Amazing time, about those nicknames of autumn.

Autumn is rich in Gao Shuang’s autumn sky, and there are many beautiful nicknames. For example, July in the lunar calendar is called first autumn, Meng autumn, early autumn, early autumn, new autumn and last autumn, August in the lunar calendar is called positive autumn, mid-autumn, Mid-autumn and Guiqiu, and September in the lunar calendar is called late autumn, seasonal autumn, cool autumn and late autumn. In addition, there are many nicknames for autumn. Have you heard of the following?



The whole autumn is about 90 days, divided into 90 days, so autumn is called nine autumn. Tang Du Fu’s poem "Moon" said: "Considering Heng E’s widowhood, it is cold and resistant to nine autumn."



According to the ancient five elements, autumn belongs to gold, so it is called golden sky or golden autumn. Tang Wang Wei has a poem: "Jin Tian Jing Xi Li San Guang, Tong Ting Shu Xi Yan Ba Huang." There is a poem by Chen Ziang in Tang Dynasty: "The Jin Tianfang is cold, and the Millennium is special."



In ancient times, the five elements said that autumn was golden, but gold was white, so autumn was called "golden element". Xie Lingyun of the Southern Dynasty stated in the poem "The county of Yongming three years began to make its capital on July 16th": "The period of technical post was stopped, and the reason was changed into golden element". Shan Li later explained this: "Gold element, autumn also. Autumn is gold and white, so it is called gold. "



According to the ancient five elements, autumn belongs to gold and its color is white, so autumn is also called plain autumn. Tang Du Fu’s Autumn Prosperity (VI): "Qujiangtou at the mouth of Qutang Gorge, Wan Lifeng smoke meets Suqiu." Song Ouyang Xiu’s poem "Clear Business Complaints" says: "The river is full of worries, and it is getting late in autumn."



In ancient times, the five tones (Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu) cooperated with the four seasons, and Shang was autumn. The sound of business is piercing, corresponding to the cold air in autumn, so it is called business autumn. Jin Panni’s "An Pomegranate Fu": "Shang and Qiu gave gas, and collected China and gathered reality." Lu-Ji’s "Xing Si Fu": "Shang and Qiu Su’s hair festival, mysterious clouds and shadows." Besides Shang Qiu, there are other nicknames such as Shang Xu, Shang Jie and Bai Shang.



Refers to autumn. "Sui Shu Tian Wen Zhi" records: "The sun travels eastward along the ecliptic, once a day and once a night, 365 days are strange and Sunday. (Japan) The trip to the east is called spring, the trip to the south is called summer, the trip to the west is called autumn, and the trip to the north is called winter. "


Bai Zang

According to the five-color theory, autumn is white with five colors, and autumn is the harvest and storage season, so autumn is called Bai Zang. Tang Weizheng’s "Five Suburbs Movement Bai Di Shang Yin": "Bai Zang should celebrate the festival, the sky is high and the air is clear, and the old years are both rich, and the harvest is ordinary." In the poem "Xuanpu Lecture" by Xiao Tong of the Southern Dynasties, he said: "Bai Zang is already dying, and Xuan Ying is in order."



It refers to the cold autumn, hence the name because of the strong autumn wind. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties Lu Ji’s Wen Fu, there is a saying: "Sad leaves fall in the autumn, and joy is in the spring."


Autumn is also called "Tai Qiu" because it is the season of harvest, rich in things and auspicious. There is a saying in the "Wen Fu" by Lu Ji, a writer in the west of Shanxi Province: "Sad leaves fall in the autumn, and I like the softness in the spring." In Guanzi Rolling Abroad, there is a record that autumn day is called "Tai Qiu": "Tai Qiu, when people order it, it is made."



