China Software: It is planned to raise a fixed amount of no more than 2 billion yuan from the actual controller and its subsidiaries.

China Software announced that it plans to issue no more than 90,130,700 shares (inclusive) to China Electronics, the company’s actual controller, and its wholly-owned subsidiary, and raise no more than 2 billion yuan, which will be used for the research and development of mobile fixed terminal operating system products, cloud-oriented server operating system products and the construction of embedded operating system capability platform.

The spring of Badashan people

Original moyiao LCA


A spring

The hydrangea in Baihuazhou is in full bloom. At the end of February, it has been clustered. The gorgeous colors and lovely group patterns make the literati linger and enjoy the beauty beside them.

Back in Nanchang, qìng often set foot in Baihuazhou. In the early spring of this year, he wandered to the bridge and culvert, enjoying the flowers and watching the crowd. He went back to his house and wrote a poem: People play ball with horses, and flowers bloom in February every year. Hundreds of flowers spring in February, who is the beauty upstairs?

Hydrangea figure Badashan people in Qing Dynasty

When he left Gengxiang Hospital and ran to Nanchang, his hometown, Chuan ‘e experienced an epilepsy. Epilepsy was intermittent, and when he had an attack, he tore up his clothes and shouted all the way. Casual children followed him, hiding their faces and sneering. This embarrassment lasted for about half a year.

He didn’t pick up pen and ink until his health improved. The biography of Mao, who got up from loneliness, started a new name, and he left it under the hydrangea in spring, which is called: human house.

Title poem

Chen Ding, a litterateur in the Qing Dynasty, wrote: Badashan people, no house. People who live in a house mean everything in Guangzhou and Xiamen.

Chen Ding’s interpretation comes from the poem of Du Fu, a poet in the Tang Dynasty: There are thousands of spacious buildings, and all the poor people in the world are happy, and the wind and rain are still like mountains. The main idea of the poem is how to have thousands of spacious houses to shelter the poor scholars in the world.

After the ups and downs, it seems reasonable to put the spiritual world in a "human house". However, in this short period before he became an Badashan man, he not only had the name of "human house", but also "donkey house" and even occasionally wrote the word "donkey", just like the inscription of "Bamboo Map". Therefore, if we only understand the "human house" by Chen Dingzhi’s theory, it will be difficult to get a glimpse of the whole picture.

Zhutu Badashan people in Qing Dynasty

In the Tang Dynasty, Zen master Yixuan had the saying that there were Buddha houses, human houses and donkey houses. Liang Zhu, an aesthetician, said that most people say that there is a hierarchy when talking about holiness and Buddha talking about sentient beings. As a result, at the beginning of the initiation, the meaning of equality was lost, while Zen master Yi Xuan regarded the Buddha house, the human house and the donkey house as indistinguishable things, and regarded them as the main principles of Zen.

For Chuanqi, the names of human house and donkey house mean Zen machine, and may also hide their strong will to move towards reality-those who gain Zen theory may not live in Buddhist houses for a long time, settle in secular human houses and donkey houses, but may also move towards sumeru.

Donkey inscription

The next spring, before the first month, the time was roughly similar to today, and there were eight mountain people in the world.

On that day, at the invitation of a friend, Badashan people went to Dongxuan, outside Nanchang, and painted twelve pages (three pages are missing today). The twelve pages of pictures were all accompanied by poems, which were later collected into a book, and today people call it "Miscellaneous Album".

Ganoderma lucidum map Badashan people in Qing Dynasty

In the album, earlier names such as the house of people, the donkey and the mountain all appeared. Significantly, the seal "Badashanren" appeared in the painting for the first time (the earliest so far). Covering the seal, the Badashan people wrote: Jia Zi Chun Zheng, brother of Pingshushe, took it to Dongxuan for painting and inscribed the twelfth.

Jiazi in the inscription is a special year. As one of the main branches, it symbolizes a new beginning, and Badashan people, who are 59 to 59, are about to enter their sixties and a new stage of life. Because of this, he started to write twelve pictures, in which there are noble things such as ganoderma lucidum, bamboo and stone. In addition, he also drew an unusual stubborn rabbit. Perhaps this is the Badashan people.

Tutu badashan people in Qing dynasty

This spring, Badashan people have learned something.

