by some Internet platforms recently, affordable food and catering are still the favorites of the market.


The Shanghainese drank 4 million bottle of salt soda


"I never expected that salt soda water is so popular in Shanghai, and its sales are higher than Coke." Li Yao is the person in charge of the operation of Tmall Supermarket in East China. Choosing the right goods for the supermarket is one of her daily jobs. Since entering the summer, she has found that salt soda water has quietly become popular on the platform, selling 5 million bottles in half a month, more than Coke, and becoming the sales champion of carbonated beverages; what surprises her even more is that, "After pulling the background data, I found that 80% of them were bought by Shanghai netizens."


"My parents are both employees of state-owned enterprises. When I was a child, every summer, there was salt soda water in the high-temperature benefits issued by the factory. At first, it was produced by the factory and filled in beer bottles, and then bottled, ‘Yanzhong’ brand." Liu Cheng is a "Shanghai boy" born in the 1980s. He still remembers the old taste of summer, and he found that the old taste of salt soda water has not disappeared these years, but has a new taste: "Now there are lemon flavors, cherry flavors… They are all sold online. When I buy it, I not only drink it myself, but my four-year-old son also likes to drink it. My parents feel very nostalgic."


Liu Cheng said that some time ago, Bright Ice Bricks and Popsicles attracted a lot of attention, and some people felt that they couldn’t buy them, but he felt that many time-honored brands were available on the Internet, so it was still very convenient to buy them. Moreover, the Internet’s role in the dissemination of time-honored brands and old products was also obvious: "I think the Internet has a great influence on time-honored brands. A few days ago, I saw that the post-95s in the office were also drinking salt soda water. When I asked, I said it was an’Internet celebrity ‘drink, because there was a line in the online drama" Love Apartment "called’I’ll spray you to death with a mouthful of salt soda water’, and they also knew it."


Online platforms find opportunities in affordable foods such as salt soda and bright cold drinks. Chen Zhengmin, a staff member of Tmall Supermarket, believes that the most important thing for a platform to gain consumer recognition is to provide the products they want. From the recent hot-selling salt soda and affordable cold drinks, it can be seen that the market appeal of old products and time-honored brands is still very strong, which requires us to do what we like.


Li Yao sees opportunities for old products and time-honored brands in new markets: "In fact, as long as many products are properly promoted, many young people will pay for them. For example, salt soda, in addition to the nostalgic consumers who will buy it, many young people also find that this drink is especially suitable for replenishing trace elements lost by sweating. It is the Chinese version of a sports drink, so in addition to quenching thirst in midsummer, it is also suitable for sports people such as running and playing ball. At the same time, the average age of consumers in Tmall supermarket is 5 years younger than that of offline stores, which means that old products and time-honored brands can explore the taste of new markets online." She also revealed that in order to "reverse the growth" of old products and time-honored brands, Tmall has also launched the "Tianzihao" plan. In addition to Yanzhong, Zhengguanghe, Guangming and other time-honored brands that have recently attracted much attention, there are also more than 30 Shanghai time-honored brands such as Shen Dacheng, Xinghualou, Gongdelin, Xinya, Dabai Rabbit, and Shao Wansheng, which have settled in and actively interact with consumers through various activities.


Affordable snacks are a "must-eat in Shanghai"


Xiao Long Bao, Fried Scallion, Noodles Mixed with Scallion Oil, White Chicken, Braised Pork, Sweet and Sour Steak, Oil-fried Shrimp, Pickled Button Fresh, Hairy Crab… These were the must-eat meals in Shanghai in the eyes of netizens, and local snacks and home-cooked dishes accounted for the vast majority. Looking at the "Shanghai Must-Eat" restaurants that netizens "auditioned", there were many roadside shops with a per capita price of only a few dozen yuan, and the signature dishes were precisely these local snacks or home-cooked dishes.