It is also known as the "cool festival" because of the crisp weather in autumn. Xie Muzhao, a poet in the Southern Dynasties, wrote in One of the Sixteen Poems of His Royal Highness "On a high autumn night in Fang Jing, the gods live in a peaceful and deep place … The deep feelings are in harmony with each other, and words are sung to promote virtue". Sometimes "Shuang Jie" refers to the Double Ninth Festival. For example, there is a saying in Tang Dezong Li Shi’s poem "Double Ninth Festival": "Shuang Jie is in the Double Ninth Festival, and things are new and rainy."


clear autumn air

It can also be called "high autumn" and "frosty day". This is because there are white and cold autumn frost and clear autumn sky in autumn.

Don’t say I don’t know, I’m shocked! It turns out that there are so many nice nicknames in autumn. Which one surprised you?

Source: Xinhuanet, China Meteorological Network

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12 spring-limited foods, miss it and wait another year!

  Wu Zhongmei’s beauty lies not only in the green mountains and green waters, but also in the charm of food. Wuzhong people love to eat, but also eat, paying attention to "not eating from time to time", which is also regarded as the way to eat and drink in Soviet-style life. In good spring, this Wuzhong spring food picture book is for you. Go and have a good time!


  "Golden Cuisine" in Spring

  Toona sinensis head is rich in nutrition and is the best among vegetables. Its most classic practice is scrambled eggs with Toona sinensis. In addition, it can also be pickled and made into Toona sinensis oil.

  In Dongshan, Dongting, the local people blanch the Toona sinensis head and mix it directly with sesame oil. This is a very popular cold dish in Wuzhong restaurant.

  Biluochun in water

  Just as spring is blooming, the water shield of Taihu Lake, known as "Biluochun in Water", is quietly listed. Shepherd’s shield is a kind of jelly all over, which is very slippery, so it is difficult for ordinary people to catch it. Only an "old hand" can take it off with a stretch and a pinch. Because of this, there is a saying that "water shield is delicious but not easy to pick".

  Water shield is rich in vitamins, amino acids, glucose, starch, protein and other nutrients, and has the effects of enriching blood, moistening lung, invigorating stomach and stopping diarrhea.

  There are many ways to eat water shield. In Dongshan, Dongting, soup is the main favorite, such as water shield whitebait soup and water shield soup with thorn fish, so as to keep the purest water shield fresh.

  Malan head

  Delicious wild vegetables in they are tall once more in the spring wind

  In the wild in spring, Malan heads are springing up from the ground like mushrooms after rain, which makes people drool.

  Malantou is not only green and tender, but also has high nutritional value. Simply chop it, add salt and sugar, pour some sesame oil, press it in a small bowl and pour it on a plate. One spoon per person, a little taste, but not enough.

  broad bean

  Fresh and tender broad beans are cooked and eaten, but the meat taste can be forgotten.

  In May, the broad beans are green and soft, and then melt, with a little salty fragrance and a little aftertaste, so tender that they can be eaten together with shells.

  It can also be made into fennel broad beans, which has a crunchy taste. It is a snack that Suzhou people love to eat and a good appetizer.


  Old wine Mimi, snail Eee Eee

  "Snails are meat no matter how small", not to mention "Qingming snails are better than geese"!

  Snails have not been propagated before and after Qingming Festival. At this time, the meat quality is the most plump and the taste is the best. Whether it is spicy fried or soy sauce exploded, it is particularly delicious. Eat snails! This kind of spring is complete!

  bamboo shoot soup with fresh and pickled streaky pork

  The true meaning of "fresh" taste

  Fresh salted meat and fresh meat are added with bamboo shoots and cooked into soup. Cured meat is generally cured in the twelfth lunar month, fresh meat must be pork belly of black-haired pig in Taihu Lake area, and bamboo shoots (also known as big bamboo shoots) should be fresh bamboo shoots in suburban forests and bamboo forests.

  Shrimp with snail

  A bud and a leaf come into the dish.

  Biluochun in Dongting East and Xishan Mountain is fragrant, mellow in taste, green in soup color and slightly fruity. Shrimp with snail as a classic traditional dish has become a favorite spring delicacy of Suzhou people with its light, refreshing, delicious and attractive taste.