He didn’t visit the boundary between Zen and secular as usual, and he didn’t go to see the gorgeous hydrangea again. Badashanren abandoned other names and only used the name "Badashanren". He knew that what he pursued was not all in the Buddhist house, nor was it all in the human house. He tried to cross with equality and peace of mind.

Original title: "Spring of Badashan People"

Reading source

Swimming mother: Zhuang Yong.

    Zhuang Yong: It is best for children to let nature take its course.

    On a happy afternoon, the breath of Saipan has not yet dispersed. Zhuang Yong and Shen Jianqiang, who are dressed casually, appeared in front of us as promised. Of course, there was also the little pink cutie-Derek. As once all-powerful Olympic swimming champions, both of them left a deep and beautiful impression on the Chinese people; Time flies, and now the prosperity and happiness of a family of three have replaced the glory of the past, which makes people more envious.

    Tall figure quickly recovered

    Because it’s the second time to interview Mr. and Mrs. Zhuang Yong, it’s like meeting a long-lost old friend. Zhuang Yong is much slimmer this time. I remember the last time we met, she just gave birth to a baby. At that time, her chin was fleshy, but now she has completely disappeared, and her facial features are more beautiful and delicate. Similarly, her figure has returned to its original height. Thought she was an athlete, she must have worked hard again. When asked, she knew that she didn’t do any special body recovery exercise at all, especially after giving birth to a baby. "Breastfeeding plus hard work is the best way to lose weight! Of course, it is also very important to play well as an athlete! "

    "strict mother and loving father" form a warm family

    Zhuang Yong started to go to work three months after giving birth to the baby, and he can only see the baby when he comes home from work every day, but this did not affect the degree to which Xiaojun stuck to her. Xiao Junyan always shouts "Mom, Mom" in his mouth from time to time when he is playing, which is really enough for his mother to be happy for half a day. Don’t look at this. In fact, Zhuang Yong always looks like a "hot mom" in front of Xiao Junyan. As long as Xiao Junyan makes a mistake and does something wrong, it must be Zhuang Yong who plays the "bad face". Shen Jianqiang, on the other hand, is a gentle "good father". This small family is a standard "strict mother and loving father". Zhuang Yong said with a smile: "Good people let him do it, but I always criticize the baby myself, and the baby is still so attached to me. This is’ irresistible charm’! Give birth to a daughter in the future, I hope she will stick to her father, so that he will not always be jealous! "

    The former Asian swimming prince is now a standard mature and successful man. Seeing that he is still handsome and charming in a white casual suit, we can’t help but invite him to join our filming, but he refused in a friendly way. So we turned to Zhuang Yong for help, but Zhuang Yong said with a smile: "We husband and wife are like friends, and no one will force anyone to respect each other … And now my son is the most important’ man’ in my heart!" With that, she laughed heartily. No wonder, with two favorite men, how can Zhuang Yong’s life not be full of happiness!

    Treat the baby naturally.

    Xiao Junyan is generally cared for by his aunt during the day, but at night, when Zhuang Yong comes home from work, he gives all his time to his son to play and read with him. So, what does Zhuang Yong think of some popular parenting education ways?

    "I hope that the child will grow naturally and don’t give him too much pressure. Besides, it will make parents more tired; The most important thing at this stage is to make children happy and healthy, which is enough. "

    Then, where will Xiao Junyan, who was born in the United States, mainly develop in the future? Zhuang Yong said that she is not sure whether she will mainly develop at home or go abroad in the future, but she will definitely adopt a combination of Chinese and western education methods to treat her children. "Because the two education methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, as long as parents grasp them well, they will give their children the best. Moreover, where we are, the baby will follow us, which is also to cultivate his adaptability from an early age. Parents don’t have to think about something for their children step by step, but it will be better to let nature take its course. "