Just as Tmall "discovered" Shanghai’s Internet celebrity drinks and cold drinks, Dianping invited netizens to audition for "must-eat" dishes and restaurants around the world, and released the city’s must-eat list. From the Shanghai list, it is seen that the flavors and reasonable prices are the common denominators of the listed dishes and restaurants.


Huang Hai, senior vice president of Meituan Dianping, said that the purpose of launching the "Dianping Must-Eat List" is to actively explore the special cuisine of all parts of the country, so this list is mainly judged by netizens, rather than professional institutions or industry experts, hoping to use consumers’ eyes to choose their favorite restaurants. This year, the list also proposed the concept of "must-eat dishes in the city" for the first time, hoping to help the inheritance and development of local food culture.


"The selection of’must-eat restaurants in the city ‘is based on the online search volume and review volume of dishes in the city, and the final list is determined by the votes of local users. At the same time, for those’must-eat restaurants’, the weighted item of whether there is a’local must-eat ‘has also been added." Huang Hai said: "Although restaurants now promote cross-regional and integrated cuisine, we feel that in terms of’must-eat restaurants in the city’, we still need to restore the local taste, so we need to consider the preferences of local consumers."


Judging from the "Shanghai must-eat meals" and "must-eat restaurants" selected by netizens, the Shanghai-style region is full of characteristics: in terms of meals, they are all familiar specialties and dishes in Shanghai; in the restaurants, there are both local time-honored brands in Shanghai and Shanghai-style fusion dishes. Specifically, there are 91 restaurants in Shanghai selected for the "must-eat list", with an average unit price of 171 yuan. Among them, there are local noodle restaurants with a per capita consumption of less than 20 yuan, crab noodle soup dumpling restaurants with a per capita consumption of less than 100 yuan, but there are also fusion restaurants with a per capita consumption of more than 400 yuan. But overall, nearly 40% of the "must-eat restaurants" are authentic local restaurants, and the rest are mainly fusion dishes.


For the two lists of "must-eat meals" and "must-eat restaurants", many consumers feel that they are more down-to-earth than those selected by professional organizations. "A big feature is the high cost performance." White-collar Yu Mo boasted of being a "customer", and she carefully compared this list with the lists made by some professional organizations: "The per capita price is much lower. In the end, it is eaten by netizens themselves, and the price is relatively moderate. Everyone has the opportunity to try it. At least I plan to eat it according to this list."


"For business operators, it is also an inspiration – the market needs’sunshine and white snow ‘, but’Xialiba people’ are also very popular." Mr. Qi, a restaurant practitioner, believes that both the online audition list and the professional organization list have reference value: the former reflects the mass base, while the latter comes from the professional "tongue": "After all, it is impossible for every company to reach the three Michelin stars standard, so the easiest way to gain popularity is to see what ordinary people like."

Ren Xianqi now calls "tracheitis" a blessing at the Beijing Fan Club (Photo)

  According to our newspaper (Reporter Cheng *******) Ren Xianqi (pictured left) has been out of the music scene for two years, but his popularity has not dropped. A few days ago, he held a fan club for his new album "Qi Waiting for R.S.V.P" in Beijing, and the scene was even more crowded by thousands of fans who came to hear the wind. Xiao Qi sang 10 songs from the new album hard, which made the audience addicted to the ears. After marriage, Xiao Qi, who became a good man of the family, threw out Qi’s views, saying that it is a blessing to be "bronchitis", saying that "bronchitis" is not afraid of his wife, but loves his wife. "There is no man who is afraid of his wife, only a man who respects his wife."

  Xiao Qi said that his new album still maintains the previous style, which is versatile with listeners – "you can listen to it in any mood."

  Then, the mysterious guest Wang Yuzhi’s appearance caused a commotion at the scene. She wore a couple’s outfit and sang "Balloon" with Xiao Qi. Unexpectedly, there was a problem with the sound effect halfway through, and Xiao Qi patiently appeased the fans at the scene. That night, Xiao Qi celebrated her birthday with fans in advance, and was given birthday gifts by fans, red pandas, and played intimate interactive games with fans.

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