  The pink shrimp and the emerald green Biluochun set each other off in an interesting way. It tastes both tender and delicious, and has the fragrance of tea. This wonderful combination of tea and vegetables has attracted countless diners.

  Songhua tuanzi

  Natural flavor from Shan Ye.

  The pine flowers on the pine dumplings come from Pinus massoniana. When spring and summer alternate every year, the villagers in Wuzhong area go up the mountain to collect pine flowers, put them in bamboo plaques for drying, and then sieve the pine pollen with a sieve.

  Made of glutinous rice flour with a ratio of six to four, wrapped in golden pine pollen, and steamed in a cage. The fillings are red beans, sesame seeds, Malan, etc., which are soft and glutinous, fragrant and unique.


  As the name suggests, cakes are "generous"

  Dafang cake is square in appearance and white in color, which best represents the essence of Gusu cake, delicate and exquisite.

  As thin as cicada’s skin is wrapped in stuffing, at first glance, you can see rose sauce and sugar mint rolling inside. Each face is printed with exquisite patterns, which makes people love it before they even take it.

  Cauliflower pond bream

  As stunning as rape blossoms.

  When rape blossoms are in full bloom, it is the season when mud bream lays eggs. At this time, mud bream has the highest nutritional value. Suzhou people call this fish "cauliflower mud bream" alongside the stunning rape blossoms.

  The water shield and pond slice, which is made of water shield and pond bream, a special product of Taihu Lake, is a soup in Su Bang’s famous dishes. The fish tastes smooth and delicious, and the soup is delicious and fragrant.

  Sauce meat

  "The first piece of meat in spring" must be eaten.

  Square sauce meat is generally made of pork belly with suitable fat and thin, which is carefully pickled and cooked for several hours and then drenched with marinade.

  The sauce meat that just came out of the pot is bright in color, with a ruddy and attractive luster. It tastes sweet but not greasy, crisp but not rotten, and melts in the mouth.

  A red sauce meat with fresh green cauliflower is an indispensable delicacy in spring for Wuzhong people who are used to sweet and glutinous.

  Jiuniang cake

  The cake is not intoxicating, and everyone is intoxicated.

  Su-style dim sum, which is seasonal in spring, takes the local winter wheat and distiller’s grains in Wuzhong as the main raw materials and only sells for one season.

  It’s better to eat the cakes with hot food. When you take a bite, the skin is soft, sweet and sour, the taste is waxy, and there is the fragrance of the wine. Remember to eat while it’s hot!

  The food is exquisite, with endless aftertaste. Look for seasonal food and taste this delicious spring. Which "taste" is good for you?

  (Source: Wuzhong Publishing, Editor/Cheng Mengqing)

The scope of heavy snow and blizzard has been set. Let’s see if it will snow in your home.