Editor: Luo Xing

Historical evolution of fireworks

□ Li Xuepu
The high-tech fireworks at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics are dazzling, among which the gorgeous welcoming pine fireworks bloom above the Bird’s Nest, and the pine needles are very realistic.
Fireworks, also known as fireworks, are filled with gunpowder and some metal salts in containers such as paper tubes, which are ignited and then sprayed with various colors. In fact, fireworks have become a common form of folk entertainment in the Song Dynasty. In the North Song Dynasty, Meng Yuanlao’s Dream of China in Tokyo mentioned many times, such as "fireworks rising" and "setting off fireworks on the spot", which was sandwiched between "hundred plays" to increase the atmosphere.
Beijing Winter Olympics welcomes visitors with pine fireworks.
China is the first country to invent gunpowder, and it is also the hometown of firecrackers and fireworks. Emperor Yangdi has a poem saying, "There are thousands of lights on the trees, and seven flowers bloom." It refers to fireworks, which stretch out like branches when they are sprayed. Since Meng Haoran, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, vividly called it "fire tree", the word "fire tree" has also become synonymous with fireworks.
Fireworks are generally considered to be a festive product developed on the basis of firecrackers. When the earliest fireworks appeared, there is no unified statement at present. But there is no doubt that the real fireworks should appear after the invention of gunpowder. As far as the origin of fireworks is concerned, there was a program of "swallowing a knife and spitting fire" in the performance of hundreds of operas in the Han Dynasty. In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, Xiao Qi also quoted Huainanzi as saying: "The skill of spitting fire with thunder comes from the home of thousands of people" (this article has been lost in this edition of Huainanzi). "Containing thunder" describes the sound of firecrackers, while "spitting fire" describes the effect of spraying. This shows that there was the illusion of "spitting fire" in the Han Dynasty, and this illusion performance of "spitting fire" was the embryonic form of fireworks.
In the Song Dynasty, the fireworks production technology and color categories have reached a considerable level, such as starting a wheel, walking a line, shooting stars, field mice and so on. According to records, Li Waining in Bianjing, Kyoto (now Kaifeng) in the Northern Song Dynasty, Chen Taibao and Xia Daozi in Lin ‘an in the Southern Song Dynasty were all famous fireworks designers and performers. Fireworks had become a folk entertainment commodity at that time, and there were fireworks workshops on the market for sale.
Wu Zimu in the Southern Song Dynasty said in "Dream of Liang Lu in December": "The market is full of tin and spring … and there are explosions and fireworks." The scale of fireworks in the court is very large. According to the careful "Old Wulin Story Yuan Xi", more than 100 fireworks were set off in the palace on the night of the last Yuan Festival, and the "Record of the Old Man’s Numerous Victory in the West Lake" in the Southern Song Dynasty described the situation of "setting off five-color fireworks" among the people and the court. It is said that in Song Lizong, Rizong and the Empress Dowager watched the fireworks being set off in the court, and suddenly a "field mouse" broke into the seat of the Empress Dowager, and the Queen Dowager was scared to panic with bursts of noise and dazzling sparks.
The victory of fireworks in Bianjing, Kyoto in the Northern Song Dynasty is also very famous. Historical records also talk about the emergence of "medicine puppet" or "medicine puppet" at this time, and its specific situation can no longer be tested. Some people say that it is the kind that shows the image of opera in fireworks. In the Southern Song Dynasty, although it was partial, Zhou Mi recorded the scene of Xiaozong watching fireworks in the twelfth year of Chunxi (1185) in "Old Stories of Wulin", saying: "The palace leak was deep, and more than 100 fireworks were set off, so the music was everywhere, and the candles were everywhere, but the driving was still going on." It can be seen that the situation is prosperous. Among the dignitaries, there are many people who set up a hundred pieces of ingenuity and set off fireworks all night for fun.
The fireworks industry in Ming Dynasty developed very rapidly. At the end of Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of Ming Dynasty, Tao Zongyi recorded the scientific formula of fireworks in his book Mo E Xiao Lu. Twenty-two kinds of pyrotechnic formulas such as "Golden Lamps and Silver Platforms", "Bai Mudan", "Matsuzaka Plum", "Aquarius Flower" and "Purple Grape" are listed in the sixth volume of the book. There are many kinds of fireworks in Ming Dynasty. According to Shen Bang’s Miscellaneous Notes of Wan Department, "Those who have voices say that they sound guns; Those who rise high say fire, and those who carry guns in the fire say three waves; If you don’t make a noise, you can’t afford to be a mouse on the ground … "In Ji Sheng at the age of Emperor Jing, in addition to the above names, fireworks such as china pink, Golden Pot Fishing for the Moon, Big Pear Flower and Mud Tube Flower are also introduced. Some books, such as A Brief Introduction to the Scenery of the Imperial Capital, Memories of Taoan Dreams, also talk about varieties such as grape trellis, pearl curtain, ever-burning lamp, wasp leaving the nest and beasts spitting fire.
In the Ming Dynasty, there were not only many kinds of fireworks, but also various ways to release them. In order to increase the lively atmosphere, fireworks are often not set off sporadically one by one, but are combined by tying frames, and all kinds of fireworks are tied to wooden frames in groups, and then connected in sequence with gunpowder lines. Once lit, they are kept for a long time. During the period, lights and meteors of various colors appeared, and from time to time, flowers and birds, pavilions and pavilions appeared, which was very spectacular. As stated in Miscellaneous Notes of Wan Department, "A rich family gathers hundreds of ingenuity on the first day of the Yuan Dynasty, and the heat is transferred at the second time, and it is fun all night."