Huasheng Online December 25th (all-media reporter Xiao Xiufen correspondent Tang Jie Liang Xiao) Today, during the day, most areas in our province are still singing the main melody, but at night, a rain and snow process will start rapidly in Hunan. The meteorological department predicts that there will be heavy snowstorms in some areas. Little friends need to pay close attention to the upcoming forecast and go out to do preventive work.
Where will the rain and snow fall? According to the latest weather forecast,There will be more rainy and snowy weather in the coming week, and there will be heavy snow in Xiangxi from the 27th to the 28th.Affected by high-altitude fluctuations and cold air on the ground, there was sleet in the northwest of Hunan from the 25th to the 26th. On the 27th, there was little to moderate sleet or snow in the north and middle of Hunan, including heavy snow in the south of Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, the north of Huaihua, the west of Yiyang and the west of Loudi. On the 28 th, it snowed in Xiangxi; During the day from 29 to 30, the rain and snow weakened and there was a short interval in northern Hunan; On the evening of the 30th, there was another rain process from west to east.
The specific forecast is as follows:
25sun, northern Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, northern Zhangjiajie, and northern Changde are cloudy with light rain or sleet, while other areas are cloudy with sunny days; The north wind is 3 ~ 4; The highest temperature is 16 ~ 18℃ in southern Hunan, 11 ~ 13℃ in northern Hunan and 13 ~ 15℃ in other areas; The lowest temperature is 5 ~ 7℃ in southern Hunan and 3 ~ 5℃ in other areas.
26sunThere is light rain on cloudy days in northern Hunan, with light sleet in Zhangjiajie, northern Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, northern Huaihua and northern Changde, cloudy in sunny days in southern Hunan and cloudy to cloudy in other areas; The north wind is 3 ~ 4; The highest temperature is 6 ~ 8℃ in western Hunan and northern Hunan, 13 ~ 15℃ in southern Hunan and 10 ~ 12℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is 1 ~ 3℃ in northwest Hunan, 5 ~ 7℃ in southern Hunan and 3 ~ 5℃ in other areas.
27sunThere is sleet or snow on cloudy days in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Zhangjiajie, central and northern Huaihua, Changde, Yiyang, Yueyang, western Changsha, Loudi and northern Shaoyang, among which there is snow in southern Changde, southern Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, central and northern Huaihua, western Yiyang and western Loudi, with heavy snow in some areas, cloudy days in southern Hunan and light rain in other areas; The north wind is 3 ~ 4, and the local gust is 5; The highest temperature is 4 ~ 6℃ in western Hunan and northern Hunan, 12 ~ 14℃ in southern Hunan and 6 ~ 8℃ in other areas; The lowest temperature is 0 ~ 2℃ in the north of Hunan, and 2 ~ 4℃ in other areas.
2eightDay,In southern Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Huaihua, Shaoyang, Loudi, southern Changde, Yiyang, Yueyang, western Changsha and western Xiangtan, sleet turned cloudy, with light snow in southern Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, central Huaihua, western Yiyang and western Loudi, cloudy in northern Xiangxi, Zhangjiajie and northern Changde, and light rain in other areas. The north wind is 3 ~ 4; The highest temperature is 5 ~ 7℃ in northwest Hunan, 8 ~ 10℃ in southern Hunan and 3 ~ 5℃ in other areas. The lowest temperature is 0 ~ 2℃ in the north of Hunan, and 2 ~ 4℃ in other areas.
2nineSolstice 30During the dayIt is cloudy in the north of Hunan, and there is light rain on cloudy days in other areas, including sleet in the southwest of Hunan.
three0It starts at nightThere is another rainfall process from west to east.
Meteorologists reminded that the temperature in all parts of Hunan will be in a low state in the near future, and the power load will increase. Relevant departments need to ensure energy supply, and the public should pay attention to the safety of heating and electricity.

"One table is hard to find" for the annual banquet of the state group, and the chef’s door-to-door service has become a new trend

All-media reporter Tan Faxin

Entering the twelfth lunar month, the pace of the Spring Festival is getting closer and closer, and handling new year’s goods and preparing for the reunion dinner has become a matter of concern to most citizens. Recently, the reporter visited a number of hotels and restaurants in the city and learned that before the New Year’s Eve, the reservation for New Year’s Eve dinner was "hard to find". Many hotels and restaurants were fully booked after the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, and only a few halls had seats left.

Through the reporter’s visit, I learned that in addition to going out to eat the group annual banquet, many citizens choose to make the group annual banquet at home, and some also invite chefs and cooks to come to the door to serve and leave the group annual banquet at home, which not only saves trouble but also has the atmosphere of the New Year.

Reservation for the annual banquet of the restaurant group is "hard to find a table"

In order to seize the rare business opportunity of the Chinese New Year, the merchants took precautions, put up a publicity banner to book the annual banquet of the group one or two months in advance, and some even launched a series of preferential activities, making the idea of the Chinese New Year early. In anticipation of the Spring Festival, the citizens put the group annual banquet on the family’s important agenda early, and willingly "pay big money" for a comfortable year.

On January 10, Mr. Wang, who worked in a public institution in the city, was depressed. On the morning of the same day, he called six hotels in the city to book the group annual banquet, and they were all told that the reservation was full and only a few seats were available for reservation. "I didn’t expect that I couldn’t book it more than ten days in advance. It didn’t seem so popular in previous years?" Mr. Wang introduced that in the past two years, he and his family had a reunion dinner in the city hotel, and the booking time was equivalent to this year. Although the price of the banquet was higher than usual, there was no phenomenon that seats could not be booked.

"We don’t have a private room now. If we want to book the group annual banquet, we can only spell the table in the hall." The staff of a restaurant near the sewage treatment plant in Zhoucheng said that at the end of December last year, the reservation of the group annual banquet had already begun, and even the reservation hall should be "the first to strike first."

The staff of a large restaurant in Shinan Ancient City told the reporter that there were many people who booked the group annual banquet this year. As early as last October, someone called to make an appointment, but the hotel didn’t start accepting reservations until December. "The private rooms from the 24th to 28th of the twelfth lunar month have already been booked, and there are few big private rooms left at noon." It is understood that the restaurant began to have a holiday on the 29th of the twelfth lunar month.

The reporter found that compared with small private rooms and large private rooms, during the Spring Festival, thousands of families were reunited, and large private rooms were obviously more popular.

Family dinner chefs come to cook.

Do you want to eat New Year’s Eve at home or in a hotel? This is a problem. Eating at home has an atmosphere, but the food is more homely and it is also very troublesome to cook. Eating food and service in the hotel is good and easy, but there is no feeling of Chinese New Year more and more! "Many city residents began to consider the issue of reunion dinner.

As the Spring Festival approaches, the group annual banquets of major hotels and restaurants have already been booked out. Don’t worry, just buy a table of semi-finished reunion dinner home, or book a chef’s home service directly, without doing it yourself.

"When a chef cooks at home, he can enjoy the chef’s special service at home". The reporter visited and learned that there are not a few people who provide on-site service for the chefs of the group annual banquet. Some chefs usually pick up the business of cooking at home, but at the peak of the group annual banquet at the end of the year, orders are constantly coming, and some can’t accept orders because of schedule conflicts. Citizens only need to make a phone call to make a reservation, and determine the number of people to eat and the contents of the menu, so they can wait for the chef to cook at home. Some citizens are too busy to ask chefs to help them buy food.

In addition to booking a chef through usual contact, you can also invite a "cook" through a housekeeping company.

Liu Feifei, a citizen, works in an enterprise in could, so he can have a holiday on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. In previous years, the group annual banquet could only be booked in the hotel. This year, she chose to do the group annual banquet at home. "I was busy with my work and didn’t have time to prepare. I heard that a friend usually invited chefs to come to the door for family dinners, so she tried to contact several chefs. After several times of communication, the chef’s schedule was finally confirmed. At noon on the 29 th of the twelfth lunar month, the chef was invited to make a group annual banquet. " Liu Feifei said, before eating the group annual banquet in the hotel, I always felt almost the atmosphere, so I had the idea of inviting the chef home. Unexpectedly, many citizens have the same idea. She contacted several chefs to determine the right time.

Why did you choose to invite a chef to cook at home instead of going directly to the hotel? Mr. Zhang said that on the one hand, it is more economical to have a family dinner, on the other hand, it is more convenient to invite chefs to visit and reduce waste. "All the ingredients are purchased by yourself, which is cheap and reassuring. Counting the remuneration for the chef saves a lot of money than in the hotel. Moreover, everyone also likes the atmosphere of reunion at home. "

"The raw materials of dishes can be purchased by customers themselves or given to us, because some ingredients, ingredients and sauces are difficult for customers to prepare at home, which will affect the taste of some dishes." Master Xie said that before, he used to cook and cook for others empty-handed. Now, many people try to save trouble and simply let them arrange the whole banquet.

The group annual banquet is a "lively and convenient"

The purpose of the vast majority of citizens booking the group annual banquet is very clear — — That is lively and easy.