In the early Ming Dynasty, Qu You (word Zongji) had such a poem: "Smallpox blooms in countless months, and five-color auspicious clouds circle the platform." This also refers to the shelf fireworks, the so-called shelf fireworks, that is, on a ladder, stake or bamboo pole one or two feet high, there is a colorful pavilion like the themoon Moon Temple (or on the tower), and all kinds of fireworks and firecrackers are placed in it. Once lit, it crackled, and from time to time, meteors flew and bright bullets burst, and then thousands of flowers broke out, like dragons leaping, like a phoenix startled, and finally lightning thundered and smallpox blossomed. Perhaps this is the scene described in Qu You’s poems.
At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Ma Shiying also made a special fireworks with an organ and presented it to the emperor. It is said that when it was lit, there was a flying dragon hovering between the temple columns, which was temporarily legendary. "A Dream Record" describes the fireworks in the Lantern Festival in the capital of Liang, saying: "On the fireworks stand, there are ingenious stories, and rabbits are placed vertically. There are names such as fire helmets, fire umbrellas, fire horses, braziers, guns hitting Xiangyang, Wulong taking water, archways, etc. The sound of fireworks is deafening. In front of the two learning palaces, there are high-altitude lanterns, fireworks, fires, water rabbits entering the water and piercing the waves, and people are driven by the wind. There are moon races, high-altitude guns, nine dragons taking water, and nine turns to rise. " The so-called walking rabbit hangs a rabbit-shaped firework on a long line, and after burning, it sprays fire at the tail and runs quickly along the line. When the walking line hangs on the water, the rabbit can dive into the water and then jump out of the water to run to the other end of the line, which is also called "water rabbit enters the water and wears waves". The so-called "fire horse" and so on are filled with pyrotechnics in the shape of lacquered animals. "When moving, hundreds of animals burst into fire and trampled vertically and horizontally." Fireworks are also combined with lion dance, dragon lantern and other forms of entertainment, which is more attractive.
"Tao An Meng Yi" recorded "Lu Fan Fireworks" and said: "When fireworks are set off, the scenery in the lamp is collected as the scenery in the fireworks. The world’s lamp watchers look outside the lamp and fireworks, but they don’t flicker in the lamp, light, shadow, smoke or fire. They don’t know whether it is fireworks in the palace or the palace in the fireworks. " Its wonderful degree can be seen from this.
Jin Ping Mei, known as one of the four wonderful books of Ming Dynasty, depicts the plot of setting off fireworks on the Lantern Festival in the 42nd chapter "Setting off fireworks in front of luxurious doors and enjoying the drunken lanterns on the Lantern Festival". Zhang Dai, a writer in the late Ming Dynasty, described the grand occasion of setting off fireworks in Yanzhou, Shandong Province in his Dream of Taoan Volume II, and recorded the scene of watching lanterns and setting off fireworks and the types of fireworks in Beijing Lantern Festival in the Qing Dynasty. The types of fireworks and the setting-off scenes described in these materials can be described as wonderful and ingenious.
The story of setting off fireworks and firecrackers is also involved in Volume 8 of Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio: "Qingcheng is in Zhongyin, and it is sexual. When he was in charge, Yuanxi tied the donkey with sparks and firecrackers, and the head and tail were full. He led him to the door of the prefect, struck him and invited him, confessing,’ A donkey who offered fire was lucky to get a glimpse.’ When the satrap has a beloved son suffering from acne, he is in a bad mood and resigns. Please ask it in solid. The satrap had to make the man unlock the key. Just open the door, fire the engine and push the donkey in. The knocking donkey was shocked and ran wildly; Fei Huo shoots people again, so people dare not approach. The donkey went into the room, broke the ou and destroyed the retort, the fire turned to dust, and the window screens were all burnt. Family uproar. The pox child was stunned and died all night. The satrap hates it and will uncover it. It’s not necessary for you to go to court in all the schools. "
The variety of fireworks in Qing dynasty was more abundant, and the fireworks manufacturing industry developed further. Lvyuan Li, a Qing Dynasty poet, listed dozens of kinds of fireworks in the 104th chapter of The Road Lights, such as "the combination of the sun and the moon", "two immortals preaching", "five-star couplet beads", "respecting morality and washing horses", "Zhang Xian beating dogs", "a monk turning into a donkey" and "Li Sanniang pushing the mill". There is also a record about fireworks in Yanjing’s Chronicle of the Year: "On the Lantern Festival, there is a banquet in the imperial palace, fireworks are set off, and lights are put on in the shops … Fireworks shed makes all kinds of fireworks, which are competitive and curious, including boxes, flower pots, fireworks poles, thread-pierced peony, water-watered lotus, golden plate falling on the moon, grape trellis, two kicks, flying ten rings, five ghosts making a noise, and octagonal. In the Qing Dynasty, fireworks were set off in combination with scaffolding, and there was also a "combined device setting method", that is to say, two or even dozens or hundreds of fireworks were set off "coincidentally into a drama".
Zhao Yi described watching this kind of fireworks in the fifteenth year of Qianlong (1705) in Zhan Exposed Miscellanies, saying: "The medicine thread was ignited, and the results were painted in five colors. Dozens of fireworks, each of which will be finished, will burn out pagodas and pavilions, and dozens of caged pigeons and magpies will fly out by fire. The fireworks are so loud that the sound is like thunder, and the candle is half empty, but seeing millions of red fish jumping in the sea of clouds is a wonder of the world. " In the Qing Dynasty, there was also a monograph describing the production technology of fireworks-A Brief Introduction to Fireworks, which introduced in detail the discharge principle, raw material preparation, production techniques, operating procedures and other matters. Zhao Xuemin, the author, has carefully inspected the fireworks workshop. This book can be said to be a summary of the experience of fireworks production at that time, and it still has high reference value today.