Wang Yuchen, a 29-year-old citizen, said that he and his wife are both working in the company, and they are under great pressure at ordinary times, especially at the end of the year. Almost all the preparations for the Chinese New Year are carried out in a hurry. A few days ago, they were busy doing cleaning at home until late at night, so tired that their backs ached. Therefore, he decided to change the group annual banquet from home to the hotel. Although the cost is much higher, there is no need to prepare dishes a few days in advance and clean up after meals. The picture is convenient and easy, and you can take the opportunity to make time to chat with your family and free your wife from the tedious housework. "It is worthwhile to spend more money!"

Ms. Xiao, a citizen, said that in the hotel for the New Year, she can feel the joy and excitement of the Spring Festival. She believes that the Chinese New Year is to be lively, and it is very pleasant to have a reunion dinner in a happy atmosphere.

Liu Yuhang, who works in other places, just returned to Enshi on January 6th. As soon as he got home and put down his luggage, he rushed to a nearby hotel to book a table for the New Year’s party and informed his relatives and friends. He said that according to the usual practice in previous years, in order to spend the next year, he would go to various food markets and supermarkets to buy vegetables, chickens, ducks and fish, and then rush home with big bags, wash vegetables, kill fish and cook, and work hard for a while … … After eating a reunion dinner, he felt extremely tired from running around. This year, he decided to entertain relatives and friends in the hotel. Liu Yuhang told reporters with a smile, comparatively speaking, it is much easier to have a group dinner in a hotel, and it can relax the body and mind.

From the flash to the first store, this year’s star street brand actively went offline.

At the end of 2023, ACE-YKYB, a clothing brand headed by Z.TAO, opened its first offline store in Hangzhou Yaowang X27 Theme Park. The overall design was mainly gray and white, focusing on young trends. ACE-YKYB, whose full name is YOUNG KING YOUNG BOSS, was founded by Z.TAO and his team in 2019.

It is nothing new for stars to enter the clothing industry and create personal brands. According to incomplete statistics, at least 20 personal fashion brands created by domestic stars are active in the market.

In 2023, under the upsurge of physical consumption, old brands returned to the market, new brands actively explored offline, and star street brands gradually recovered.

At the same time, there are still star street brands closing stores and withdrawing from the market. Just like the ever-changing popularity, traffic is easy to disappear, and star brands are always short-lived and criticized for "cutting leeks". How to find a long-term development model is a common problem in the industry.


There are still star street brands shrinking in closing stores.

As early as 2003, CLOT, founded by Edison Chen, had brought a wave of entertainment stars from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland to create personal brands. The trendy brands that appeared at that time-PHANTACi from Jay Chou, STAYREAL from A Xin in May and MADNESS from Shawn Yue-were still active in the market.

In the next twenty years, more and more star fashion brands were just a flash in the pan, and after a short boom, they gradually fell silent and were finally forgotten. For example, DUEPLAY in Ryan, WDMD in Bao Beier, and STAGE…… in Show Lo … have all become history, and some once-hot brands have inevitably declined.

Looking back on 2023, there are still star street brands shrinking in closing stores. At the beginning of the year, Shawn Yue’s personal brand MADNESS, which was founded nine years ago, adjusted its business line, and the online Tmall flagship store stopped operating. Subsequently, its first offline store in Sanlitun, Beijing, and the only brand direct store in the mainland also closed.


In June, YCY withdrew from the ranks of shareholders of Shanghai Rixin Yueyi Brand Management Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of BABT, and actually withdrew from the brand; The first offline life concept store of CANOTWAIT_, a trendy brand founded by William Chan, which landed in Shanghai in 2022, has not been searched at present.

Before that, in 2022, the star street brand experienced a fierce tide of closing stores. In July 2022, SMUDGE, a JJ Lin trendy clothing brand that once opened physical stores in shanghai new world and Wuhan centers, closed its last store in Changle Road, Shanghai, leaving only online sales channels.