NiNi’s fashion blockbusters are flowing out, and the seaweed curly hair makeup is exquisite and charming, and the lazy state is absolutely casual.

Recently, some netizens showed that Ni Ni appeared on the cover of "ELLE" and wrote: "Everything is so beautiful and safe with a romantic and gentle atmosphere."

In the photo, NiNi has a retro seaweed curly hair with exquisite makeup, full of poetry, fashion and sexy, giving people unlimited imagination. I saw NiNi wearing a spotted one-piece skirt and lying lazily on the sofa, which seemed to create a sleeping atmosphere. This casual and leisurely state gives people a good feeling of enjoying the present life.

In another photo, NiNi is lounging in a vintage chair. Her curly hair hangs down beside the chair, her skin is fair and smooth, her small waist is hidden and visible, and her graceful figure is clearly visible. I saw that she was wearing a sexy white gauze dress with white socks, which presented the hazy beauty of women just right.

Earlier, at the 35th Golden Rooster Awards held in Xiamen, Fujian Province, NiNi was in a good state in a bright green dress. This time, she was nominated for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress for her superb acting in The Long Confession.

Previously, The Long Confessions, the ultimate aesthetic love movie directed by Lv Zhang, brought together outstanding actors such as NiNi, Edward Zhang and Xin Baiqing, which was highly anticipated. The film tells the story that beginning of winter once admired a woman named Achuan when she was a teenager. After nearly 20 years of deep love, they met again. This deep-seated love is also a growing story in the pursuit of love in her hometown. Not long ago, at the Golden Rooster Awards Ceremony, "Long Confessions" was nominated for the best small and medium-sized feature film in the 35th Golden Rooster Awards of China, which really deserved it!

As for NiNi’s nomination for the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress, many netizens have said: Ni Ni can fulfill her promise. Because in the background of the 32nd Golden Rooster Awards, NiNi refused to be interviewed because she was not nominated. At that time, she bluntly said: "I don’t have any works, and I don’t have the confidence to be interviewed. When I am nominated, I will do it for you."

We hope to see more of her wonderful works.

Internship Editor Bie Bixiong

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