On May Day, STAYREAL, a trendy brand founded by A Xin and illustrator Buerliang, closed the Xidan Joy City store and withdrew from the Beijing market. At its peak, STAYREAL once had more than 40 stores, and now there are only five, located in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Changsha and Suzhou.

Also in 2022, Edison Chen’s personal brand JUICE closed its stores in Taikooli in Beijing and Taikooli in Chengdu. At present, there are only three stores in China, namely Shanghai, Chengdu and Guangzhou, and the goal of "opening 50-100 stores" has long been dashed.

Source: CLOT official website

At the same time, new brands are emerging. At the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, Nana Ou-yang’s personal brand nabi and Dylan’s personal brand D.Desirable appeared one after another.

New brands are emerging quickly, and "rollover" is also fast. The first product series "Yunduo Capsule Series" launched by nabi, a personal brand in Nana Ou-yang, is hotly debated because of its high price and low quality. The rabbit ear bathrobe with a price of 998 yuan is made of 86% polyester fiber, and the product pricing is seriously inconsistent with the material price.

Pricing and quality issues are the core of the long-term criticism of star street brands. At the same time, Lu Han’s trendy brand U.G.C was also hotly searched for pricing and quality issues. A blogger commented: "The clothes with a price of 1,500 yuan are full of threads, and the lathe work is poor, and there are broken lines everywhere. It is estimated that the cost of one piece is only 60 yuan."

On January 2nd, in the notice of Shanghai Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, a short down of DANGEROUS PEOPLE brand was notified because it failed to meet the filling standard requirements, which easily affected the normal hormone secretion of human body. DANGEROUS PEOPLE brand is a menswear brand launched in Joker Xue in 2015.

The research of iResearch once pointed out that more than 70% consumers are willing to pay a premium below 30%, and young people are more willing to pay a high premium above 30%. Stars have their own appeal, self-created brands often have a premium, and fans-based audiences are also willing to pay the bill. The excessive premium of some brands has exceeded the acceptance of consumers and fans, and young consumers are becoming more and more rational.

A long-term fan who bought the brand’s trendy brand products told the brand that idolize’s buying trendy brands means that fans pay for emotional value, and it is understandable to pay a higher premium. However, high prices and low quality can easily arouse fans’ resentment and be regarded as disrespecting fans, thus affecting the star’s personal image.

In her view, young consumers have become more and more rational, especially the fan groups are more and more familiar with the operation mode of the star economy. Most fans will no longer take it all without brains, and they will still consider the cost performance when buying star fashion products, especially the quality of products.


Flash+physical store, actively explore offline

In addition to the frequent contraction and controversy of closing stores, there are also some positive new trends in 2023.

According to the number of brands, most of the current active star street brands have opened physical stores, which are operated online and offline at the same time. With the recovery of offline consumption, star street brands have been actively deploying offline physical retail since last year.

South Korean actress Jessica’s personal brand BLANC&ECLARE is frequently distributed in the China market. In November 2022, China opened its first store in Vientiane World, Suhewan, Shanghai, and then quickly landed its second store in Hefei.

In 2023, BLANC&ECLARE opened its first stores in Beijing and Xiamen successively. According to the brand official website, BLANC&ECLARE also plans to expand in more than 10 cities including Chengdu, Xi ‘an, Nanning and Xiamen.

We11Done, the personal brand of Korean singer G-Dragon’s sister Quan Damei, is also one of the trendy brands that expand the offline retail layout frequently in recent two years.

According to the big data of Win Business, We11Done has opened 14 stores in shopping centers and department stores with an area of more than 50,000 square meters in 24 cities across the country, and has floor-to-floor brand stores in the core business districts of Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu and other cities.

In June, 2023, STAYREAL, a A Xin street brand that left the Beijing market for one year, returned in the form of STAYREAL PARK theme limited stores, introducing limited clothing and interactive experience devices, and then STAYREAL PARK theme limited stores were held in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Xi ‘an, Chengdu and other cities.

For more brands, compared with the heavy investment of long-term stores, the rental cost and operation and maintenance cost of curation and flash are lower, which is the priority choice for many star street brands.

Team Wang design, a brand with Jackson Wang as the manager and creative director, has been actively deploying flash in the world in recent two years, and has opened the concept space of the lower line limit in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu, Bangkok, Singapore and other places.

The location of pop-up shop is more flexible, and many brands will choose the core business district where the passenger flow in first-tier cities gathers, and at the same time play the role of marketing and publicity.

For example, Team Wang design’s time-limited concept stores are opened in the trend business districts of first-tier cities such as Shanghai TX Huaihai, Chengdu IFS and Shenzhen Vientiane Tiandi, and giant devices are often arranged in the stores to attract punch cards to break the circle.

Source: Team Wang design

At the same time, flash is also a test of physical stores under the landing line, which provides reference for the location of subsequent stores. GOODBAI, a brand founded by Bai Jingting and well-known domestic designer Shangguan Zhe, opened nomadic stores "Good Time Park" in Vientiane Tiandi, Paris and Singapore before the first physical store in Yanqing Road, Shanghai.

It is worth mentioning that star street brands gradually expand from clothing to more categories, such as dolls, ornaments, daily necessities, etc., from clothing brands to "fashion and lifestyle brands", and offline space is becoming more and more diverse.

For example, William Chan’s brand CANOTWAIT_ has also launched products such as masks, water cups, cultural creations and fragrances; GOODBAI is positioned as a "clothing and lifestyle brand". Both its stores and pop-up shop emphasize relaxed and comfortable living scene layout, and provide special coffee and co-branded desserts in the stores.

During Halloween last year, TEAM WANG design also held Halloween activities with the theme of Under the Castle in Shanghai, including Halloween themed secret rooms and outdoor Halloween fairs, which attracted wide attention.

The star’s own brand itself has a strong cultural attribute. The cross-border opening of secret rooms, markets and other forms is essentially to cater to young people’s favorite consumption formats, gain insight into the youth culture where fans are located, and convey lifestyle trends.


Explore the long-term development model

From a broader perspective, both domestic and international fashion brands are flooding into the market.

Domestic trendy brand stores such as Randomevent and ROARINGWILD have successively opened their stores into the core business of the city. The data shows that Randomevent stores have covered many cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Chengdu and Changsha. ROARINGWILD has 9 stores in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen.

Meanwhile, Supreme, an internationally renowned fashion brand, plans to open the first independent store in China market at No.291 Fumin Road. At present, the block has erected a large enclosure, and Shanghai will welcome Supreme’s 17th store in the world.

According to the consulting firm Frost & Sullivan, by 2025, the market size of China trendy retail industry will reach 475 billion yuan. As one of the gold diggers, star street brands still have great market prospects.

A core pain point is that the brand is highly dependent on the popularity of the stars themselves. Without the awareness of long-term development, the brand will soon die with the loss of popularity.

In the view of Cheng Weixiong, an independent analyst in shoes and clothing industry and founder of Liangqi brand, fashion brand is the lifestyle brand that best represents the fashion trend. It is not enough to rely solely on the appeal of stars. It is necessary to be more creative in product research and development, to show the channel selection in the latest channel where young users gather, to go to shopping centers offline, and to learn new marketing methods such as planting grass online to promote users’ reach.

Cheng Weixiong is optimistic about the future development of street brands: there is room for street brands, but to truly recognize the originality of street brands, rather than the homogenization of’ simple price increase+celebrity endorsement’, the individuality and differentiation of users need the materialization of lifestyle.

In 2023, some star street brands also received attention and began to enter the mainstream market. In November, TEAM WANG design officially launched the cross-border cooperation project capsule series "DONG" with FILAfusion, a trend sports brand owned by Fila, with Jackson Wang as the creative director.

Whether this star tide brand can survive for a longer time, let us wait and see.